
To expose the strange habits of Western political and business stars, be sure to open your eyes and carefully distinguish the world 26 universe JNBY Clinton Foundation revealed by Pizzagate's perverted rule

author:A serious whisper
To expose the strange habits of Western political and business stars, be sure to open your eyes and carefully distinguish the world 26 universe JNBY Clinton Foundation revealed by Pizzagate's perverted rule

In 2016, a hack uncovered the dirty secrets behind American politicians, Hillary Campaign Director Podesta's private email was made public by WikiLeaks, once again detonating Hillary's email door, in October of the same year, the New York Police in the investigation of Democratic Congressman Anthony Wiener found a large number of secret emails, shocking the relationship between the philistophile organization and the Democratic Party, how much of the work behind all this is not known? Today we will follow the vine to touch the melon, together to uncover the huge conspiracy hidden under the water to quietly tell the truth, serious exploration of the world, welcome to a serious whisper

There is such a pizzeria in Washington, D.C., called "Comet Ping Pong", and Shiba and O'Hei were once guests of this store

To expose the strange habits of Western political and business stars, be sure to open your eyes and carefully distinguish the world 26 universe JNBY Clinton Foundation revealed by Pizzagate's perverted rule

The owner of this hotel, called. Like countless success stories reported in the news, his experience has been praised. In 2006, he opened the pizzeria in obscurity. He continued to work hard and improve his craftsmanship, which attracted countless praise from countless people. Six years later he became GQ's 50 most powerful people in Washington. What is this concept? This is equivalent to opening a fly restaurant in Beijing 6 years ago, and moving into the Great Hall of the People 6 years later. Is it so fragrant?

To expose the strange habits of Western political and business stars, be sure to open your eyes and carefully distinguish the world 26 universe JNBY Clinton Foundation revealed by Pizzagate's perverted rule

Later, it was discovered from the Rothschild family tree that he was a descendant of the Rothschild family. One of his close friends was Podesta, Hillary's campaign director who leaked private emails. No wonder he went from being a nobody to a Washington dining room in just 6 years. Such an inconspicuous little role that connects Rothschild and Washington politicians, of course, if it's just that simple, you're wrong

James Achilles in French means I love children, this restaurant also likes to show some art works that only people with special tastes can taste, a little hot eyes, anyway, I am not that art cell, simply put a few photos to see, these are really art? Or is it a secret code? Let's move on

To expose the strange habits of Western political and business stars, be sure to open your eyes and carefully distinguish the world 26 universe JNBY Clinton Foundation revealed by Pizzagate's perverted rule

In 2007, the FBI published the usual symbols used by pedophiles, which were used by pedophiles to distinguish their sexual orientation and communicate where to find prey. The blue triangle represents the love boy, the pink peach heart circle represents the love girl, and the butterfly represents the unisex eat-all. Take a look at the Comet Ping Pong Pizzeria logo. In fact, pizza is also a famous code, and they often post various pedophile pictures with pizza as a metaphor on Twitter. You can enjoy it. Pizza means children, cheese means girls, pasta and hot dogs represent boys, and all kinds of black words make people call themselves insiders.

To expose the strange habits of Western political and business stars, be sure to open your eyes and carefully distinguish the world 26 universe JNBY Clinton Foundation revealed by Pizzagate's perverted rule

You may think it's too outrageous, a small pizzeria is not enough, the following exposed email shows: O'Hei spent $65,000 in the middle of the night to airlift pizza and hot dogs from Chicago to the White House party. What pizza and hot dogs are so delicious, cost $65,000! Also air freight from Chicago! Is it a pleasant tea color?

To expose the strange habits of Western political and business stars, be sure to open your eyes and carefully distinguish the world 26 universe JNBY Clinton Foundation revealed by Pizzagate's perverted rule

Afterwards, Shiba did not forget to tell Ohei not to overplay and be exposed! When will you eat a hot dog in the White House for fear of being exposed? In fact, this is just the tip of the iceberg, and there are many that have not been exposed, such as in 2015, a tourist photographed a boy naked with a roped sheet crawling out of buckingham Palace from the window, and unfortunately fell halfway, causing passers-by to scream. Buckingham Palace remained silent about the incident, which was not resolved after that. Buckingham Palace, the Queen's palace, why are there naked little boys? Do you want to escape in this way? What's the secret behind it? Another example is Canada's small potato, where several close friends have been arrested for pedophilia. No wonder many people say that the world is ruled by pedophiles

To expose the strange habits of Western political and business stars, be sure to open your eyes and carefully distinguish the world 26 universe JNBY Clinton Foundation revealed by Pizzagate's perverted rule

In addition to Western political circles, philanthropic circles and Hollywood are also pedophile-infested areas. We just mentioned the pedophile symbol published by the FBI, the triangle circle is for boys and the peach heart circle is for girls. And that's exactly what some charities use, amber alert, an emergency broadcasting system set up to rescue kidnapped children. They use this symbol to represent the protection of children. Pacific Trail Association, Canadian refugee charity Erpida... Are these really unintentional coincidences?

