
The high-tech zone successfully completed the election of delegates to the Fifth Congress of the Communist Party of China in Ziyang City

author:Nine factions view the world

In accordance with the Constitution of the Communist Party of China, the Regulations on the Election of Local Organizations of the Communist Party of China, and the relevant provisions and requirements, on the morning of November 6, the High-tech Zone held a representative meeting of the Ziyang High-tech Industrial Park of the Communist Party of China, and elected 9 delegates to the Fifth Congress of the Communist Party of China in Ziyang City. All members of the Party Working Committee of the High-tech Zone, representatives of party members of the party committee of the organ, the party committee of Songtao Town, the party working committee of Lion Mountain Street, the comprehensive party committee of the park enterprises and the party committee of the high-tech investment group attended the meeting. Deng Jihong, secretary of the Party Working Committee, presided over the meeting.

The high-tech zone successfully completed the election of delegates to the Fifth Congress of the Communist Party of China in Ziyang City

The general assembly shall be composed of 126 delegates, and the actual number shall be 116, which shall meet the prescribed number. In order to create a clean and healthy election atmosphere, strictly enforce election discipline, and ensure the successful completion of the election work, a collective talk on discipline in serious election work was held before the election, and a warning education film entitled "Alarm Bells Ring" was intensively watched.

The high-tech zone successfully completed the election of delegates to the Fifth Congress of the Communist Party of China in Ziyang City

In accordance with the prescribed procedures, the deputies attending the meeting fully exercised their democratic rights, deliberated and adopted the "Election Measures (Draft)", the list of proposals of the director voters and the scrutineers, voted and approved the list of candidates for the fifth party congress of the high-tech zone to attend the fifth party congress of the city, and elected by secret ballot 9 representatives of the high-tech zone attending the Fifth Party Congress of Ziyang City.

Source: Zhu Tao Liu Songlin


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