
Sting festival: how the ancients in Shandong killed insects and repelled poisons

author:Qilu one point

□ Zheng Xuefu

The "Explanation of the Seventy-two Waiting Episodes of the Moon Order" says: "In the February Festival, everything is shocked, and the earthquake is thunder, so it is known as the sting." It was the stinging that flew away. Changqing said in the poem "Sting": "Strange on the willow Fang Jingchun, the carp in the pond early shade." Suddenly hearing the thunderclap of the heavens, the beasts and insects fell to the ground. "After the sting, everything recovered, the hibernating bugs also woke up, and the reptile walking ants in the house rose up in response, crawled out of the cave, and foraged around. Winter eggs are also beginning to hatch, and the pests in the fields are also increasing.

Sting festival: how the ancients in Shandong killed insects and repelled poisons

The sting is the third of the twenty-four solar terms and marks the beginning of the mid-spring season. At this time, the temperature generally rises faster and the spring is stronger. Folk regard sting as a relatively important festival, and while preparing for spring plowing, many interesting customs have also been derived. Stings are also active times when various bacteria and mosquitoes are active, and various microorganisms multiply rapidly, and the air is particularly dry, which causes the epidemic of germs. The ancients adopted a variety of methods to deworm insects and eliminate poisons, and many customs were handed down.

Smoke and fire to repel poisonous insects

On this day, the most common custom in Places such as Lunan, Shandong Province, is pancakes, where farmers set up iron hammers in their yards and make a fire out of hay or crop straw, meaning to smoke or burn the pest virus away or burn to death with fireworks. The paste of pancakes is made of grains ground on stone mills, and the diet has more fiber, which is beneficial to health.

Some places will also eat pan-fried sesame oil cakes on this day, also for disinfection. Sesame oil has medicinal value, the main treatment of dumb, through the size of the intestine, applying a variety of bad sores, insecticide, baldness can also be used to grow hair. Its main raw material, sesame, is called a strong agent by traditional Chinese medicine, and has the effects of blood tonic, intestinal moisturizing, raw jin, milk, hair and so on. It is suitable for symptoms such as physical weakness, early graying of hair, anemia and yellowing, insufficient fluid, dry stool, dizziness and tinnitus. The "Compendium of Materia Medica" states that sesame oil can detoxify heat and poison and kill poisonous insects. Fried food in sesame oil, the aroma is overflowing, and the insects on the stove can be eliminated. Commonly known as "smoked worm".

Sting festival: how the ancients in Shandong killed insects and repelled poisons

Shandong also has the custom of eating leek pie. Leeks have a high medicinal value, also known as Yangcao, the taste is very delicious, and there is a unique fragrance. The unique spicy flavor of leeks is formed by the sulfides it contains, which have a certain bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, which helps the body to improve its own immunity. Eating with leeks as a pie can disperse fatigue and invigorate blood, warm up and down, make up for deficiency and aphrodisiac, and play a disinfecting role in the intestine. Leek juice can be used externally to remove the poison of various snakes and scorpions, so there is a folk saying that "if there are insects crawling into the ear, the worms can be driven out by pouring leek juice".

Stir-fried stings to eat "fried worms"

In the southeast of Ludong, there is a custom of stir-frying salt beans, known as "stir-fried sting". Li Shizhen said in the "Compendium of Materia Medica": (soybean) "wide in the lower qi, beneficial to the large intestine, reduce water swelling and swelling poison." Grind the end, adjust the hot water, apply the acne after the carbuncle. "People soak the soybeans in brine and then stir-fry them in a hot pan. On the one hand, eating soybeans can eliminate the virus in the stomach and intestines, on the other hand, when frying soybeans, it makes a "crackling" sound, indicating the jumping sound of bugs when they are tormented by a hot pan. Some housewives knock on the pot table with cooking sticks when frying soybeans, called "vibrating insects", while knocking, while singing incantations: "Sting Festival, knock scoop forks, ten nests of rats and nine nests of blind, and a nest of not blind, sent to the old eight families in Nanling." ”

Sting festival: how the ancients in Shandong killed insects and repelled poisons

"Old Eight" refers to a snake that specializes in eating mice. What is more interesting is that every household has been frying soybeans or wheat grains all night long, repeatedly a dozen times, while stir-frying, cursing: "Stir-fry, fry to remove the yellow ant claws; smoke and smoke, smoke the yellow ant male." "It is said that there is a kind of yellow ant that likes sweets, often crawling unscrupulously on the candy of the master's house to smoke, it is easy to leave bacteria, infect diseases, people think that fried soybeans can fry yellow ants, and there was no ant breeding in the home that year.

In some places, the sting day in hot water to boil taro with fur, eat taro rice or taro dumplings, to taro symbolizes "caterpillar", to eat taro means to remove hundreds of insects, think that this can eliminate a variety of poisonous insects, so the saying is called "fried insects fried through, boiled insects boiled through".

