
Nian Qianyao had to be strong and unwilling to lose all his life, so why did he deliberately lose to the little shepherd boy when playing chess before dying?

author:Yang Jiaofeng attacked

(Yang Jiaofeng on the 20th issue of the Yongzheng Dynasty)

In the "Yongzheng Dynasty", the great general Nian Qianyao, who has been following the Yongzheng Emperor around, has to be strong and not accept defeat all his life, and in the face of the Yongzheng Emperor's repeated dethronement, he still let go of a fight, refuses to admit defeat, and carries it to death! But why did he deliberately lose to a little shepherd boy when he had not yet seen the Holy Will? What does this move mean?

The topic of this issue: Nian Qianyao has to be strong and not to accept defeat all his life, why did he deliberately lose to the little shepherd boy when playing chess before dying?

Nian Qianyao had to be strong and unwilling to lose all his life, so why did he deliberately lose to the little shepherd boy when playing chess before dying?


In the real history, we know that Nian Qianyao was not a slave in the Yongzheng submerged residence, Li Wei was not a small, and Wu Sidao was not an aide to the Yongzheng Emperor. One of them was a jinshi during the Kangxi dynasty, one was an official who paid for it, and the other was Tian Wenjing's staff!

And whether it is in the real history or in the "Yongzheng Dynasty" TV series, the fates of these three people are completely different, in the "Yongzheng Dynasty", only Li Wei's official fortune has been prosperous, Nian Qianyao lost his life, and Wu Sidao disappeared.

We picked up the topic of the previous issue, only to mention Nian Qianyao, as mentioned earlier, the turning point in Nian Qianyao's life was actually not to become a great general of the Year, but to start when he led the "Jiangxia Town Massacre".

Before answering the question mentioned in the title, let's first talk about why the Yongzheng Emperor repeatedly degraded Nian Tangyao. And why has Nian Qianyao not conceded defeat?

The Yongzheng Emperor's handling of Nian Tangyao was not at all because of the folds of the Qunchen, but he had originally planned to deal with the Nian Tangyao, and the Qunchen's folds were just a step up his step!

If everyone thinks like Lao Ba yinyu that the group of ministers can influence the emperor's decision-making, it will be a big mistake, remember the qingliu impeachment of Tian Wenjing incident later?

The Yongzheng Emperor could cut off a few Qingliu heads!

Therefore, the performance of the group of ministers played the role of a fuse at most, and what really ignited was only the explosives in the heart of the Yongzheng Emperor.

So, what exactly did Nian Qianyao do that made the Yongzheng Emperor feel cold and his heart full of explosives?

Nian Qianyao had to be strong and unwilling to lose all his life, so why did he deliberately lose to the little shepherd boy when playing chess before dying?


Before the old fourth Yin Chan became the Yongzheng Emperor, Nian Qianyao had already done several things that made Yin Chan feel cold:

For example, Nian Tang Yao ba ba old Eight Yin Yu, gave gifts to Zhang Tingyu, privately hid the property of Jiangxia Town, on the one hand, he showed loyalty to old Fourth Yin Chan, on the other hand, he prepared with many hands. The opponents are righteous and first, either take the line of allegiance, or money to open the way, in short, do everything to the extreme, want the master to know, spend more money, no matter how much thought to tell the master, do not want the master to know, is to kneel in the courtyard, and do not spit out a word.

This kind of person who cracked in the private small abacus had already made Old Fourth Yinchen unhappy, and later if there was no one to use (Old Thirteen's body really couldn't hold it, otherwise he would definitely be the Great General of the Northwest), he would definitely not use Nian TangYao.

However, Nian Qianyao, who became a great general, still did not restrain himself, because he had won a great victory, thinking that he had favor for the country, favor for the emperor, and favor for Ai Xinjueluo, coupled with several layers of intimate relations with the Yongzheng Emperor, he was even more fearless and unscrupulous, and finally annoyed the Yongzheng Emperor:

First of all, it is needless to say that Nian Tangyao flew in the northwest, spending money like flowing water, and did not care about financial difficulties at all. Another example is the indiscriminate killing of officials, in order to kill his general Fu Ning'an, Ning sacrificed his army. It is said that grain and grass are the basis of war, and that the official who supplies grain and grass is the benefactor, but he even kills this. Moreover, with a fierce heart, the Yongzheng Emperor sent Lao Jiu and twenty great internal guards to go over, and they were quickly incorporated by Nian! Of course, these Yongzheng Emperors can be forgiven, and they are not bothered, as long as they can win the battle.

The real dissatisfaction lay in Nian Qianyao's attitude toward the Yongzheng Emperor after his return to the dynasty.

Nian Qianyao sat in front of the Yongzheng Emperor with great dignity, especially when facing the soldiers, and said a word of "unloading the armor" to surprise the Yongzheng Emperor!

When the Yongzheng Emperor draped the yellow coat on Nian Qianyao's body and visited the Fengtai camp, the Yongzheng Emperor issued an order that none of the generals listened, and Nian Qianyao proudly said that his army:

"I only know that there is a military order, but I don't know that there is an emperor"

This moved the bottom line of the Yongzheng Emperor, and after returning to the harem, he was so angry that he kept talking to Nian Qianyao's sister Nian Concubine:

"Remove the armor! Armor removal! Armor removal! ”
Nian Qianyao had to be strong and unwilling to lose all his life, so why did he deliberately lose to the little shepherd boy when playing chess before dying?


Of course, the Yongzheng Emperor did not necessarily kill Nian Qianyao, because he kept asking the people around him:

"Is Nian Qianyao really damned?"

