
Why historians refer to emperor Xiaozong's reign as the reign of the Ming Dynasty

author:Lu Kaohsiung

Emperor Mingxiaozong Zhu Youxian was the son of Emperor Mingxianzong Zhu Jianshen, Zhu Jianshen was the son of Emperor Mingyingzong Zhu Qizhen, Zhu Qizhen was the son of Emperor Mingxuanzong Zhu Qiji, Zhu Zhengji was the son of Emperor Mingrenzong Zhu Gaoji, Zhu Gaozi was the son of Emperor Mingchengzu Zhu Di, Zhu Di was the son of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, so it was calculated that Emperor Mingxiaozong Zhu Youzhen should be the eighth emperor of Daming, and two zhu family members sat on the throne, one was Zhu Yuanzhang's grandson, the son of Crown Prince Zhu Biao, the jianwen emperor Zhu Yunjiao, reigned for four years. Second, Emperor Yingzong's younger brother Emperor Jingtai Emperor Zhu Qiyu was captured and replaced his brother as emperor for eight years.

Why historians refer to emperor Xiaozong's reign as the reign of the Ming Dynasty

Zhu Yuanzhang was born in cloth clothes, and after the southern conquest of the northern war to establish the Ming Dynasty, and then the reform of Zhu Di laid a solid foundation for the Daming Jiangshan, and then to the rule of Ren and Xuanzhi, it can be described as the heyday of daming. However, in the year of Yingzong's orthodoxy, the situation took a sharp turn for the worse. In the tenth year of Xuande, Emperor Xuanzong of Ming fell ill and died, and the crown prince Zhu Qizhen took the throne as Emperor Yingzong. In the same year, the eunuch Wang Zhen became the head of the ceremonial supervisor, recruited power and bribed, and opened the chaotic government of the eunuchs in the Ming Dynasty. In the seventh year of orthodoxy, the empress dowager died of illness, and Wang Zhen became more authoritarian. In the same year, the Yao and Zhuang people in the Datengxia area of Guangxi revolted. In the twelfth year of orthodoxy, the Fujian miners revolted. In the thirteenth year of orthodoxy, the Miao people of Huguang and Guizhou revolted. In the fourteenth year of orthodoxy, Mobei also led the Wa thorn army to attack Datong, and Wang Zhen threatened Emperor Yingzong to personally march and was captured at Tumu Fort. Later Emperor Yingzong's brother Zhu Qiyu oversaw the state, that is, the throne, and changed his name to Yuan Jingtai. In October, he also led his troops to attack Beijing, and Shangshu Yuqian led the army and the people to resist and defend the city of Beijing. In the first year of Jingtai, the Wa Thorn Army was defeated again, and the strange goods had no place to live, so they had to send Yingzong back to Beijing and Ju nangong. In the eighth year of Jingtai, Shi Heng and Xu Youzhen changed the door, and Ying Yingzong was restored to the throne and changed to Yuan Tianshun; in the same year, Yu Qian was killed. In the second year of Tianshun, Shi Heng plotted a rebellion, was defeated, and was beheaded in the city. In the fifth year of Tianshun, the eunuch Cao Jixiang and his heir Cao Qin rebelled and were killed by zhen. Earlier, the university scholar Li Xianyu told Emperor Yingzong that Cao and Shi Shi just wanted to borrow His Majesty's name to become rich and noble, and they did not have the idea of protecting the society. Li Xian also tasted: Since the ancient rule of the dynasty, there has not been anyone who does not open the way. Only those who commit adultery and evil will attack themselves, and they will want to block them, so that they will want to do wrong. Emperor Wen gradually felt humble and wronged, and began to hate Shi Heng and others. In the eighth year of Tianshun, Emperor Yingzong died, and the crown prince Zhu Jianshen took the throne, which was for Emperor Xianzong and changed to Yuan chenghua. In the first year of Chenghua, the uprising of the displaced people in Xiangyang, Hubei Province, and the uprising of the Yao people in Datengxia were later suppressed. In the sixth year of Chenghua, the displaced people of Xiangyang revolted again. For nine years, the Mongolian Tatars disturbed the border... From the orthodoxy of Emperor Yingzong to the chenghua of Emperor Xianzong, the Ming Dynasty was in danger and almost collapsed.