Some places also take a handful of grain seeds, bean seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and various vegetable seeds into the pot and stir-fry, taking the harmonic sound called "fried worms". After the frying is cooked, it is placed in the hall, and the whole family sits around and chews together, and shouts while eating: "Eat fried worms, eat fried worms!" "When you have fun, you have to compete, and the faster you eat, the louder you chew, everyone comes to congratulate him on his contribution to the elimination of pests." Sometimes it was given to neighbor children.

Sprinkle charcoal with lime for disinfection

In ancient times, when there was no lime, there was a custom of sprinkling mirage charcoal in the coastal areas of Jiaodong. Mirages are large clams in the water, and various mussels and oysters belong to the mirage. The shell of a mirage is burned to ashes and is called "mirage charcoal". People have a very long history of disinfecting and preventing diseases with mirage charcoal.

The Zhou Li Qiu Guan records: "The Red Hair Clan (the official name of the Zhou Dynasty) is in charge of removing the wall house, attacking it with mirage charcoal, sprinkling poison with ash, and removing its tanuki insects in the gap house." Zheng Xuan's note: "Those who remove the wall house, those who remove insects and hide from it." Mirages, large clams also, pound their charcoal to the crust of the go. "Tanuki refers to bugs such as fleas and lice hidden in the holes of houses, which are vectors for transmitting diseases, so they need to be sprinkled with mirage charcoal in every corner of the house to kill lice.

The late Qing Dynasty classics master Sun Yi rang wrote the Zhou Li Zhengyi (Zhou Li Zhengyi) and said: "The "Palm Mirage" notes that the mirage charcoal can resist moisture, and the cover can kill insects, so it is stirred (pounded) its charcoal to ash, and if it is attacked by the wall house, the insects will fear its qi and avoid it." "Nowadays, in the coastal areas of the sea, due to the production of clams, mirage charcoal is still used to remove pests and insects.

Sting festival: how the ancients in Shandong killed insects and repelled poisons

Paintings of the ancients sprinkling charcoal

Since the advent of lime, lime disinfection has become a common custom. The classic ancient secret recipe "Qianjin Yue Ling" compiled by Sun Simiao, a famous medical scientist of the Tang Dynasty and revered by posterity as the "King of Medicine", said: "On the day of the sting, take the lime grits outside the door limit, but the insects and ants can be extinct." "Lime has the effect of disinfecting and killing insects. On the day of the sting, the ancients scattered outside the threshold and in the courtyard, hoping that the insects and ants would not dare to come to the door for a year and not to harass themselves. Some use lime to scatter the ground and draw the shape of a bow and arrow, which is called a shooting insect. Lime is warm and slightly toxic, absorbing moisture, making objects dry, solid and not decaying. In medicine, it is mainly used to treat bad sores, epilepsy, etc., and is used together with salt, which can also heal wounds, coagulate blood, and have the effect of stopping bleeding. It is said that storing lime in a clay urn and storing food can avoid dampness, decay and insects.

Tao Hongjing, a famous pedoctor and alchemist of the Southern Dynasty, said: "Lime, now near the mountains and raw stones, blue and white, is burned as a stove, and it is fertile with water, that is, steamed hot and dissolved." ”

Eating pears keeps insect pests away from crops

In Shandong and all over the north, there is also the custom of eating pears in shock. It can be said that pears are the only fruit that occupies a place in the twenty-four solar terms, and the ancients called pears "Fruit Sect". Now we eat pears, usually washed and eaten. But in ancient times, especially in the Tang Dynasty, pears were to be steamed and eaten. Whether eaten raw or cooked, eating pears on a day of sting is a folk tradition of eating in festivals.

In addition to paying attention to cold protection and warmth, it is also because the climate is relatively dry, it is easy to make the population dry tongue and cough. Therefore, folk have the custom of eating pears, which can be eaten raw, steamed, juiced, roasted or boiled. At this time, the diet and living should be in line with the nature of the liver, eating pears to help the temper, so that the five organs are peaceful, in order to enhance the physique to resist the invasion of germs.

Sting festival: how the ancients in Shandong killed insects and repelled poisons

In addition, the day of the sting is the time when the worms wake up, and eating pears is to remind everyone to be careful and prevent. In some places, there is also a folk proverb that "the sting eats the pear, and the spirit is spirited all year round". It is said that eating pears can keep insect pests away from crops and preserve a good harvest for the year, and the whole family must eat pears on this day.

In terms of health, during the sting period, the weather is obviously warmer and dryer, which can easily make the population dry and dry, and the external cough. Raw pears are cold and sweet, and eating pears has the effect of "the heat of the six intestines of the living, and the yin of the five intestines of the ripe".

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