
Retired cadre Chen Qiming: At that time, the secretary of the Jingshan County Party Committee and the county magistrate went to the countryside to investigate, and one person rode a horse

author:Weijing Mountain

In the autumn, I climbed Huiting Mountain on the southern outskirts of Jingshan Mountain, and I was pleasant to see the scenery and the mountains and rivers. Looking around, the Changjing Railway runs through the whole territory, and the beautiful landscapes are everywhere. The mountain city is lined with high-rise buildings and mushrooms.

Retired cadre Chen Qiming: At that time, the secretary of the Jingshan County Party Committee and the county magistrate went to the countryside to investigate, and one person rode a horse

Lin Tao's fluttering and autumn wind gusted, awakening my sleeping memories. 50 years ago, I was assigned from the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee to Jingzhou, and from Jingzhou to Jingshan, I carried a backpack, walked for three days, walked to Jingshan and asked where is Jingshan? At that time, there was only one street in the mountain town, and there were bomb craters left by the bombing of Japanese planes. The low, low city walls are marked by bullets from the liberation of Jingshan. I am assigned to the office of the County Finance and Economic Committee.

At that time, the director of the Finance Commission was Peng Youde, secretary of the county party committee, and Wu Chuanyi, the county governor. There were only three people in the office: Jin Fuhua, Gu Fanghui and me. In addition to working during the day, we often drove night trains at night, when the county leaders went to meetings and we had to prepare materials. Jin Fuhua is the secretary and I am the officer. In the evening, I wrote the materials, Secretary Jin reviewed and reviewed the final draft, I carved the steel plate, pushed the mimeograph, until it was bound into a document, and it was already dawn. Take a short break and go to work as usual. Secretary Jin attended many meetings, and he was even more selfless.

At that time, Secretary Peng and Governor Wu County each had only one horse. Once, Governor Wu and I went to Luodian, Madian, and Renhedian to inspect the work. The governor of Wu County walked like me, but when he was tired of walking, the correspondent helped him to get on his horse and ride for a while. More than half of the time is spent in the fields, accompanied by local cadres, to understand the situation and carry out work.

When Deputy County Governor Yang Zizhong went to the Red Flag Brigade with me, he learned that a village cadre was stabbed by rusty iron and suffered tetanus while ploughing the fields.

Retired cadre Chen Qiming: At that time, the secretary of the Jingshan County Party Committee and the county magistrate went to the countryside to investigate, and one person rode a horse

Fifty spring and autumn have passed. The governors of Wu County and Jin County have become ancient. But the glorious image of their Communists will always live in my heart.

Yang County, who served as secretary at the Sichuan Jiangyou Special Steel Factory, has now retired. The fine style and traditions of these old leaders are still fresh in my memory and are an example for me to learn from.

Retired cadre Chen Qiming: At that time, the secretary of the Jingshan County Party Committee and the county magistrate went to the countryside to investigate, and one person rode a horse

The soft autumn sun caressed my gully-filled forehead, and the gentle autumn wind stirred my gray hair. Thoughts pulled their eyes back to their eyes, and they had changed dramatically. Why sigh whiteheads. I am pleased that this mountain city is thriving with each passing day. Under the leadership of the party, the people of Jingshan rode on the spring breeze of reform and opening up and forged ahead.

(The author Chen Qiming, a retired veteran cadre of Jingshan)

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