
Anxious! Xiaoshan's 1-year-old little girl was locked in her home, and her cries gradually weakened...

Source: Xiaoshan Daily

At about 11 o'clock on October 29, Xu Liefeng, a community police officer at the Chengxiang Police Station, received the masses at the Taiping Lane Community Police Office. Suddenly, a big mother ran into the police office in a panic, took Xu Liefeng's hand and said, "Think of a way, my little granddaughter is locked up at home, she is only 1 year old!" ”

"Uncle is coming soon"

The eldest mother, surnamed Wei, 54 years old, from Anhui, helps her son and daughter-in-law with children in the community.

At the time of the incident, Aunt Wei went out to take out the garbage, thinking that it was downstairs, she left the door open without a key, and when she returned, she found that the door was blown by the wind.

There was only a little granddaughter in the family, only 1 year old, and she cried in it.

The situation was urgent, and Xu Liefeng immediately rushed to the scene with Aunt Wei. Along the way, while comforting Aunt Wei, he contacted the unlocking master, and at the same time reported the situation to the police station, and linked the 119 fire brigade to come to deal with it.

The little girl's home is located on the 4th floor, and the little girl's miserable cries can be heard from outside the door, which is heart-wrenching. Xu Liefeng squatted down and shouted into the crack of the door: "Don't cry, don't cry, uncle will come right away." ”

Anxious! Xiaoshan's 1-year-old little girl was locked in her home, and her cries gradually weakened...

In order to speed up the rescue, Xu Liefeng decided to take the risk of trying, he first knocked on the door of the opposite house, and when he saw that no one answered, he immediately went downstairs and ran to the next unit to knock on the door. After explaining his intentions, the head of the household took Xu Liefeng to the balcony.

The balcony of Aunt Wei's house is far from here, and the window next to it is installed with anti-theft windows on the outside, which cannot be climbed.

This road is not passable, Xu Liefeng had to turn back to find another way, at this time the little girl's cry has weakened, Xu Liefeng once again crouched down across the door to comfort the little girl in the house, and talked to her to divert her attention: "Uncle buy cake for you to eat well, cake to uncle to bring you in..."

Time passed minute by minute, and the little girl could have an accident at any time in the door.

Xu Liefeng considered breaking the door, but judging from the little girl's crying, she was likely to be right behind the door, and breaking the door in a hurry might hurt the little girl. At this time, the firefighters also rushed to the scene, and the crowd carefully pried the door open.

Anxious! Xiaoshan's 1-year-old little girl was locked in her home, and her cries gradually weakened...

Sure enough, the little girl was right behind the door, and as soon as the door opened, it pounced out, and Xu Liefeng and Aunt Wei quickly stepped forward and hugged her

Seeing that the little girl was safe and sound, the crowd finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Perhaps too excited, Aunt Wei casually closed the door that had just been pried open. The auxiliary police and firefighters had to help her open the door again...

Before leaving, Xu Liefeng repeatedly told Aunt Wei that he must not be so careless in the future, and Aunt Wei also hugged the little girl and promised one after another, and thanked the police and firefighters: "We thank my uncle and say goodbye to my uncle." ”

Anxious! Xiaoshan's 1-year-old little girl was locked in her home, and her cries gradually weakened...

Xiaoshan police also reminded parents that they should not leave their young children alone at home or in a room that is easily locked and trapped, and remember to bring the key when going out. For slightly older children, targeted education should be strengthened, so that children understand that random locking doors, climbing windows and other actions will bring terrible consequences.

Source/Xiaoshan Public Security

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