
The first Chinese chef - Peng Zu

author:Meal visits
The first Chinese chef - Peng Zu

Stone statue of Pengzu in Xuzhou Peng Garden

Xuzhou is also known as Pengcheng, the five provinces through Xu, the history of the Yellow River flooding, flooded many times, so there is also a city under the city, the long historical process, pregnant with many historical legends, produced many historical celebrities.

Today, I introduce the first Chinese chef - Peng Zu.

Peng Zu is also known as Peng Hao, according to legend, he is the eighth generation grandson of the Ancient Yellow Emperor, during the Emperor Yao period, because he offered pheasant soup, he liked it deeply, and specially sealed Peng Cheng to him, so later generations honored him as Peng Zu, when Shun, he worshiped Yin Shouzi as a teacher, learned the true way, and lived in seclusion in Wuyi Mountain, and it is said that he lived for more than 800 years.

The first Chinese chef - Peng Zu

Feed it soup

Spread this soup with pheasant and a variety of traditional Chinese medicine, boiled for a long time, drink can cure a variety of diseases, so because of a soup, Peng Zu got a city, now Xuzhou people every day at the dinner table must eat "soup", if paired with Xuzhou's pork fried bun, it is absolutely a perfect match!

Friends from other places come to Xuzhou, this is a must-eat food!

Tour The Greater Xuzhou

Look at the culture of the Two Han Dynasties

Pin Pengzu food!

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