
Cai Weimin: Write life with "four hearts"

author:Wuxi Intermediate People's Court

From the green of the barracks to the gray of the court, what has changed is the costume, and what has not changed is the original intention; from the artillery commanders and fighters to the court clerks, what has changed is the occupation, and what has not changed is the mission. From the army to the court, he faithfully performed the sacred duties entrusted by the law, adhered to the persistent pursuit of fairness and justice, profoundly interpreted the unchanging feelings for the people with sincere love, and integrated selfless dedication into his words and deeds in his work. He is the fourth-level director of the Supervision Department of the Wuxi Intermediate People's Court - Cai Weimin.

Cai Weimin, male, 41 years old, member of the Communist Party of China, from Yifeng, Jiangxi. As a "newcomer" to the legal profession in the court, his deeds are not earth-shattering, but ordinary breeds nobility, and small shows greatness. He practiced the purpose of serving the people with a complete sincerity in legal work, safeguarded judicial credibility with practical actions, and contributed to the construction of the unit with a strong sense of responsibility. After working in the court for just a few years, he has won the honors of judicial service pacesetter and outstanding communist party member in the city's courts, and in 2021, he was rated as an advanced model of 100 political and legal cadres and policemen in the province.

Open-mindedness: "The future still needs to work hard"

"Some people say that I transferred from a regimental cadre to an ordinary clerk in the court and 'laid hands' for others, which is not worth it." Cai Weimin said with a smile, "No matter what position you are in, you serve the people, and my parents named me 'for the people' which also means this." Achievements belong to the past, and the future still needs to be worked on. I love the law and want to be a legal person. ”

Cai Weimin: Write life with "four hearts"

Cai Weimin was once an excellent commander and fighter in a group army unit, and a green uniform accompanied him through 19 spring and autumn seasons. In 2016, when he was transferred from a deputy regimental officer to the Wuxi Intermediate People's Court, he was engaged in clerk work at the window of the case filing court. However, Cai Weimin had no complaints about this and resolutely obeyed the organizational arrangements. During the two years that he worked at the case filing window, he devoted himself to his work, and he continued to carry forward the fine work style of the troops, which was particularly able to endure hardships and fight, and not only completed such matters as court records, service of documents, and filing and filing of documents, but also took over other complicated tasks such as foreign-related service at the case filing window and case filing and examination. For two years, he went to work early and postponed work every day, and he was proactive in his work, showing his valuable character of indifferent fame and fortune, hard work and selfless dedication with his silent actions.

Cai Weimin: Write life with "four hearts"

"Cai Weimin never rests at noon, and after eating lunch every day, he directly enters the working state. He is rigorous and meticulous in his work, highly responsible, and the materials he handles during his work in the case filing division are of high quality and error-free. Zhang Hui, president of the first division of the Wuxi Intermediate People's Court, spoke highly of Cai Weimin.

Perseverance: "Do your best for your dreams"

Comrade Cai Weimin is well aware that the work of the court is extremely professional, and it is extremely challenging for him to do a good job in judicial law enforcement work as a "layman" with zero foundation in law.

A paper appointment made him a member of the court family and realized the transformation of military personnel into legal personnel.

"After I went to the court, I truly realized that 'interlacing is like a mountain'. Although I love the law, hobbies and engagement are completely different concepts. Cai Weimin said, "To be honest, when I first came to work in the case filing division, I was really hit hard, and many legal terms I think are 'heavenly books'." Even if you ask a colleague, some of your knowledge is still half-understood'. For the sake of their legal dreams, they must do their best. ”

Cai Weimin: Write life with "four hearts"

Cai Weimin is not discouraged, he knows that to strike iron is to be hard, in order to realize the dream of being a qualified legal person, it is necessary to pay. He internalized his persistent pursuit of fairness and justice as a driving force for learning, purchased a large number of legal books such as civil law, criminal law, and administrative law, signed up for online training courses, slept and forgot to eat, and quickly accumulated legal knowledge from scratch. He insisted on applying what he had learned, and in his work, especially in the reception work at the window, he did a good job of judicial guidance and interpretation of the law for the masses and lawyers who came to file cases and consult, and improved the quality of judicial services for the people. In September 2017, less than a year after he joined the company, he successfully passed the national judicial examination and obtained a legal professional qualification certificate. But he still did not relax in learning, he continued to do in the middle of the work, in the school, a wide range of business knowledge, and constantly enrich and improve the ability and quality. He was no longer satisfied with the general work of a clerk, and took the initiative to ask for more and more difficult tasks, handling and responding to more demands of the masses.

