
【Epidemic prevention and control Yongchang in action】County Development and Reform Bureau: Knowing the mission, strong responsibility, coordinating epidemic prevention and control and economic development

author:Sheng Shi Yongchang
【Epidemic prevention and control Yongchang in action】County Development and Reform Bureau: Knowing the mission, strong responsibility, coordinating epidemic prevention and control and economic development

In the face of the severe epidemic prevention and control situation, the county development and reform bureau gave full play to the role of the party branch as a fighting fortress, actively responded, took the initiative, fully guaranteed the supply of materials, strictly implemented prevention and control measures, accelerated the construction of projects, and contributed to the overall promotion of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development.

【Epidemic prevention and control Yongchang in action】County Development and Reform Bureau: Knowing the mission, strong responsibility, coordinating epidemic prevention and control and economic development

Strengthen leadership and quickly arrange deployment. The epidemic is the order, and prevention and control is the responsibility. The party group of the county development and reform bureau quickly entered a wartime state, revised and improved various emergency plans, reasonably determined the division of labor of personnel, and formed a joint force of joint prevention and control of the whole situation and the unity of will. Improve the comprehensive coordination mechanism, strengthen communication and connection with member units and supply guarantee enterprises, establish a living materials guarantee work group, and effectively ensure the supply of daily necessities.

【Epidemic prevention and control Yongchang in action】County Development and Reform Bureau: Knowing the mission, strong responsibility, coordinating epidemic prevention and control and economic development

Strengthen allocation and make every effort to ensure supply. According to the development of the epidemic situation, the county development and reform bureau adheres to the principle of "preferring to prepare than not use, unavailable and unprepared", and effectively undertakes the major responsibility of "ensuring the supply of emergency materials" in the county during the extraordinary period; the county disaster relief material reserve center implements the 24-hour duty system, the leader in charge commands from the front, the cadres and workers carry forward the spirit of not being afraid of hardship, continuous struggle, and fear of difficulties, stick to their posts, implement work responsibilities, and allocate 686 municipal disaster relief materials and 6781 emergency procurement materials. 9855 pieces of materials were dispatched and distributed, and the material allocation was truly "due diligence and on-demand".

Strengthen coordination and effectively meet needs. Increase the strength of the guarantee of daily necessities, jointly with relevant units to conduct a thorough survey of grain, oil, vegetables, large meat and other materials in the county, determine the supply enterprises, and stabilize market supply; communicate with municipal departments and adjacent cities and counties (districts) to open up green channels and smooth material transportation channels; dock with local enterprises, agricultural cooperatives, and large planters, increase the intensity of investment, and effectively supplement market supply; timely organize the revision and improvement of the "Work Plan for The Guarantee of Living Materials" and the "Emergency Plan for the Guarantee of Living Materials in Closed Management of Residential Communities and Village Communities." It formulated the "Work Plan for Releasing Frozen Pork Reserves of Municipal Governments", organized the supply of vegetables, large meat and other daily necessities, stabilized market prices, and ensured that the supply channels of grain, oil, vegetables, meat and other daily necessities were smooth, the reserves were sufficient, and the prices were stable.

【Epidemic prevention and control Yongchang in action】County Development and Reform Bureau: Knowing the mission, strong responsibility, coordinating epidemic prevention and control and economic development

Strengthen services and actively publicize and guide. Adopt the all-round publicity model of "online + offline", use weChat public accounts, enterprise work groups and other communication media to guide the masses to respond to the epidemic scientifically, effectively extend the epidemic prevention and control work to the "last kilometer", and achieve the responsibility of guarding the land, the responsibility of guarding the soil, and the responsibility of guarding the soil. Strictly supervise and urge the project construction unit to implement the main responsibility, conscientiously map out and report the situation of foreign personnel, timely grasp the movement and physical condition of construction personnel, resolutely prevent the emergence of imported and clustered cases, and ensure "zero cases" and "zero infection".

Strengthen duty to help prevent and control the epidemic. In the past few days, 48 cadres and workers have been stationed at two duty stations in Yongfuyuan Community and Tianxiuyuan Community for 24 hours, comprehensively checking the information of personnel and vehicles entering and leaving in accordance with the requirements of the "five-step method" of personnel control and the "three-step method" of vehicle control, effectively acting as "gatekeepers" for epidemic prevention and control, and building a safety net for epidemic prevention and control; in accordance with the requirements of nucleic acid testing for all employees, 23 cadres and workers were dispatched to cooperate with the community to successfully complete two nucleic acid testing tasks for all employees.

Strengthen overall planning and promote economic development. Adhere to the prevention and control of the epidemic on the one hand and economic development on the other, so as to ensure that the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic development are not wrong. Continue to strengthen project scheduling, strictly implement the major project package responsibility system and service commissioner system, and fully promote project construction, as of now, 103 key investment projects have resumed work, with a resumption rate of 97%, an investment of 3.52 billion yuan, and it is expected that fixed asset investment will increase by 12% year-on-year. Keeping an eye on the national investment orientation, combined with the relevant requirements for promoting the high-quality development of the county economy, carefully do a good job in project screening, packaging and declaration, conscientiously compile the list of investment projects in 2022, determine 100 key investment projects next year, and declare 84 capital investment projects in the central budget and 76 special bond projects in local governments, so as to accumulate new momentum for economic and social development.

Source: Yongchang County Development and Reform Bureau

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