
Pay attention to the purebred dogs, choose dog food must be careful about this ingredient of carrageenan

author:Pet Sky

Love it, please accompany it to old age.

Today, pets are no longer like our ancestors, just to take care of the home. Pets have become a member of the modern family, and even ranked before the male owner (don't ask me how I know, tears), or how to call it "Wang Master" or "Meow Master".

Pay attention to the purebred dogs, choose dog food must be careful about this ingredient of carrageenan

When pet ownership has become a fashion and a way of life, everyone is becoming more and more demanding of the purity of pet breeds and the nobility of family lineage. Purebred cats and purebred dogs are elegant in shape and bright in coat color, but at the same time they are worth a lot of money, ranging from a few thousand to tens of thousands.

Pay attention to the purebred dogs, choose dog food must be careful about this ingredient of carrageenan

Raising purebred cats and dogs, the cost will not be less. Take dog food, an adult Labrador dog, the monthly "meal ticket" is about 1,000 yuan, which is still the price of mid-range dog food.

Some people will question, is it okay to eat something cheap? Not really.

The purer the pet breed, the weaker its digestive system and resistance tend to be. You give it some cheap dog food and it'll thin it up for you to pack. Cheap dog food is one that there may be problems with the ingredients, and the other is that it may contain too much carrageenan.

Pay attention to the purebred dogs, choose dog food must be careful about this ingredient of carrageenan

Carrageenan is extracted from red seaweed, which is a natural extract that is allowed to be eaten, divided into degraded and non-degradable types, but no matter which category, according to foreign scientific researchers, excessive consumption may cause adverse effects on the human body, such as causing discomfort in the digestive system, and even causing some diseases. In some pharmaceutical laboratories in the West, researchers will first feed guinea pigs to eat carrageenan when testing the efficacy of anti-inflammatory drugs, because carrageenan can cause inflammation in the stomach and intestines of mice.

Pay attention to the purebred dogs, choose dog food must be careful about this ingredient of carrageenan

Regarding the harm of carrageenan, the scientific community has been constantly debated. So far, nearly 4,000 papers have been published abroad to prove the harmfulness of carrageenan. In Canada, for some patients with gastrointestinal problems, doctors began to advise them to stop eating foods containing carrageenan, and when they actually stopped, their symptoms also eased.

Although controversial, carrageenan is currently a food additive that is allowed to be used in various countries. Based on the health problems it can cause, independent scientists have proposed that the amount of degraded carrageenan in food grade carrageenan needs to be reduced to less than 5% to guarantee its safety. However, after testing, it was found that there is almost no qualified "food" at present, and many domestic food packaging will be marked with carrageenan, but there is no specific content.

In Europe, where food safety is quite strict, the use of carrageenan in infant formula is explicitly prohibited. Some organic foods in the United States have also begun to label "carrageenan-free" on the packaging, many of which are pet foods, and it seems that foreign consumers have realized the harm and begun to take measures.

Of course, not only people, but also for dog lovers, the health of dogs is also very important. BBC once produced a documentary called "The Sorrow of a Purebred Dog." According to the laws of nature, cross-breeding between different breeds of dogs can improve their genetic defects, such as family diseases. But in order to pursue purebred pets, humans have artificially blocked the "intermarriage" between dogs. As a result, many purebred pets are inbreeded, and family diseases and genetic diseases are serious.

Pay attention to the purebred dogs, choose dog food must be careful about this ingredient of carrageenan

To cite this example, it is not against everyone raising purebred animals. Just want to remind everyone who has a purebred dog at home, love it, you must be careful with it. Often take them to pet hospitals for physical examinations, vaccinations, pest control... Choose foods that are more suitable for their stomachs. In the case of conditions, try to choose pet food that does not contain carrageenan, which may be a little more expensive, but since you have chosen to raise it, use more snacks. You can't cure its family disease, but you can make each other's companionship a little warmer by taking good care of it.

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