
Movie: Frontier Storm

author:Film and television artist fExV

The doctor's love for his daughter was exchanged for 10 years in prison, but when he gave up the dark side, he was dumbfounded. At the beginning of the story, there is an increasing drug trade at the border. To curb this trend, Chinese anti-narcotics police have taken action along the China-Myanmar border. Once again, when drug dealers traded, they got information from the police. The immediate arrest successfully blocked the transaction. But after examination, it was found that the drug turned out to be flour. The missing police officer is about to leave the crime scene when an experienced veteran police officer finds a dental hospital very suspicious, from which we can see exactly what happened at the crime scene. So he led a team to the dental hospital. Find out. Sure enough, the real drug dealer engaged in a fierce firefight between the two sides in the courtyard. The drug dealer's boss died instantly, while another drug dealer, Radar, took the doctor's daughter hostage and fled the hospital for Myanmar to escape the limelight. The doctor was very anxious. As a police informant, I would like to ask Myanmar to rescue his daughter Radar, who was resourceful when Talking to doctors. When he found the wiretap installed by the police on the doctor, he was in a hurry and thought of asking the doctor to help him sell medicine, otherwise he would kill the ticket. Doctors can only do this. As soon as I returned to the mainland, I was arrested by the police. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison under Chinese law and regulations. After a decade of change, the doctor is released from prison, and Radar has become the big brother of the drug dealer because of his intelligence and ability. He was grateful and invested in building schools for children to learn. But contractors cut corners when building the school, and the school's infrastructure could not be secured, resulting in the collapse of the teaching building and the overwhelm of students' classes. Radar quickly sent someone to take the injured person to the hospital and see him personally. Later, in anger, he went to the contractor, punched and kicked him, and finally ended his life. Radar, a perennial drug dealer, is tired of this life of fear and is ready to retire, but the younger brother does not want to lose this good opportunity to make money quickly. Want to bury Radar and the doctor's daughter alive. The local villagers know that Radar is very kind and has done a lot of good things for the village. The two were rescued spontaneously. After a period of recuperation, they came to the mainland to find a doctor, planned to make one last drug deal for money, and then live a stable life. When Radar contacted the former contact, he found that the contact might have been exposed. But I went to the appointment for money. At the time of the transaction, sure enough, there was a policeman with a pistol, and the connector killed the policeman when he changed hands, and Radar also killed the connector in order to kill him. Later, he went to the airport to pick up the doctor's father and daughter and prepare to leave the place. However, the police have set up a tight encirclement at the airport to bring the radar to justice. Radar eventually told the doctor that he had some savings in his hospital, enough for his father and daughter to survive.

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