
County-level city out of 14 academicians Why is Dongyang in Zhejiang "rich" in scholars?

author:China News Network
County-level city out of 14 academicians Why is Dongyang in Zhejiang "rich" in scholars?

Dongyang, Zhejiang. Photo by Bao Kangxuan

Jinhua, September 18 (China News Network) -- On April 30, 1986, Yan Keats, one of the pioneers of modern physics research in China and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, was invited to return to his alma mater, Dongyang Middle School in Zhejiang Province, to give a speech to all teachers and students with his own experience of studying. At that time, Pan Jianwei, who was listening to the speech offstage, was still in his second year of high school.

Influenced by Yan Keats, Pan Jianwei opened his own pursuit of physics and became a leader in quantum technology in China.

History is always "coincidental". In 1998, Pan Jianwei was invited to return to his alma mater to give a popular science lecture. His depiction of the quantum world greatly shocked Lu Chaoyang, who was also in his second year of high school. After his own efforts, Lu Chaoyang finally joined Pan Jianwei's team. Today, he is one of the youngest people at the forefront of international quantum science.

Dongyang, where the above story occurred, has a "wonderful" point: according to official statistics, as of now, there are 14 academicians from Dongyang, more than 100 presidents and heads of scientific research institutes, more than 1,300 doctors, and more than 10,000 professors and associate professors.

Why is this county-level city in central Zhejiang "rich" in scholars?

The inheritance "secret" of "Dongyang Masheng" hometown

Since ancient times, Dongyang has had the tradition of "rejuvenating learning and re-teaching, and studying diligently". Song Lian, the founding scholar of the Ming Dynasty of China, wrote "Sending Dongyang Horse Birth Order" that has been popular for hundreds of years. Historically, there are 305 dongyang jinshi inscriptions.

County-level city out of 14 academicians Why is Dongyang in Zhejiang "rich" in scholars?

In Dongyang Middle School in Zhejiang Province, the statues of Yan Keats, Golden Buddha Zhuang and Wang Tiwu stand quietly. Photo by Zhang Bin

Many locals believe that there are many people in Dongyang and there are few people, and people can only make a living by reading and learning crafts. Under the "forced", Dongyang gradually has the reputation of "the hometown of education".

But there are many places where resource endowments are inherently insufficient, why is Dongyang so special?

The reporter of China News Network found that the local inheritance article that people take the initiative to do a good job of "linking" is the "secret" of disclosure.

Yan Keats, Jin Fozhuang, Wang Tiwu, Pan Jianwei, Lu Chaoyang... In Dongyang Middle School, the alma mater of many Dongyang celebrities, there are two school gates with a sense of age, which are "reproduced" from the 1970s and 1990s.

"Our school has a history of 110 years, and the campus has undergone several changes. In 2019, the school rebuilt these two gates in the hope of helping alumni to regain their 'memories' with their alma mater and hometown. Du Xinyang, member of the party committee of dongyang municipal education bureau, secretary of the party committee and principal of Dongyang Middle School, said.

In 1986, Du Xinyang, who was about to take the college entrance examination, and Pan Jianwei listened to Yan Keats's speech offstage.

Du Xinyang still remembers that the old scholar encouraged everyone to do scholarship and be "brave and ambitious, good at seeking truth from facts", and "high in vision", that is to say, the vision should be high, the pattern should be large, and the goal should be far-reaching, but the attitude should be humble, the thinking should be meticulous, and the work should be down-to-earth.

"We aspire to be exceptional, but we are determined to start with ordinary middle school students; we aspire to create brilliant results, but we strive to start with the small things of daily life." The entrustment of the old school has now evolved into the student oath of "making great ambitions and starting small things" in Dongyang Middle School.

In the view of Chen Jiaqi, a high school sophomore, the deeds of many alumni have consolidated the self-confidence of students. "I'm interested in physics. Our school is full of talents in physics, which makes me plant a 'seed' in my heart. When you encounter setbacks, you will think of them and regain your self-confidence. ”

"Under the school's arrangement, my classmates and I went to the University of Science and Technology of China this summer and saw a lot of cutting-edge equipment. Although I am relatively shallow in learning physics such as quanta now, I will go deeper step by step. Si Yikai, a sophomore at Dongyang Middle School, said.

