
Read the poem | I remember what you looked like last fall Author: Neruda Recitation: Wang Hui

author:Cover News

Author: Neruda Recitation: Wang Hui

I remember what you looked like last fall.

Grey berets, calm hearts.

The flames of the sunset fight in your eyes.

Leaves fall to the surface of your soul' waters.

You are like a vine wrapped around my arms,

Leaves collect your slow calm voice.

The bonfire that burned with the consternation of my longing.

The sweet blue hyacinth that wrapped around my soul.

I feel your glasses roaming, and autumn is gone:

Gray berets, birdsong, and house-like hearts

- My deep desire to migrate there,

And my kiss fell happily like charcoal.

The sky of the ships, the strangeness of the mountains;

Your memories are made up of light, made up of smoke, and composed of calm pools of water!

Thousands of rays of light burn in the depths of your glasses.

Autumn leaves swirl around your soul.

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