
Why did Peng Zu live to be 820 years old?

author:Midge view of the world

In the east of the former Luoyang City, there lived a Mr. Zhan Gua, called Zhou Gong. Zhou Gong was proficient in the I Ching and The Book of Fortune, and was very accurate and had long been famous. He wrote in large letters in front of the shop where he was killed: "If it does not work, it will be indebted to silver and twelve." "Over thirty years, there has never been a mistake. Zhou Gong was also proud.

Why did Peng Zu live to be 820 years old?

There was a young man with the surname Shi in the same township, named Shi Zongfu. He often went out to do business, and once, after not returning for a long time, his mother was worried in her heart, so she went to Zhou Gong to ask for advice, and Zhou Gong took the big culprit, and it was calculated that this person would inevitably be crushed to death in the broken house tonight. Grandma Shi listened and cried home.

There is a woman named Peach Blossom in the same village, surnamed Ren, who is also proficient in Bu Gua. On this day, I was thinking of embroidery, and I missed a few needles, so I went to the Shi family to borrow it. But seeing that Grandma Shi was crying miserably, when asked, she knew that Zhou Gongzhan was very fierce, and the peach blossom girl said:

"Grandma Shi, let me also give you divination, Brother Shi may be able to kill Ji."

Yi Bu was also fierce, but because she knew how to solve it, she said to Grandma Shi:

"Tonight three more before and after, sitting sideways on the threshold." Spread your hair, knock the wooden stick three times on the door, and call my son Shi Zongfu three times, he will not die. Mother Shi said that at three o'clock, she would do it according to the teachings of the peach blossom girl.

It is said that at this time, Shi Zongfu was on his way home, after dusk on this day, the wind and rain were great, Shi Zongfu walked in the wilderness, could not find a place to stay, only saw a broken cellar on the side of the road, so he hid in the cellar and temporarily sheltered from the wind and rain. When Sangen was in the time, he overheard someone outside calling out three times, "My son Shi Zongfu", he felt strange, walked out of the cellar to visit, suddenly rumbled behind him, and the whole cellar collapsed. Shi Zongfu thus recovered a life.

When her son returned, Old Lady Shi was very happy, and at the same time she made a small windfall and asked Zhou Gong for ten pieces of silver.

Zhou Gong was shocked, this was the first time since he had a fortune teller, he was not allowed. Zhou Gong was very angry about the inaccurate divination this time, thinking that someone was against him, but he didn't know who it was?

Soon, Zhou Gong and his servant Peng Pan Bu Gua again, bu bu, and then to the great murderer, said: "The day after tomorrow, there will be evil spirits to claim your life." ”

And gave Peng Pan some money, to let him eat and drink as much as he wanted, waiting for death, Peng Pan listened to it very sadly, did not know how to be a good time, met Shi Grandma on the road, Peng Pan knew that the last time Shi Po Po's son was saved by Gao Ren, but did not know who Gao Ren was? Unable to help But Peng Pan pleaded bitterly, Grandma Shi told Peng Pan about the peach blossom girl saving her son. Peng Pan came to the peach blossom girl's residence to explain his intentions, the peach blossom girl was reluctant to help him at first, because last time he helped Grandma, he heard that Zhou Gong was very dissatisfied, but still could not stand Peng Pan's bitter pleading, so he said to Peng Pan that Zhou Gongsuan's gua was right, but there was still a way to save his life, tomorrow July 15th night, a total of eight north and south star kings, will gather in the Dongshan Temple, you buy eight pieces of incense paper, flowers and fruits, fish meat and alcohol for the table, hide under the table, wait until the third change, the eight star officials descended, received your incense paper, flowers and fruits, fish meat and alcohol, Then you climb out from under the table and plead with them to give you life, and you will not die.

Peng Pan bought fragrant flowers, fruits, fish and alcohol under the instructions of the peach blossom girl, enshrined them on the table in the Dongshan Temple, hid under the table, and soon eight southern and northern monarchs descended on the Dongshan Temple, they talked and laughed, and they unceremoniously enjoyed the fragrant flowers, fruits, fish and wine on the table. While they were eating with relish, Peng Pan climbed out from under the table and said:

"Lords of the Stars, please give me life, and the day after tomorrow the King of Yama will send evil spirits to claim my life."

Sure enough, the eight star kings ate people's soft mouths, and everyone helped Peng Pan extend his life expectancy by one hundred years, plus Peng Pan was 20 years old at the time, a total of eight hundred and twenty years old, and since then he has changed his name to Peng Zu, and later when he was older, the people in the township simply called him Old Peng Zu.

The days passed like this, a day, Peng Zu married a wife, the husband and wife had a good relationship, but soon the wife died. Peng Zu mourned bitterly, but his heart was empty, and he had no choice but to marry a woman to manage all the trivial affairs of the family. Thirty years later, the remarried lady fell ill again and died. A few years later, he remarried, died again, remarried, and died again, so that before and after, a total of dozens of wives were married, some long-lived, some short-lived, always inferior to his long life, can not be old with his own head.

Later, his dead wives banded together and accused Peng Zu of Yama in the Yin Cao Prefecture, saying, "Why are we all so short-lived?" But how did my husband Peng Qianpan live so long? What is the truth? If you don't bring him, we won't rest. Because we've been waiting for him in the mansion and want to meet him, but we can't wait!"

When King Yan heard this, he opened the life book of SiRenren's life and death and found that PengZu's name had been crossed out! It is stated on the side that he died at the age of 20, but according to the complaint of his wife and concubine, Peng Zu was indeed still alive in the Yang Realm, so a group of ghost pawns were sent to the Yang To capture Peng Zu. But Peng Zu was never caught. Because I don't know the detailed address of his home, I only know where he lives, there is a river in front of the door, and there is a bridge above the river. People come and go on the bridge, bustling! And there are many houses living along the river, Pengzu's home, I don't know which one?

That group of ghost pawns stood guard on the bridge for several days, only to see passers-by coming and going, and did not know which position Peng Zu was. In the end, the ghost pawns had no choice but to go back to pay their respects, and the king of Yama was helpless and frowned all day. Later, a staff officer of the prefectural government told the king of Yama that the king of Yama was overjoyed and even called for it. Therefore, he called the group of ghost pawns to come and whispered in his ear, telling them the method of capturing Peng Zu, and the ghost pawns listened to it and did as the king of Yama commanded.

Peng Zu was already eight hundred and twenty years old at this time, but he was in good spirits and often went out to chat with his relatives and friends. Each time, you have to cross this wooden bridge when you go out. Every day, when he went out or came home, he always saw a small child, washing under the bridge with a black stick, as if washing something, day by day, more than a day.

Peng Zu saw it and felt very strange, driven by curiosity, one day Peng Zu came to the child's side and asked: "Little friend! What do you wash here every day?

The child replied, "Husband, we want to wash these black charcoals white."

Peng Zu replied, "Ha! Ha! I Pengzu lived to be 820 years old and have never heard that charcoal can be washed white. ”

Before he could finish speaking, the child turned into a ghost official and captured Peng Zu and took him to the King of Hades.

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