
"Life Inspiration"

author:Wang Bo 32

When people are quiet in the middle of the night, lie down and carefully reminisce about life, it is really not an easy task for people to live a lifetime! We know we will die later, but we still have to work hard to live.

Sometimes I also wonder what is the purpose of people living a lifetime? Complex real society, the heart of the incomprehensible, the concern and responsibility that cannot be put down, the endless bittersweet and bittersweet life experienced in life, the endless bumpy life, the helplessness of the world, the inability to forget the yesterday that has passed, the busy and busy today, and the tomorrow you did not expect, and finally do not know which day it will suddenly disappear, maybe this is the so-called life.

So no matter how busy and tired you are, don't forget to feel sorry for yourself and take care of yourself. Because life is only once. Remember that winter is coming, the weather is getting colder, be sure to remember to add clothes! Life is like the weather, the weather is predictable, but it often surprises you. Whether it is the brilliant sunshine of the four seasons, or the impermanence of life, a good mood is the only wealth of life. Grasping the daily life and taking care of the unique self is the best cherishing of oneself.

The inevitable gain in life, the loss of calmness, going with the sex, the peace of the encounter, and everything with the fate, this is the most open-minded and wise attitude towards life.

I once read a very good passage: each of us has his shortcomings, so be tolerant of each other.

Each of us has his strengths, so appreciate each other and support a little.

Each of us has our own personality, so be humble and generous with each other.

Each of us has some differences in personality, so be more accepting and understanding with each other.

Each of us has a sad time, so we have to comfort each other a little.

Each of us has happy times, so share the joy with each other a little.

Acquaintance in this world is a kind of fate, we must cherish everyone we meet in life, or family, friends, strangers! If that can't be done, it's just going their separate ways.

We must learn to be happy, and happiness will make us feel comfortable!

We must learn to bear pressure, and only with pressure can we have the motivation to live!

We must learn to break down sorrow, because only we can heal ourselves!

We have to learn to take care of ourselves, because taking care of ourselves can take care of your family!

We must learn to make children grateful, because children who will be grateful will have a wonderful life in the future!

We must learn to honor our parents, because they are the ones who gave birth to me and raised me!

In fact, life must also do two things well, even if you are successful:

First, educate your own children, teach him to learn to be grateful, grow up not to endanger society, and become a useful person to society.

The second is to take care of yourself and don't drag your children down.

On the road of life, what you have walked through is yesterday, what is walking under your feet is today, and tomorrow that needs to go in front of you is a relatively meaningful existence. No matter how deeply you have been hurt in life, I believe that it will always pass, and time will make you forgive all the difficulties that life has made to you before. Sometimes, a tired mood suddenly arises in my heart, feeling that I am very tired and tired. I just want to indulge myself completely, hoping to go crazy hysterically once. But I told myself I shouldn't do it. Because, you have a responsibility on your shoulders! So, no matter what, we have to live with our hearts and keep smiling. The three thousand prosperity of this world is only a matter of moments, but after a hundred years, it will become a bunch of yellow earth. Please be kind to yourself and everyone around you, and cherish the encounter in this life, because there is no next life.

People's life is actually really short, everyone says that they want to live this life, but in this road is full of too many hardships and unknowns, sometimes walking and walking is left with the past. There are too many people who say that they want to be confidants for a lifetime, but they can become the most familiar strangers as soon as they turn around. Some people clearly say goodbye tomorrow, but when they wake up, they may be on their own. Therefore, while we are all still alive and can still see the sun every day when we open our eyes, then face the sun and move forward. Whether it is relatives, classmates, friends, colleagues, or strangers, it is a rare fate to be together in the vast sea of people, do not miss it. Play when you can, and don't be stingy when you can eat. Cherish everyone around you, and don't be a dishonest person who turns his face faster than he can turn over a book.

Only when people understand each other can they have real emotions, and don't leave too many regrets in your life.

No matter how good the fate of life can not withstand the perfunctory of lies, even the deepest feelings need to be cherished by each other.

There is no absolute fool in life, and those who are willing to pretend to be fools for you are not fools, but wise and intelligent. People who forgive you are because they know how to cherish and don't want to lose you. Only by being sincere with each other can we always keep each other, and cherishing each other can we deserve to have it for a long time. When it is advantageous, learn to make people; when it is reasonable, do not be courteous and unforgiving; when others are in distress, do not laugh at others. People who are too shrewd in life will be hated; those who are too cunning and mean will be rejected; those who are too arrogant and self-righteous will be spurned. When people walk in the world, they are an emptiness, so why bother with everything and not give in to each other. Saying more will hurt people, and accumulating more hatred in the heart will hurt God, and instead of hurting people and hurting God, it is better to go with nature and not bother God. People must be unashamed and leisurely in their lives. If you win and lose, it will be the human heart; the profits in the world are also what you can't earn, almost on the line. We must understand that the wealth gathers and the people scatter, and the wealth scatters and the people gather. When the mentality is balanced, the life will be easy; people live freely, and their lives will be worth it! If you think too much, it is easy to have troubles; If you care too much, troubles will easily plague you around; If you pursue too much, you will easily get tired. Cherish everyone around you, life because there is no acquaintance in the next life! Feel the joy of life and forget the pain that life brings you. Time flies! Enjoy every morning of your life so you can tell yourself you're alive.

This document is given to my family, friends, relatives, teachers, classmates, colleagues, good friends, good brothers, good sisters, strangers, and everyone who loves me and I love. Brew a cup of tea in your spare time, meditate, savor life, if you have read this article, if you can read it again, maybe you will experience the true meaning of life, maybe this is life!

Be sure to love life with your heart. Life is a book that gradually opens. Even if there is a lot of helplessness, as long as you can watch the sunrise in the morning and enjoy the sunset in the evening, this is a simple happiness; Even if there are many storms and clouds, as long as you can look at the moon and keep your mind clear, it is an enlightened state of mind; Even if there are many chapters, as long as you read them carefully and taste them slowly, the details, the beauty, the feelings, is a kind of understanding, a kind of touch, a kind of shock.

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