In the curriculum design of Dongyang Middle School, the "Dongyang Hundred Workers" course group allows students to personally perceive traditional skills such as Dongyang wood carving; the regular Yixing activities held every year allow students to walk more than ten kilometers to understand the history and culture of their hometown; and organize students to go to Huining and other places in Gansu province in the summer to carry out the "three rural" research red tour... Let the students who are about to go to all corners of the world know more about their hometown and country, which has become an important part of the inheritance.

"Education is the inheritance of civilization. Now we invite alumni to come back every year to give students a report, organize students to visit and study in well-known universities and research institutes where alumni are located, and 'one generation cultivates one generation'. Du Xinyang said.

The hometown of "solidarity" and wanderers

In Dongyang, the inheritance of home and country feelings is not only on campus, but also in a wider interpretation.

County-level city out of 14 academicians Why is Dongyang in Zhejiang "rich" in scholars?

Two gates rebuilt by Dongyang Middle School in Zhejiang Province. Photo by Zhang Bin

This year, more than 6,900 people in Dongyang were admitted to university. On the occasion of the new semester, the local representatives of Toyo University freshmen held the "2021 Toyo University Freshman First Class".

Fu Xianming, vice mayor of Jinhua City and secretary of the Dongyang Municipal CPC Committee, with the theme of "Home, Country, and Feelings", encouraged young students to "be born in a prosperous world, to live up to the prosperity of the world", to always live up to the aspirations of Qingyun, to always maintain the heart of a child who is down-to-earth and firm, diligent and tenacious, to take every step well, and to strive to be the communicator of a beautiful hometown, the practitioner of "diligence, courage, tenacity and righteousness" (the five characteristics of Dongyang people), and the successful person on the avenue of study.

At the event, the local government sent gifts to the university freshmen, including a piece of "Dongbai Mountain Soil" and a bottle of "Hengjin Qingshui" in Dongyang. In addition, the relevant departments also pushed the information of college freshmen to the Dongyang People's Association in various places, so that young students can find a "sense of belonging" in a foreign land.

Hometown cares for wanderers, and wanderers forget their hometown, which has become the most essential feature of Dongyang's heritage articles.

The relevant person in charge of the United Front Work Department of the Dongyang Municipal CPC Committee said that at present, there are more than 300,000 people in Outer Dongyang, and 39 Dongyang People's Friendship Associations (Chambers of Commerce) are constantly closely related to the hometown of the wanderers. At the same time, the local government also continues to implement the "health contact card for relatives of xiangxian in foreign villages" system, and normalizes medical security services such as door-to-door physical examinations and green channels for inpatient parents.

The 55 education funds spread over Dongyang's urban and rural areas with a total amount of more than 800 million yuan (RMB, the same below) have become vivid examples of wanderers " feeding back".

Taking the earliest Established Wang Tiwu Scholarship as an example, 31 years ago, Wang Tiwu, the founder of Taiwan's Lianhe Bao, a native of Dongyang, established a scholarship in Dongyang, and has so far distributed more than 15 million yuan and moisturized 26,000 people.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Talent Office of the Dongyang Municipal Party Committee, the number of talents in Dongyang is large, the level is high, the distribution is widespread, the strength is strong, the integration with the industry is close, and the sense of service is strong, with the help of the World Dongyang People Development Conference, etc., the local has built an effective platform for "wanderers" to understand their hometown and return to their hometown.

County-level city out of 14 academicians Why is Dongyang in Zhejiang "rich" in scholars?

New students at Toyo University were given gifts from their hometown. Photo by Bao Kangxuan

According to the data, since the first World Dongyang People Development Conference in 2017, 49 industrial projects brought to Dongyang by the return of Xiangxian, with a total investment of 34.168 billion yuan.

For example, with the help of a group of Dongyang scholars represented by Wu Gang, vice president of Southeast University, Dongyang and Southeast University reached an agreement on comprehensive scientific and technological cooperation in the field of architecture to help the transformation and upgrading of local industries.

From September 19th to 20th, the 3rd World Dongyang People Development Conference 2021, focusing on "economy + technology", will be held locally, and 100 university presidents, 100 scientists, 100 professors, 100 industrialists and some special invitees will be invited to attend.

Under the background of Zhejiang's high-quality development and construction of a common prosperity demonstration zone, Fu Xianming expressed his hope that with this conference, more Dongyang Xiangxian will be promoted to care about and participate in the development and construction of their hometown, and gather greater forces to promote the high-quality development of Dongyang. (End)

Source: China News Network

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