Why historians refer to emperor Xiaozong's reign as the reign of the Ming Dynasty

In the twenty-third year of Chenghua, Emperor Xianzong fell ill and died, and the crown prince Zhu Youfan took the throne as Emperor Xiaozong and changed his name to Yuan Hongzhi. As soon as Emperor Xiaozong came to power, he took the monks, Taoists, and demons who were originally favored by the court and the demons who specialized in superstitious activities to be admired and killed, and then reprimanded and dismissed the officials who had previously been unjust officials and specialized in ahmaking and patting horses. At the same time, the summoning department Shangshu Wang Shu was made the official Shangshu. Wang Shu used to be very prestigious in his hometown, and no matter where he went to be an official, he could always govern the local government well and correct the wrong policies, so Emperor Xiaozong valued him very much. When Wang Shu arrived in the capital, an official named Zou Zhi told him that in the past, because it was difficult for the minister to see the king, he had to get by with everything, and he was a heavenly monk who hit the heavenly bell, and now, you should go to see His Majesty the Emperor and complain to him about the shortcomings of the current government, so that perhaps there is a remedy for the mistakes of the past. Wang Shu agreed with Zou Zhi's suggestion, and indeed did so. In November of the first year of the reign of Emperor Hongzhi, Emperor Xianzong's chancellor Shi Wan'an was dismissed. As early as the Xianzong period, through the relationship between Wan Guifei, Wan An recommended a jianghu warlock named Jixiao to enter the palace, which was very pleasing to Xianzong, and later colluded with a demon named Li Zimu, who was adulterous in appearance, causing a miasma in the palace. For these evil deeds of Wan'an, Emperor Xiaozong had already been informed when he was a prince, and later when Emperor Xiaozong became emperor, he found a secret box in the palace, opened it to see, all the secret recipes such as the Spring Palace Great Pill, and also wrote that The Minister Wan'an was dedicated. So Emperor Xiaozong took the secret box to Wan'an and told him, Is this what a minister should do? Wan An was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat and couldn't say a word. Soon, Wan An was deposed. While deposing his vassals, Emperor Xiaozong also allocated capable people. There was a rebbe right attendant named Qiu Mao who wrote a book called "University Yanyi Supplement", which is to make up for the missing parts of "University Yanyi". Qiu Mao went through all the books such as scriptures, traditions, zi, and history, and discussed the contents related to governing the country and the world, and divided them into categories, and Emperor Xiaozong was very happy to see it, and ordered the Rebbe to publish it, and at the same time proposed Qiu Mao as the Rebbe Shangshu.

Why historians refer to emperor Xiaozong's reign as the reign of the Ming Dynasty

In the first month of the first year of the reign of Emperor Xiaozong, Emperor Xiaozong recruited Ma Wen, the military commander of Nanjing, to be promoted to the position of Imperial Envoy of the Capital of The Left Capital. Because when Emperor Xiaozong was the crown prince in the Eastern Palace, he already knew that Ma Wensheng was a clean and honest person. What kind of official was Zuo Du's envoy? How big is it? Similar to today's secretary of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission, although the official title is only from one pin, not one pin high, but it is the lord who supports real power. In feudal society, the general support for real power is from one product, or two or three products, one product is generally a prince and noble, the official title is high, but there is no real power, just the nobility, adjacent to high wages, usually walking birds to see the play, and there is no specific work. Similar to the Imperial Envoy of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission, everyone should know what kind of official he is! That is, to supervise officials large and small to see if you are fair and honest, and whether you are corrupt and pervert the law. Therefore, the person who can make the emperor serve as the envoy of Zuo Du Street must be a person who can be trusted, and who is just and upright, and who is selfless with an iron face. Ma Wen was promoted to the capital to serve as the imperial envoy of the left capital, and sure enough, he worked more diligently and earnestly, worked hard to serve his life, and saw that the emperor had done something wrong, and was not afraid to speak out. Once, When Emperor Xiaozong had just finished attending a farming ceremony, he should have been tired, but he was very happy, so he entertained the ministers to eat and drink, and also arranged song and dance juggling and so on, and when he saw the interest, he might have drunk a little more wine, so Emperor Xiaozong forgot his identity for a while and said some foul language, Ma Wensheng listened to it, and immediately said to Emperor Xiaozong with a straight face: I heard that the newly enthroned Tianzi should know the hardships and hardships of the poor and lower-middle peasants, but how can you engage in these vulgar and messy things? When Emperor Xiaozong heard this, not only did he not get angry, but he also gave away those song and dance juggling. Look, Xiaozong is such a good-tempered emperor, let alone the emperor is just looking at dancing, looking at some juggling, everyone is tired of work, relax and relax, and it is not a sound dog and horse, absurd, there is no need to be so serious, if you change to other emperors, Ma Wensheng even if he has 5 heads, I am afraid it is not enough to cut it! Ma Wensheng later made another recital, in which he gave fifteen examples, hoping that Emperor Xiaozong would pay attention to it. He said: It is necessary to elect honest and talented people as officials to supervise the criminal law; to prohibit the encroachment on public property and to punish corrupt officials; to select selfless people with an iron face to support the sentencing and sentencing of the Ministry of Punishment; to affirm legislation to administer the country; to select people with real talent and practical learning to be local officials to consolidate the foundation of the country, and also to constantly assess whether they are qualified; strictly prohibit extravagance and waste to ease the people's burdens; and strengthen armament construction to resist foreign insults. Shibu Shangshu Wang Shu also said to Emperor Xiaozong in person: Since orthodoxy, the emperor has only gone to the court once a day, and when the ministers come in, many times they often just take a look at the face and then retire from the dynasty, even if the emperor is smart, how can he see everything in the world clearly? The things that are known are often only through the eunuch eunuchs around them, and these people and the ministers do not see each other much, how do you know who is wise and who is adulterous? But listening to the wind is the rain, or judging according to personal likes and dislikes. Your Majesty the Emperor, you want to know the truth, in addition to going to the court every day, you also need to find another place to recruit ministers, ask them how to govern the Tao, or let them express their opinions on something, so that you can not only know who is wise and appoint, but also be inspired from them, so that the emperor will become more intelligent! Emperor Xiaozong was very happy after reading Ma Wensheng's fifteen articles and listening to Wang Shu's words, and fully adopted their opinions, ordering the officials to immediately implement them one by one, and indeed do as Wang Shu said.