To expose the strange habits of Western political and business stars, be sure to open your eyes and carefully distinguish the world 26 universe JNBY Clinton Foundation revealed by Pizzagate's perverted rule

Of course, I am not saying that these institutions are all evil, but that some of these institutions, especially at the top, are very problematic! These charities, with huge resources of children, are homeless, belong to the extremely vulnerable groups without the ability to speak, and disappear one or two and no one will pay attention. The law and the public are often blinded by their cloak of charity. As a result, they escaped the law and the supervision of the public. Without regulation, evil breeds, and those who help children turn around and become traffickers. There have been too many incidents of self-theft since ancient times. Remember the Laura Gallia Silsby we talked about in that issue of Serum? She owns an institution in Haiti called the Haiti Newborn Shelter. Eventually she was arrested for child trafficking.

In various cartoon animations abroad, especially in Disney animation, similar symbols can be seen everywhere. In 2016, the Incident of Elsa Gate or "Children's Cult Film" was exposed, which made people pay attention to this unknown industry. I don't need to say how many pedophiles there are in the various Hollywood news. James Gunn, the director of Guardians of the Galaxy and screenwriter of "Avengers," even made public pedophilic remarks. Countless child stars themselves grew up in the hands of pedophiles, many people want to expose, but the result is often banned, "Braveheart" director Mel Gibson, once said: Hollywood is an institutionalized paedophile group, is a parasite den. These people feast on the blood of children. Every studio in Hollywood is bought with the blood of innocent children.

To expose the strange habits of Western political and business stars, be sure to open your eyes and carefully distinguish the world 26 universe JNBY Clinton Foundation revealed by Pizzagate's perverted rule

These are by no means simple individual cases, but an organized, systematic Western shady scene. But these things are often either ignored by the mainstream media or even labeled as conspiracy theories. Either the big thing is small and it is downplayed as a matter of personal life style. For example, "Guardians of the Galaxy" director James Gunn, the front foot was fired, and the back foot was secretly hired back to continue to be the director of "Guardians of the Galaxy 3". In the next few issues, we will tell you how the CIA and foreign media such as CNN have turned facts into conspiracy theories that people do not believe, so stay tuned

To expose the strange habits of Western political and business stars, be sure to open your eyes and carefully distinguish the world 26 universe JNBY Clinton Foundation revealed by Pizzagate's perverted rule

Isn't the amount of information a bit large? Don't worry, give you a brief combing. Some evil people have taken advantage of their positions in child-saving agencies to sell women and children from war-torn and impoverished countries in South America, Africa, Eastern Europe, and Southeast Asia to seemingly formal institutions such as Epstein Lolita Island and Comet Pizzeria. These institutions act like kilns sell children to political and business celebrities to satisfy their perverted bestiality, especially in Hollywood and Washington. These people hold the political and media discourse. If it weren't for things like WikiLeaks or Sheba's email, ordinary people wouldn't have known about it.

Sometimes I wonder if pedophilia is an inevitable dark product of the solidification of the social mammalian class and its development to a certain stage. I don't know if you have heard of the rat utopia or the 25th universe, the 8 rats raised in a utopia with no natural enemies, after a long period of reproduction, 8 rats gradually multiplied to 620, and the rats were also divided into four species, the ruling class male rat, the ruling class female rat, the bottom male rat and the bottom female rat. Among them, the male rats of the ruling class no longer maintain their territory, nor do they continue to pass on from generation to generation with female rats, but instead have promiscuously with young rats and same-sex rats. Like this group of perverts we just said? Under the door valve system of The Wei and Jin Dynasties, the celebrities of the wind and current often engaged in such things.

To expose the strange habits of Western political and business stars, be sure to open your eyes and carefully distinguish the world 26 universe JNBY Clinton Foundation revealed by Pizzagate's perverted rule

Now, some of them are even starting to try to legalize pedophilia! Trying to prove with so-called "science" that pedophilia is innate is like proving that tobacco is good for health. In the rat utopia, after 1588 days all the rats died, and I would like to say that if these people continue to be demons, humans will have to finish playing by themselves sooner or later and become universe 26!

We just finished this video, and there was a jnby child cult incident, so we checked it a little and added this content temporarily. Don't check don't know, check a frightened. First of all, you should know that children's clothing in our country is not allowed to appear any religious, terrifying, disgusting and bloody patterns, but please look at jnby's press release, the rituals of the indigenous people of South America, plus various hellish words, do you think of the massacre during the colonial Americas? Except for the clothes that everyone already knows have a strong cult meaning

To expose the strange habits of Western political and business stars, be sure to open your eyes and carefully distinguish the world 26 universe JNBY Clinton Foundation revealed by Pizzagate's perverted rule
To expose the strange habits of Western political and business stars, be sure to open your eyes and carefully distinguish the world 26 universe JNBY Clinton Foundation revealed by Pizzagate's perverted rule
To expose the strange habits of Western political and business stars, be sure to open your eyes and carefully distinguish the world 26 universe JNBY Clinton Foundation revealed by Pizzagate's perverted rule

We also found some blindfolded photos, and I'm sure our long-time followers know what it means to have blindfolded, strong eye cues? We'll connect a few more key elements of this incident, the child cult, hell, the eyes, the Colonization of South America, and Satanism. What do you think? Yes, Freemasonry.

