
The e-sports industry needs to improve the standard and standardize the training entry threshold - interview with Zhang Yijun, the first vice chairman of the China Music and Data Association and the chairman of the Game Working Committee


Xinhua News Agency, Hangzhou, April 25 Title: The e-sports industry needs to improve standards and standardize the threshold for training access

——Interview with Zhang Yijun, first vice chairman of the China Music and Data Association and chairman of the Game Working Committee

Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Meng

According to the "2020 China Game Industry Report" released by the Game Working Committee of the China Audiovisual and Digital Publishing Association and the China Game Industry Research Institute, last year, the revenue of China's e-sports game market reached 136.557 billion yuan, an increase of 44.16% year-on-year. In the face of the rapid development of the e-sports industry, Zhang Yijun, first vice chairman of the China Music and Data Association and chairman of the Game Working Committee, said in an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency a few days ago that the association will be committed to promoting the standardization of the e-sports industry and promoting China's e-sports industry to enter a new stage of high-quality development.

At present, relevant standards in the e-sports industry at all levels have been released and implemented. The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security issued the National Occupational Skills Standard for E-sports Players in February this year, and Shanghai has also issued a series of standards such as e-sports venue construction specifications, e-sports venue operation service specifications, e-sports direct broadcasting technology management specifications, and e-sports direct broadcast platform management specifications.

"An important symbol of an industry or an ecological maturity is the formation of a complete set of standard systems. At present, the Game Working Committee is organizing relevant experts and enterprises to carry out standard development and planning, including for e-sports. Zhang Yijun said that the study of group standards such as the standard system of China's e-sports industry and the operation and management norms of e-sports middle office will be carried out within the year.

Zhang Yijun pointed out that the attributes of e-sports as "game-based, but not exactly game-based" add complexity to its regulation and management. In his view, e-sports is based on games, according to the strict traditional sports event format of the project, is "organized, rules", it is the unified rules that make e-sports global events possible, and was included in the 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games official projects. But he also pointed out that it is necessary to further accurately define its nature in order to formulate standardized rules on this basis and promote the development of the e-sports industry in a more scientific and orderly manner.

In addition, he also stressed that the standard must be under the framework of the existing laws and the rules and regulations of the competent government departments, through the formulation of relevant standards, the content of laws and rules and regulations will be concretized, and enterprises will be guided to implement these policies and rules better, more scientifically and more reasonably. For example, some twelve- and thirteen-year-old adolescents have decoupled from school system education and entered all-weather competitive training, which conflicts with China's current "Law on the Protection of Minors" and the relevant regulations of the competent authorities, and requires e-sports practitioners to take the initiative to regulate the threshold for e-sports access.

According to Zhang Yijun, as a professional society in the industry, the Game Working Committee takes service as its purpose. The association established the China Game Industry Research Institute last year, the purpose is to extract the hot spots and difficult problems encountered by enterprises, and then organize experts, think tanks and other forces to jointly overcome and share the results. "Regardless of whether it is a leading enterprise or a small and medium-sized enterprise, all equals, all information and all results can be shared." (End)

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