
Everyone who was touched by "Wansheng Homecoming" was deceived by this Taiwanese woman!

author:World Wide Web New Media
Everyone who was touched by "Wansheng Homecoming" was deceived by this Taiwanese woman!
"The Biggest Scam in Taiwanese Publishing History"

The best-selling book and documentary "Wan Sheng Homecoming" once touched the whole of Taiwan, and Shika Tanaka, who is also the author and producer, has earned countless Tears of Taiwanese, but now he has become the target of public criticism because of his life fraud.

Everyone who was touched by "Wansheng Homecoming" was deceived by this Taiwanese woman!

"Wansheng Homecoming" by Shika Tanaka

The so-called "Bay Life" refers to the Japanese who immigrated to Taiwan during the colonial period, and their descendants were born in Taiwan and were sent back to Japan after the war, which has a certain cultural discrimination in Japan. In 2015, Tanaka Shika won the Golden Tripod Award for "Non-Literary Books" with "Wansheng Homecoming", and the documentary was also shortlisted for the Golden Horse Award, and its "Wansheng background" touched many Taiwanese and made the public believe in his works.

According to Taiwan's "China Times" reported on January 2, Tanaka Shika was revealed by the Japanese media half a month ago that she was not a descendant of Taiwan-Japan mixed Gulf, but she still insisted that her grandmother Tanaka Sakuradai was born in Hualien; later, her mother said that she was born in Kaohsiung, a native of Kaohsiung, and she could not realize herself. On January 1, Shika Tanaka issued an apology through The Toryo Press, saying that Sakurashiro Tanaka did have someone who was a Japanese Bayo she met at the station in her junior year of high school. At that time, Sakurayo Tanaka came to The stage with her housekeeper, and after meeting Shika Tanaka, she felt that she was very similar to her daughter Yoko, who died in childbirth, and Shika's birthday happened to be Yoko's death day, so Sakuradai Tanaka regarded her as a granddaughter. Later, Sakurashiro Tanaka sponsored Shigeru Tanaka to study in Japan, France and the United States, "but I didn't grow up, and I didn't finish my studies." In her statement, she admitted that the resumes written in the two works "Wansheng Homecoming" and "My Home in the South" "graduated from the Fine Arts Department of the City College of Art in New York" were also fake.

Everyone who was touched by "Wansheng Homecoming" was deceived by this Taiwanese woman!

Screenshot of Taiwan's "Zhongshi Electronic News"

As for why she wanted to make "Wansheng Homecoming", Tanaka Shika said that after the death of Sakuradai Tanaka, she helped Sakura's friends of Yasuo to come back to find a home, find relatives and receive household transcripts, "only then did she deeply understand why Sakurayo Tanaka and the housekeeper and his wife used to return to Taiwan every year, so they decided to do something for her." At the end of the apology statement, Tanaka Shijia said, "Wansheng's story is true, their love for Taiwan is also true, and the entanglement and emotion between Taiwan and Japan are even more real." Don't be obliterated by my personal problems."

Wang Rongwen, chairman of Yuanliu, said that before that, The Yuanliu team always believed that Tanaka Shijia did not falsify, and she later admitted "because she told a lie." So take bigger lies to round it up." Wang Rongwen revealed on his face that Tanaka Shijia was a native of Kaohsiung and his real name was Chen Xuanru.

Everyone who was touched by "Wansheng Homecoming" was deceived by this Taiwanese woman!

"Wansheng Homecoming" written by Shika Tanaka has sold more than 50,000 copies so far and won the "Golden Tripod Award" prize of NT$150,000. Taiwan's "National Education Institute" also listed "Wansheng Coming Home" as a supplementary teaching material for students. After she admitted to the news of the fraud, the book was called "the biggest scam in Taiwanese publishing history." On the evening of January 1, the Yuanliu Publishing House, which published the book, held an emergency meeting, but it was still unable to determine whether to remove the books from the shelves and recycle the books in the field. Taiwan's Ministry of Culture responded that it would invite experts in the field of publishing to discuss whether authorship really had an impact on the value judgment of works shortlisted for the Golden Tripod Award. You Kaixiong, vice chairman of the Consumer Foundation, believes that if the author falsifies the "descendants of the bay" to attract consumers to buy books, the suspected advertisement is untrue, and the consumer can ask for a refund.

Writer Liu Kexiang once wrote a recommendation for Tanaka's "My Home in the South". He said that seeing Tanaka's apology statement "shocked the whole afternoon" and frightened that he "did not dare to help people recommend new books in the future." According to the Lianhe Bao, Tanaka Shika held more than 300 speeches on Taiwan and Japan, and the venue was full, and many people cried and left. Liu Said some Taiwanese have "excessively beautiful imaginations" of Japan's colonial period, so they tolerate flaws and lies. Writer Chen Fangming wrote that "Wansheng Homecoming" does express the nostalgia of the second generation of Japanese immigrants, while evoking the nostalgia of the previous generation of Taiwanese, "which is the main reason why the documentary is popular." Shika Tanaka took advantage of this nostalgia to make films." He criticized the incident as not just identity forgery, "it is the use of Taiwanese people's historical amnesia to give the lie room to exist."