
Yan Yuan's nine classic quotes, every sentence is the essence, after reading a lot of understanding!

author:The edge is like water

Yan Yuan (1635-1704), literally Yi Zhi, was a Confucian, thinker, and educator in the early Qing Dynasty, and the founder of the Yan-Li School. Throughout his life, Yan Yuan practiced medicine and teaching, and his main works were "Four Cun Compilations" and "Xi Zhai Ji Yu". Yan Yuan's nine classic quotes, every sentence is the essence, after reading a lot of understanding!

First, a saint is a person who is willing to do work, and a mediocre person is a saint who is unwilling to be a worker.

From Qing Yanyuan's "Records of Mr. Xi Zhai's Words and Deeds, Qi Family". A saint is a mediocre person who is willing to work hard, but a mediocre person refuses to use the kung fu of a saint. This sentence shows that the difference between a saint and a mediocre person is whether he is willing to work hard or not.

Yan Yuan's nine classic quotes, every sentence is the essence, after reading a lot of understanding!

Second, man will mediate and prosper, and he will be a sage.

From Qing Yan Yuan's "Words and Deeds of Mr. Yan Xizhai". Man must have the ability to reverse society and benefit the people, who is a sage of high moral intelligence.

Third, do not be good at practicing movement.

From Qing Yanyuan's "Record of Mr. Xi Zhai's Words and Deeds: Scholars". The best way to take care of your body, there's nothing better than exercising.

Yan Yuan's nine classic quotes, every sentence is the essence, after reading a lot of understanding!

Fourth, sleep at night, lift up the spirit, look for things to do, do it regularly, not because of fatigue, more and more refined

From Qing Yan yuan's "Record of Words and Deeds". Get up early in the morning, go to bed at night, lift your spirits, often find something to do, exercise regularly, so that you will not feel tired and your body will become healthier and healthier.

Fifth, one body is strong

From Qing Yan yuan's "Record of Words and Deeds". Regular exercise can make the body stronger.

Yan Yuan's nine classic quotes, every sentence is the essence, after reading a lot of understanding!

Sixth, if people do not do things, they are idle, and if they are idle, they are tired. Idleness and fatigue, selfish desires take advantage of it! Studying, can you have time?

From Qing Yan yuan's "Xi Zhai Words and Deeds". If a person does not do things, he will be very idle in his days, idle and idle, he will have rebellious and chaotic thoughts, he will become more and more lazy, more and more spiritually empty; such idleness, rebellion, laziness, and emptiness, so many selfish distractions and evil desires will come out. If you are busy studying, working, and doing things all day, where will you have spare time to think about something else? This sentence points out that diligent study, labor, and work are the right way of life.

Seventh, learning must be learned, and learning must be practiced.

From Qing Yanyuan's "Records of Xi Zhai's Words and Deeds". LINE: Practice, practice. Study must be frequently reviewed to achieve proficiency, and after proficiency, it must be tested and perfected in practice. Learning should not be satisfied with mere knowledge, but must be able to understand deeply and be able to apply it skillfully. Therefore, after we have learned a certain amount of knowledge, we must not leave it behind and no longer ask questions, but must continue to review and think continuously until we can dig out its profound connotation.

Yan Yuan's nine classic quotes, every sentence is the essence, after reading a lot of understanding!

8. Whether there is learning or not, one must believe in the matter.

From Qing Yan Yuan's "Xi Zhai Ji Yu Yan Bu". Whether or not knowledge has been mastered by ourselves can only be confirmed when dealing with practical problems. There is such a process of learning knowledge, first of all, it is memory, then it is understanding, and then it is application. Memory and comprehension are the main components of learning, but the application of knowledge to practice is also a very important part of learning. Only practice can test whether what we have learned is solid.

Ninth, the merit of preaching is limited, and the merit of Xi is endless.

From Qing Yan Yuan's "Yan Li Testament: A General Discussion on the Lectures of Confucianism". The efficacy of acquiring knowledge by teachers is limited, and the space for acquiring knowledge by learning by oneself is unlimited. This statement is intended to emphasize that learning should be on its own, and we should not expect from the teacher.

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