
Provinces and cities have successively held meetings related to the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic Wang Fei attended the meeting at the Quxian branch venue

author:Quxian Rong Media Center

 On November 4, the video dispatch meeting of the provincial emergency response headquarters for epidemic prevention and control was held. The meeting stressed that it is necessary to take epidemic prevention and control as the top priority at present, fully enter the emergency state, have the courage to take action, implement the deployment and requirements item by item, truly implement the responsibility to the smallest work unit, quickly, decisively, accurately and effectively curb the spread of the epidemic, and never fail to live up to the trust and expectations of the people of the province. Wang Fei, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, attended the meeting at the Quxian branch venue.

Provinces and cities have successively held meetings related to the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic Wang Fei attended the meeting at the Quxian branch venue

  The meeting stressed that it is necessary to adhere to the principle of fast words first, so as to achieve "fast flow adjustment, fast sealing and control, and fast detection". Once there are new case reports, quickly demarcate the control circle, screen the risk group, "upgrade response" close contact, sub-close contact population, in the maximum range of potential risk groups into the scope of control, preemptively cut off the transmission chain in front of the virus. We must adhere to the bottom line thinking and be fully prepared to deal with a more severe situation. Find out the software and hardware bases such as nucleic acid testing, centralized isolation places, and fixed-point treatment in the province, improve the ability of large-scale nucleic acid testing and transfer isolation and scheduling, further rationalize the grass-roots prevention and control system and mechanism, effectively enhance the professional ability of front-line personnel, and carefully guard the door of campus epidemic prevention. It is necessary to strengthen coordination and linkage and achieve "one game of chess" in the province. Chengdu timely and accurately push risk personnel data, flow information, other cities (states) comprehensively upgrade emergency response measures, as soon as possible to find and manage potential infected people, close contacts, sub-close contacts, adhere to the online and offline investigation of the integration of advancement, rather than screening and control scope is larger, but also to prevent the leakage of fish. It is necessary to tighten the responsibilities of all parties, seriously deal with units and individuals who fail to perform the main responsibilities of prevention and control and implement prevention and control measures, and severely punish illegal and criminal acts of deliberately concealing and not reporting and refusing to cooperate with prevention and control work, so as to form a strong deterrent.

Provinces and cities have successively held meetings related to the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic Wang Fei attended the meeting at the Quxian branch venue

  Subsequently, the Municipal Epidemic Emergency Command held the 12th plenary meeting of 2021. The meeting called for urgent action, take decisive measures, implement active prevention and control, resolutely cut off the chain of epidemic transmission, and resolutely adhere to the hard-won achievements in epidemic prevention and control. It is necessary to fully implement the epidemic prevention and control measures for key places and key personnel, and strictly implement the "simultaneous prevention of people, things and the environment" and "multi-point monitoring". To strengthen coordination, residential communities should fulfill the responsibilities of joint prevention and control and group prevention and group control, and hospitals should do a good job in hospital infection prevention and control. It is necessary to comprehensively use a variety of means such as big data, grid investigation, and regional co-investigation, and strive to find the epidemic situation as soon as possible and control the epidemic situation to a minimum extent as soon as possible.

  After the meeting, on further implementing the spirit of the meeting, Wang Fei demanded that all levels and departments should actively and seriously respond to the severe challenges brought about by the current round of epidemics, implement the deployment requirements to the point according to their own functions and responsibilities, carry out in-depth supervision and inspection, supervise and urge relevant responsible units to strictly implement their responsibilities, timely check and fill in the gaps, and keep the bottom line of epidemic prevention; and do a good job in medical supplies, nucleic acid testing capabilities, centralized isolation sites, emergency materials and other preparations.

  Deputy County Governor Zhang Zhaiying attended the meeting at the QuXian branch venue.

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