In 2018, due to the needs of work, Cai Weimin was adjusted from the position of clerk of the case filing division to the supervision office to engage in discipline inspection and supervision work. In the face of new work arrangements and challenges, Cai Weimin "took a step forward from the beginning" and began to learn and explore the inspection business, and with a lot of energy, he quickly became familiar with the work of the Supervision Office.

Patience: "Empathetic thinking is the magic weapon of petitioning work"

During his work in the Supervision Office, Comrade Cai Weimin engaged in the handling of letters and visits. In recent years, the political and legal system has continuously increased the intensity of the anti-corruption campaign, and during the education and rectification of the contingent, special hotlines for complaints and reports have been set up to actively accept supervision, and various factors have led to the high-level operation of petitions and reports. Cai Weimin often receives telephone calls during the day, handles complaints and reports at night, works overtime to verify the problems reflected in the reports, and communicates with other departments on the solution of law-related and litigation-related problems.

Cai Weimin believes that "the work of petitioning is indeed very difficult, but it is more difficult for the parties involved in the petition than we are. It is necessary to think in a different position, maintain patience, and be anxious about the anxieties of the masses; this is the magic weapon for doing a good job in the work of petitioning. Therefore, in the interview, he can be warmly received, patiently listen to their opinions and situations, and actively coordinate the relevant departments of the two levels of courts to solve and respond to the demands of the parties as much as possible, and solve one practical problem after another.

Cai Weimin: Write life with "four hearts"

In April this year, Lawyer Zhang of a law firm in Shanghai called a hotline to complain: "In an appeal case I represented, two parties jointly appealed, and they both received a notice from the court to pay the appeal fee in advance. In the joint appeal, it is not legal and unreasonable for two parties to pay two legal fees! And today is the final payment date, one of the parties is unable to pay for financial reasons, there is a risk of automatic withdrawal of appeal, please help resolve as soon as possible. After receiving the complaint, Cai Weimin immediately communicated with the functional departments, learned that the petitioner misunderstood the policy of prepayment of the wuxi court's litigation fees, and immediately communicated with Lawyer Zhang to explain, after which he paid the litigation fees in accordance with the regulations, and the case was heard normally. Mr. Zhang expressed his gratitude to the court for its prompt and efficient handling and reply.

Similar things abound, although it seems to be a small matter, but for the masses are anxious big things, so Cai Weimin always fully considers the law, reason, and feelings when handling the petitioning work, and tries his best to let the parties feel the hardness of the law at the same time, but also feel the temperature of the judiciary.

Publicity: "Enforcing discipline according to rules is the principle of supervision work"

Handling problem leads is another extremely important task that Cai Weimin is engaged in at the Inspectorate. Comrade Cai Weimin has always held that the verification of clues is an extremely serious matter, and it is necessary to be highly responsible, maintain a public spirit and enforce discipline according to the rules, and dare to perform duties with dedication, which is the principle of discipline inspection and supervision work. In the investigation and handling of problem clues, he never let go of a single clue, and the most difficult clues he also investigated and verified in the spirit of gnawing hard bones, restored the truth of the facts, and put forward suggestions for disposal. In supervising the implementation of the work, Comrade Cai Weimin is more to clarify the problems of the cadres and policemen and return their innocence.

Cai Weimin: Write life with "four hearts"

In 2020, petitioner Jiang reported everywhere that when a cadre and police officer of the court participated in the management of the industry committee in his community, he instructed the security guards of the community to extort money from many owners, and said that after reporting the case to the public security organs, the public security organs summoned a number of personnel to record confessions, and the matter should also be determined. Because the petitioner's statement is only a single dialect word that needs to be confirmed, involving a large number of people, it is more difficult to verify. Comrade Cai Weimin was not afraid of trouble, he handled all kinds of investigation procedures, went to the police station where the informant was located, the relevant anti-gang crime office and other units to investigate and understand the situation, visited relevant personnel in the community, and finally found out that the extortion of the security guards in the community was true, but it was not directed by the court cadres and police. Jiang's report is actually out of personal grievances, and the problem of reporting is untrue. Jiang admitted in front of the facts that the problems he reflected were only speculations, and expressed satisfaction with the court's investigation and feedback, and did not complain again since then.

"There is no best job, only better. Doing my best to do what I'm doing is the goal of my work. This is a sentence often said by Cai Weimin, simple and natural, reflecting the judicial feelings of a court cadre and policeman.

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