
Jiaoguang Night Listening | the best state of life: half to get, half to let go

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Jiaoguang Night Listening | the best state of life: half to get, half to let go

Being alone makes people introspect.

Source: There is a book Author: Ask the heart shallow smile Anchor: Jia Ning

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People's life is not long, life tolerance is also limited, after half a life will understand: while getting, while letting go, is the best state of life.

Let go of the harshness of others

A person's true maturity is to understand that everyone has their own life, no longer harsh on the words and deeds of others, and no longer harsh on the thoughts of others.

To be a person in the world and to have an inclusive mind is a kind of cultivation. We can have different opinions about the same thing, but we can't ask others for approval. After all, there are many things in life, and there is no standard answer.

Instead of standing on the moral high ground and harshly criticizing others, it is better to be yourself first. To let go of harsh responsibilities is to let go of yourself. In this way, happiness will come to an end.

Let go of the "prejudice" about yourself

Fate is ups and downs, and the most taboo is to have a "prejudice" against yourself:

Some things, others can do, but do it themselves, they will worry about other people's eyes;

If there are words, others can say, but if you say them yourself, you will worry about "the listener has a heart";

Some mistakes, others can have, but if you make mistakes, you will be immersed in negative thinking and harshly blame yourself.

This is actually the "focus effect" in psychology: we always think of ourselves as the center of everything and overestimate the attention of the outside world to ourselves.

In fact, accidentally spilling wine stains on clothes, accidentally stumbling when walking, and even accidentally saying a wrong sentence in public does not attract too much attention, even if someone notices, they will often turn their heads and forget.

Because in everyone's heart, pay more attention to yourself than others. So, let go of your prejudices about yourself and don't be too yourself.

Let go of attachment to the past

Life is a journey, no matter how many regrets you have left in the past, you should learn to look forward.

As the story goes: a coachman pulled a cart of porcelain and carefully walked forward, but because of the bumps, he accidentally broke a bowl. The coachman glanced at the debris on the ground, unfazed, and did not make any pause, let alone a moment of distress.

Passers-by saw that the coachman's attitude was very strange, and could not help but ask, and the coachman replied:

"Since it has been broken, why waste any more time to be sad and sad, it is better to continue to rush with your heart."

Since the past has passed, don't be sad about it anymore, because if you cling to it, the past will not pass.

So, every once in a while, try to say goodbye to the past, whether it's happy or sad, properly sealed, and then leave time for the future.

After all, being too attached to the past will eventually make the future a "regrettable past."

Let go of inappropriate relationships

Some people meet too late, some people don't know how to cherish, and some people think disconnected.

Friends, or lovers, in addition to liking, really have to see if it is appropriate. If in a relationship, you become angry, physically and mentally exhausted, or even vicious, then let go of it in time!

It is better to love yourself than to stay in an inappropriate relationship, like a trapped animal, to choose to let go and give everything to time.

Let go of the high expectations

Having too high expectations of people will allow us to invisibly control each other's words and deeds;

Holding too high expectations of things will make us invisibly ignore the process of things.

It is also said in "Human Disqualification": "If there is no excessive joy, there will be no extreme sadness." ”

The same goes for expectations. When you have high expectations of people or things, you will often fall into a situation of disappointment.

If you are disappointed in yourself, you are easy to attack yourself in your heart, and even fall into an emotional vortex because you cannot reconcile with yourself;

If you are disappointed in others, it is easy to criticize each other, make both people feel tired, and even consume the friendship between two people.

Therefore, to let go of excessively high expectations is to sow the seeds of happiness.

Many people think that attachment will make us stronger, but more often than not, letting go is. Because in life, nothing cannot be put down, and only by giving up can there be gains. Only when you put it down is something you gain.

A person who knows how to let go of something, who is tolerant, who has self, who is content and humble, who is optimistic and free.

Such a person, even in the face of the twists and turns of life, can live a landscape.

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Listen to the night of Jiaoguang

May you have a busy day

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Good dreams fall asleep

Jiaoguang Night Listening | the best state of life: half to get, half to let go

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