
Minced meat + carrageenan = steak, I am tearful when I know the truth

Many people love to eat steak, but how much does this steak cost on the market, how to choose? Recently, the reporter investigated and found that the food safety problem hidden by the small steak was big.

Minced meat + carrageenan = steak, I am tearful when I know the truth

Some citizens reported that the price of steak sold in supermarkets was very low. A brand of spice steak, the price of 220 grams is only 13.59 yuan, the price of children's steak is lower, the price of a 120-gram steak is only 8.25 yuan, and the market price of beef is 500 grams sold for more than 40 yuan, and the public began to worry about the source of these steaks.

Minced meat + carrageenan = steak, I am tearful when I know the truth
Minced meat + carrageenan = steak, I am tearful when I know the truth

Well, low price steak for children

What exactly is the ingredient made?

Why is it cheaper?

The reporter visited and learned

Originally, the steak sold in the supermarket was divided into original cut steak and synthetic steak

Minced meat + carrageenan = steak, I am tearful when I know the truth

We bought steaks for about 10 yuan at the supermarket

It's basically synthetic beef

So, what exactly is a synthetic steak made of?

The reporter visited a number of shops in Futian Agricultural Andi and learned that synthetic steak is actually a chemically stacked recombinant steak or spliced steak, mainly relying on carrageenan and soybean protein isolate two additives to play a role.

Minced meat synthetic steak?

Carrageenan and soy protein isolate are key

The reporter found that the higher price of children's steak, the outer packaging is marked with "original cut, not spliced" and other words, and the lower price of children's steak, the ingredient list has a material called "carrageenan". What is this carrageenan?

Minced meat + carrageenan = steak, I am tearful when I know the truth

Carrageenan is a food additive that manufacturers can "glue" the corner of ground beef back together with carrageenan, freeze and compress it and cut it into steak. The reporter combed through past reports and found that some manufacturers even mixed chicken and pork in it, which can almost be fake and real, which is overwhelming.

Another additive is soybean protein isolate, experts pointed out that the addition of soybean protein isolate steak, containing a lot of water, will lose the original taste of beef, eat the taste more like lunch meat. Especially the synthetic children's steak, in order to make it easier for children to chew, a large amount of soy protein isolate is used.

Minced meat + carrageenan = steak, I am tearful when I know the truth

Utilize these two food additives

Is it really possible to stitch the meat from the scraps into a whole steak?

Our reporter also did an experiment

Minced meat + carrageenan = steak, I am tearful when I know the truth

The steak made by the reporter with ground beef, carrageenan and soybean protein isolate could not be seen at all by taking a few pieces of ground beef and splicing it together. So, is carrageenan harmful?

Minced meat + carrageenan = steak, I am tearful when I know the truth

A reasonable dose of carrageenan is not harmful to the human body, but there is a certain food safety risk in using carrageenan in excess of the prescribed amount. The National Standard for Food Safety and the Standard for the Use of Food Additives (gb 2760-2014) stipulates that carrageenan shall not be used in fresh meat, but can be used for the production and processing of conditioned meat products, but must be clearly marked on the label of the product packaging.

There is no labeling requirement for synthetic steaks

It is not fully cooked or can cause disease

At present, there is no steak product standard in China, and it is not mandatory to label the synthetic words on the outer packaging. Ambiguity on the issue of synthesis clearly violates the consumer's right to know.

How can ordinary people distinguish synthetic steaks?

Experts teach you a trick▼

Minced meat + carrageenan = steak, I am tearful when I know the truth

At the same time, recombinant steaks are pre-salted, or made of minced meat and small pieces of meat, which is easy to breed bacteria inside, which may lead to a high total number of bacteria in the product, and should be cooked until fully cooked before eating.

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