
The names of the dishes and the things that the whole manchu had to say

author:Ann La Mortals

The Manchu and Han dynasties were all seated, and the court feast during the Qing Dynasty. It not only has the characteristics of court cuisine, but also has the essence of local flavors; highlighting the special flavor of Manchu and Han cuisine, barbecue, hot pot, shabu-shabu almost indispensable dishes, while also showing the characteristics of Han cooking, grilling, frying, stir-frying, boiling, roasting and so on, is actually the treasure and the highest realm of Chinese cuisine culture. The Manchu and Han full table was originally a kind of full table made by manchus and Han Chinese when banquets were held in the Qing Dynasty court. There are generally at least 108 kinds of dishes (54 southern dishes and 54 northern dishes) served in the Whole Table of Manchu and Han, which are eaten in three days. The dishes of the Manchu Han whole table are salty and sweet, there are meat and vegetarian, a wide range of materials, fine ingredients, and mountain treasures and sea flavors.

The names of the dishes and the things that the whole manchu had to say

The manchu meal [1] is exquisite and exquisitely etiquetted, forming a unique style that attracts attention. Before entering the table, first serve two pairs of incense, tea and hand plates; there are four fresh fruits, four dried fruits, four fruits and four preserves on the table; after entering the table, first serve cold cuts and then hot stir-fry, large dishes, and beets are served in turn. The full table of the Manchu Han Dynasty is divided into six banquets, all named after the famous banquets of the Qing Palace. Bringing together many famous dishes of the Manchu Han Dynasty, the dining environment is quaint and solemn. During the banquet, famous teachers are invited to play ancient music to accompany the banquet, along the elegant legacy, the etiquette is rigorous and solemn, inheriting traditional virtues, and serving the week of the court of the school, so that the guests will linger. After the full meal, you can appreciate the essence of Chinese cooking, the origin of food culture, and enjoy the supremacy of the spirit of all things.

The names of the dishes and the things that the whole manchu had to say

There are a total of 108 dishes in the Full Man Han Table:

Steamed lamb, steamed bear paw, steamed deer tail, roasted duck, roasted chicken, roast goose, brine pig, brine duck, sauce chicken, bacon, pine flower belly, dried meat, sausage, assorted su pan, smoked chicken white belly, steamed eight treasure pig, river rice stuffed duck, jar pheasant, canned quail, brine pieces, brine goose, pheasant, rabbit breast, python, silver fish, steamed hash ant, braised duck shreds, braised duck loin, braised duck strips, mixed duck shreds, yellow heart pipes, braised white eel, braised yellow eel, tempeh catfish, pot roasted carp, boiled carp, braised shrimp, Soft fried tenderloin, soft fried chicken, assorted sausage, boiled jackdaw, butter roll, braised fresh mushroom, braised fish breast, braised fish belly, braised fish fillet, vinegared pork slices, braised three fresh, braised white mushrooms, braised pigeon eggs, fried silver wire, braised eel, fried white shrimp, braised clams, fried noodle fish, fried bamboo shoots, hibiscus swallow vegetables, fried shrimp kernels, braised shrimp kernels, braised pork belly, braised pork ribs, pot roasted sea cucumbers, pot roasted white vegetables, fried wood ear, fried liver tip, osmanthus flower seeds, steamed wings, fried birds. Fried sauce, fried pork ribs, steamed Jiang Yaozhu, sugar boiled rice, mixed chicken shredded, mixed belly shredded, assorted tofu, assorted dinger, bad duck, bad fish fillet, crab meat, stir-fried crab meat, braised crab meat, mixed crab meat, steamed pumpkin, stuffed melon, fried loofah, stuffed winter melon. Smoked duck palm, braised duck palm, braised duck palm, braised white, eggplant oven meat, duck soup, crab meat soup, chicken blood soup, three fresh wood soup, red balls, white balls, southern frying balls, sixxi balls, three fresh balls, dumpling balls, dumpling balls, shrimp balls, fish balls, dumplings, fried meatballs, tofu balls, cherry meat, horse tooth meat, rice noodle meat, a poinsettia meat, chestnut meat, jar meat, red braised meat, yellow stewed meat, sauce tofu meat, tanner meat, stewed meat, sticky meat, stewed meat, stewed meat, lean meat, stewed meat, stewed meat, stewed meat, roasted meat, roasted meat, roasted meat, white meat, red elbow, White elbow, smoked elbow, crystal elbow, honey wax elbow, pot roasted elbow, grilled elbow strips, stewed lamb, sauce lamb, roast lamb, roast lamb, clear lamb, spiced lamb, three kinds of soup, three kinds of fried, fried rolled fruit, braised dan, braised sour swallow, braised silver wire, braised white offal, knotweed, braised knots, braised knots, braised knots, braised knots, fried hydrangeas, three fresh shark fins, chestnut chicken, carp, sauce crucian carp, live drill carp, plate duck, tube chicken, braised navel belly, braised southern grass, popping belly ren'er, salted elbow flower, pot roasted pig's trotter, stir-fried rice, stewed hanging seeds, roasted liver tip, Roasted fat intestines, burnt hearts, burned lungs, burned purple gai'er, burnt lian ti, roasted bao gai'er, fried lungs, sauce melon silk, pheasant diced, mixed jellyfish, dragon's whiskers, braised winter shoots, magnolia slices, roasted mandarin ducks, roasted fish heads, roasted betel nuts, roasted lilies, fried tofu, fried gluten, fried soft towels, sugar stewed dumplings, plucked silk yam, sugar braised lotus seeds, stuffed yam, almond cheese, small stir-fried crabs, tai agar, stir-fried meat vegetarians, assorted gesquat rice, fish, fish, eight generations of fish, sea crucian carp, yellow flower fish, anchovies, striped fish, grilled sea cucumber, grilled bird's nest, grilled chicken legs, grilled chicken nuggets , Grilled meat, grilled gluten, grilled three kinds, oil splashed meat, sauce splashed meat, fried shrimp yellow, boiled crab yellow, fried crab, fried crab, bergamot sea cucumber, fried cooking, fried mustard rice, milk soup, wing soup, three silk soup, smoked dove, brine dove, sea white rice, braised waist dinger, fire-fried circumference, fried deer tail, braised fish head, mixed skin residue, fat intestine, fried purple cover, chicken silk bean sprouts, twelve vegetables, soup sheep, deer meat, hump, deer daha, cutting root, fried flower pieces, mixed powder peel, boiled lettuce, cooking bud leek, wood chestnut, cooking cloves, cooking meat, Boiled white meat, spicy pheasant, braised acid buds, braised spinal cord, salted meat shreds, white meat shreds, water chestnut pot, vegetarian stewed spring immortality, braised lotus seeds, sour yellow cabbage, roasted radish, fat oil snowflake vegetables, braised silver fungus, fried silver branches, eight treasure hazelnut sauce, yellow fish pot, cabbage pot, Shi Shi Nishiki pot, tangyuan pot, chrysanthemum pot, chowder pot, boiled dumpling pot, meat diced spicy sauce, stir-fried meat shredded meat, sautéed meat slices, braised sauerkraut, braised cabbage, braised peas, braised lentils, edamame beans, sautéed cowpeas, plus pickled ale.

The name of this passage is actually the name of the dish of the whole table of The Manchu Han Dynasty, and it is only known today.

The names of the dishes and the things that the whole manchu had to say

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