It can be seen that what the Yongzheng Emperor really wanted was Nian Qianyao's softness and change. That is to say, Nian Qianyao's stinky temper Yongzheng Emperor can be accepted, and it is also acceptable to be arrogant to others, and the only thing that cannot be accepted is not to ignore your master!

You know, the ministers reused by the Yongzheng Emperor are basically different from his temperament:

Old Thirteen said that the good point is chivalrous first, and the ugly point is stupid; Tian Wenjing is the same, a tendon goes to the end, and the interpersonal relationship is handled extremely poorly; Li Wei is also a second-in-command, which one opens his mouth and shuts up is a dirty word, running into the prison of the Punishment Department and beating people shirtless? There is also that Sun Jiacheng, who is simply a stubborn donkey, the Yongzheng Emperor just casually said that he would let him know the difficulties and retreat, he was really stupid to go to ask for rain; and that Liu Molin, to change now, has long been dealt with because of the problem of style!

Therefore, the key to Nian Qianyao's problem is not his maverick behavior, but whether he has taken the Yongzheng Emperor as the master in his heart?

Does Nian Qianyao understand this?

He was not stupid, of course he understood, the reason why he had come to this step was entirely favored by the Yongzheng Emperor:

When the old fourth Yin Chan was not yet a prince, he went to the south to relieve the disaster, nian Qianyao euphemistically proposed that he wanted to return to Beijing to take up his post, Yin Chan patted his head, and he was right!

Later, he also released Nian Tangyao to take up a post in Sichuan, and he also proposed to take away Li Wei (although it was a plan set up by the old SiYin, but from nian Qianyao's point of view, it was his own face), and the master was also allowed.

Nian Qianyao came to wash Jiangxia Town in blood, which was excessive enough, and as a result, the old fourth Yin Chan was sent away with another sentence:

"No matter how big things happen, I'll give you a ride!"

Then later, when Tang Yao was appointed as a great general and engaged in what "annual election", the Yongzheng Emperor was almost always responsive to every request, and all of them were approved.

This was the reason why Nian Qianyao had gained inches, but whenever there was one thing, the Yongzheng Emperor could stop it, just like he did with Li Wei's nighttime lost women, Nian Qianyao would not reach the final point!

Nian Qianyao had to be strong and unwilling to lose all his life, so why did he deliberately lose to the little shepherd boy when playing chess before dying?


After Nian Qianyao was degraded, he did not think that this was a warning to him by the Yongzheng Emperor, he sought attention like a small child!

Therefore, he was particular about eating and sleeping, and of course, he did not forget to send his wife and children away, because he knew that his last chip was his friendship with the Yongzheng Emperor.

Some people did not understand that since the Yongzheng Emperor wanted to kill him, why didn't he kill him directly, but he had to be degraded again and again, and finally killed?

In fact, Nian Qianyao told the truth to master Ban, and he asked Nian Qianyao to confess his mistake to the emperor, but Nian Qianyao still wanted to gamble again with the yellow coat.

He gambled on his relationship with the Yongzheng Emperor!

In fact, he didn't understand the Yongzheng Emperor at all, he thought that the Yongzheng Emperor was a person who crossed the river and demolished the bridge, and saw the benefits and forgot the righteousness, but in fact, it was not!

It wasn't until he was playing chess with the little shepherd boy in his yellow coat that he suddenly realized that he was not playing chess with the Yongzheng Emperor, and his real chess opponent was actually a hundred officials. In fact, he did not represent the great general, he represented the Yongzheng Emperor's policy of "returning fire consumption to the public", and it was not he who opposed the hundred officials, but more of the opposition to "returning fire to the public", just like Li Wei's "spreading the land into the mu" and Tian Wenjing's "gentry receiving grain in one".

It can be seen from the Yongzheng Emperor Li Wei and Tian Wenjing that in fact, he is also trying to protect Nian Tangyao!

It turned out that it was not the Yongzheng Emperor who was going to execute him behind his back, but he woke up too late, even if the emperor had a heart, he was powerless at this time.

In the end, Nian Qianyao lost to the little shepherd boy, which also meant that he lost to the Hundred Officials!

He had just lost to The Little Shepherd Boy, and Li Wei stood behind him, along with the dishes made by Xiao Cui, and the only one who knew Nian Tangyao the most was probably Li Wei. He managed to consume the last bit of pride of Nian Tangyao!

Later, after Nian Qianyao read the Holy Will, he cried and let Li Wei return the beads representing the love and righteousness of the master and servant to the emperor, and he calmly went to death...

At this time, with the death of Nian Tangyao, the voiceover once again sounded the song of the shepherd boy:

"Cows and cows are busy for whom, busy with spring ploughing and busy with autumn grain, wind and frost, rain and snow, it is not afraid, shaking the bell to walk around ..."
Nian Qianyao had to be strong and unwilling to lose all his life, so why did he deliberately lose to the little shepherd boy when playing chess before dying?

Nian Qianyao fought all his life, and finally showed his attitude by losing to the little shepherd boy and not wanting to lose to the Yongzheng Emperor, and also confirmed a poem:

"I knew that it was so troubling, and He Zeng didn't know each other in the first place."

My name is Yang Jiaofeng, another perspective to analyze the "Yongzheng Dynasty", original works, do not like to spray!

Review of the last issue: In the Yongzheng Dynasty, the old Eight Yin Yu was on the throne, why didn't he take on the two errands of disaster relief and debt collection?

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