
| Every life has its own light Author: Jia Pingwa Recitation: Wang Hui

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Author: Jia Pingwa Recitation: Wang Hui

A family group for ten years, love is old, the rest is just days, days are just children, chicken feathers as arrows, things that should not be excited are excited, and others do not boast about their own boasts. Regardless of your boredom and fatigue, I will say it without a pause.

I have asked many people, do you know your mother's name? The answer is inevitable. Do you know your grandmother's name? Half the people nodded. Do you know your grandmother's name? Almost no one is sure. I thought, how pitiful, after four generations of people, it is not clear where the roots are, how many couples in the world have gone to great lengths to renew the incense, in fact, it is meaningless!

Marriage and childbirth, originally is a very natural thing, melon ripe, grass big seeds, now the birth of children can not be seen, according to the instrument, eat fetal medicine, listen to music to see the pictorial prenatal education, go to the hospital in advance, the amniotic fluid is not broken on the sky, the result is that nine of the ten have difficult childbirth, eight have seven postpartum no milk.

13 years ago, I was in the country, and the woman next door had three children, and there was a fourth, and she came back from the field and sat in front of the stove and burned the fire, thinking that she was going to give birth, and the child was born in the wheat grass in front of the stove. When the baby was crying, the old lady next door rushed to the place, and the child was already packed on the kang and the rice was cooked. The woman said, "What's this?" Babies are like shit! ”

Children are born more, giving birth to one is to raise, giving birth to two or three is also raising, not necessarily demented and demented, the brain into the water, but difficult to give birth, the child who did the caesarean section, the temperament is strange and violent, people are born, people are born to go to the "human gate", do not take the "human gate", God does not care about the consequences.

I have lived in the north for a long time, and the most indignant thing is that there are quite a few people who deceive themselves for a small official position, fight with each other, and are in place, corrupt and incompetent, perfunctory, subservient, and inferior, and have no minimum political ethics. Later, I went to the south several times and came into contact with many officials, who were in office bent on doing a career, and the results were all very good.

The reason is that they say, I am not afraid of losing my official position, and if I lose my official position, I will go to do business, and my income is even stronger than it is now! This is due to the institutional and social environment.

Today, how can the education of children not be the same as the attitude of the northern cadres towards official positions? The population is increasing, the traditional concept of employment is very serious, and parents who hope that their children will get ahead, will cause many deformed things. Some people take the glory of teaching children to recite Tang poems, and when there are guests at home, they exhale children, and one by one they close their eyes and recite them down. But I have never seen a "prodigy" who can memorize ten Tang poems when he is a child, and grow up to become a person with achievements.

Society is composed of all kinds of people, what god belongs to, parents give birth to children, give birth to feed, give it to normal education to complete the responsibility, and if the river does not let flow, let the square in the square jar, let the circle in the bowl, there is no futile. If everyone were Margaret Thatcher and everyone were artists, how terrible the world would be!

The more you come into contact with such adults, the more you will find that the more intensely you want to raise your children, the more mediocre you will be. He himself lived without self-confidence, and he pinned himself on his children. This act should be selfish and cruel, and it should be a pass-through disaster.

The life of a child belongs to the child, do not worry about the child without your design children will achieve nothing, on the contrary, life can not bear the light and heavy, taught him the minimum morality and the spirit of struggle, there are regular schools to impart knowledge and skills, more social schools to teach the experience of life, each life will naturally emit its own brilliant light.

If it is to write a novel, writers understand that the so-called plot is the development of the character of the character, and the living person, the character is the fate. I am also a father, and I have also been anxious, angry, and even scolded for my only daughter, and I have thought, how good it would be if my child was born with my thinking and opinions at that time! Why is it that I learn culture so easily from the beginning, but I get old day by day, and my children learn from the beginning?

However, when I slowly developed my point of view, I no longer molded the child with my will, only asked her to have a tenacious spirit, only emphasized and guided her to be interested in everything she did from childhood, such as kicking a sandbag, you kicked as much as you wanted, drew pictures, and you painted as you pleased. I'm against going to do anything, you first be a person, be an ordinary person.

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