To expose the strange habits of Western political and business stars, be sure to open your eyes and carefully distinguish the world 26 universe JNBY Clinton Foundation revealed by Pizzagate's perverted rule
To expose the strange habits of Western political and business stars, be sure to open your eyes and carefully distinguish the world 26 universe JNBY Clinton Foundation revealed by Pizzagate's perverted rule
To expose the strange habits of Western political and business stars, be sure to open your eyes and carefully distinguish the world 26 universe JNBY Clinton Foundation revealed by Pizzagate's perverted rule
To expose the strange habits of Western political and business stars, be sure to open your eyes and carefully distinguish the world 26 universe JNBY Clinton Foundation revealed by Pizzagate's perverted rule
To expose the strange habits of Western political and business stars, be sure to open your eyes and carefully distinguish the world 26 universe JNBY Clinton Foundation revealed by Pizzagate's perverted rule

Then we found out that the two co-founders of JNBY, both of St. Kitts and Nevis, a Caribbean island nation that became independent from the United Kingdom in 1983. A tax haven for the rich

To expose the strange habits of Western political and business stars, be sure to open your eyes and carefully distinguish the world 26 universe JNBY Clinton Foundation revealed by Pizzagate's perverted rule

I believe that this is not a simple coincidence, and in any case, the designer of this series of clothing, the photographer who took similar pictures, and the review in the process were very problematic.

By the way, the pedophilia thing is an anthony Wiener and Seaba email door burst out, almost forgot our protagonist Seaba, briefly talk about the Clinton Foundation. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2016, a total of 6,000 people donated more than $2 billion to the Clinton Foundation! During his tenure as secretary of state, he used his power to force 85 people from large companies and their executives to donate to the Clinton Foundation, totaling $116 million. In the name of it, a certain company invited Clinton to attend the speech. Talking can make hundreds of millions of dollars, it's really powerful!

The Clinton Foundation has 11 major projects focused on agriculture in Africa, tackling childhood obesity, economic development in the southern United States, earthquake relief in Haiti, reducing the cost of AIDS drugs, and mitigating climate change. The result? Anyway, all I know is that Africa is plagued by locusts, children are getting fatter, the border wall in the southern United States is built by Uncle Chuan, and Haiti is getting poorer and more unstable. In addition to the Clinton Foundation did not take money to do personnel work, red cross received a $500 million donation to Haiti, and only built six houses, one $83 million, is it certain that it is not a royal palace? Is this money really being used for serious things?

Sometimes I think that these projects may not have been created to solve problems at all, but to create problems. Because only by creating problems such as the food crisis in Africa, haiti's poverty, and excessive childhood obesity can these people use all kinds of excuses to raise funds to solve the problem!

Look at who donated the money, the Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Pritzker Family Foundation, and the foundations donate money to each other, are you sure it's not money laundering? And Barclays, the Saudi Arabian government, think about what Rockefeller, Saudi Arabia, and Xiba did in the Middle East that we talked about in the last issue. This is not politicians, this is criminal gangs.

Some people want to expose the bad things of Seaba, Clinton, and his family, and the result is either silence or silence, and Vincent Foster, deputy white house counsel, a key witness in the Whitewater incident in 1992, died mysteriously. This is true of both Stevens, whom we mentioned in the previous episode, and Assange, who exposed WikiLeaks, who exposed the email gate. In fact, Assange had nothing to do, although the United States had been clamoring to arrest him, but he had been living in the Ecuadorian Embassy in Britain. The two sides are at peace. But when he exposed the email door, the United States racked its brains to drag him out of the Ecuadorian embassy, and the United States tried several times to extradite him to death.

Former Haitian government official, Klaus Eberwin, was shot in the head a few days before the court to prove Clinton's corruption, and it is said that the assassination of the President of Haiti is said to be related to them, the successful businessman president, trying to change haiti's backwardness, was assassinated, and was also thrown a piece of by the media from all walks of life, like what they did to Uncle Chuan in 2020.

To expose the strange habits of Western political and business stars, be sure to open your eyes and carefully distinguish the world 26 universe JNBY Clinton Foundation revealed by Pizzagate's perverted rule

Anthropologist Monica Petersen, who was found hanged in November 2016 for traveling to the seabed to investigate human trafficking and accusing the Clinton Foundation on Twitter, has been inexplicably killed by countless others who want to express the evil and corruption of the Clinton family and their foundation. It's hand-to-eye!

These things as we know it today are built on countless whistleblowers who have been obscure over the past 30 years and who have given their futures and lives as a result. Later, we will reveal more hidden secrets for everyone.

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