Why historians refer to emperor Xiaozong's reign as the reign of the Ming Dynasty

In March of the third year of The reign of Hongzhi, eunuchs in the court requested the construction of eagle mills and horse ranches, and asked the household department to allocate 1,000 hectares of land. Hubu Shangshu Li Min said that two hundred hectares of Eagle Mill and Horse Ranch are enough, why do you want so much land? It's all people's land, how can we take the people's cultivated land to make a place to fly away, and the peasants still don't want to live. In the end, Emperor Xiaozong heeded Li Min's advice. In November, Emperor Xiaozong again summoned ministers to discuss the gains and losses of current affairs, and the officials Peng Shao, Libu Shangshu Gengyu, and Zuo Shilang Yu respectively said: It is necessary to rectify the eunuchs in the palace, appoint officials cautiously, attach importance to the development of agricultural production, effectively reduce the heavy taxes and miscellaneous taxes, and also grasp frugality as a top priority, stop special supplies to the imperial palace, reduce unnecessary projects, and so on. Emperor Xiaozong adopted them one by one.

In March of the fifth year of Hongzhi, Shi Lin, the imperial envoy and inspector of Baoding, said that the family of a eunuch had seized the people's garden under the pretext of court supply, and Emperor Xiaozong issued an edict to immediately return it and severely punish the usurpers. In August of the tenth year, the empress dowager's foreign relative Zhang Shi originally had 400 hectares of land originally given by the court, and later wanted to annex thousands of acres of surrounding people's land, and also added two points of tax and silver per mu. Hubu Shangshu Zhoujing thought that this was too crazy and wrote four times in a row. Finally, Emperor Xiaozong ordered that anyone who usurped the people's land, no matter who it was, how high their status, would be convicted. Since then, the noble relatives have relented a little, and dare not frantically seize the people's land.

In the eighteenth year of Hongzhi, Emperor Xiaozong was seriously ill, and summoned Liu Jian, Li Dongyang, and more than ten other people to be ministers of order, saying: Although the Eastern Palace is smart, it is young and fun, and it is advisable for Mr. Zhu to supplement it with the right path. The next day, Emperor Hyojong died.

During the reign of Ming Hongzhi, Emperor Xiaozong worked hard to govern, and there were many ministers with both moral integrity and ability to assist him wholeheartedly, so in this nearly twenty years, the country's economy was prosperous, the society was relatively stable, and the nation was harmonious, so historians called this period the rule of zhongxing in the Ming Dynasty.

Why historians refer to emperor Xiaozong's reign as the reign of the Ming Dynasty

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