
The modern version of the "Fuchun Mountain Residence Map" | Chixi Village", "Weak Birds Fly First" for a long time


Editor's note: On September 21, 2018, the 19th Politburo of the CPC Central Committee conducted a collective study on the theme of "Implementing the Strategy of Rural Revitalization". At the meeting, General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out that "it is necessary to scientifically grasp the differences in the countryside, according to the conditions of the village, accurately implement policies, and create a modern version of the 'Fuchun Mountain Residence Map' with different characteristics."

Nowadays, the modern version of the "Fuchun Mountain Residence Map" painted in the heart of General Secretary Xi Jinping is gradually emerging in the land of China. Life has running head, idyllic beauty, rural moisturizing, industrial modernization... One village after another is beautiful and butterfly, and the fertile fields show a new posture, and the more and more three-dimensional rural pictures make people intuitively feel the development of China in the new era and the increasing happiness of the villagers.

If the nation wants to be rejuvenated, the countryside must be revitalized. CCTV's "Daily Learning" column launched a special plan "Modern Version of "Fuchun Mountain Residence Map"" to experience the rural butterfly changes in the new era with you.

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It is another year of autumn wind, not like spring, better than spring.

Chixi Village, located in the southwest foothills of Taimu Mountain, the "Immortal Capital of the Sea", is still full of greenery and birds and flowers. The clear and clear downhill stream and the flowing Nine Carp Creek surround the village, the morning fog is like a yarn, the sunset is like a flame, the birds chirp, and the mountain stream is babbling.

Surrounded by trees, chixi village with white walls is full of rich She's style, and the Huipai houses are high and raise the horse head wall, which reflects the green tea mountains outside the village.

The modern version of the "Fuchun Mountain Residence Map" | Chixi Village", "Weak Birds Fly First" for a long time

At the mouth of the village stands the stone stele of "China's First Poverty Alleviation Village".

From the "first village of poverty alleviation in China" that was "raised in the deep and unknown" to the "treasure" xiaokang village selected as the "third batch of national rural tourism key villages list", Fujian Ningde Chixi Village has become a vivid epitome of China's rural hard work, getting rid of poverty, and building a well-off society in an all-round way.

General Secretary Xi Jinping has always been concerned about Chixi Village.

At the beginning of 2015, General Secretary Xi Jinping made important instructions on the achievements of poverty alleviation in Chixi Village, Ningde.

On February 19, 2016, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in a video connection with cadres and villagers representatives of Chixi Village: "I said in Ningde, dripping water through stones, long-term achievements, weak birds fly first, you have done it." ”

The modern version of the "Fuchun Mountain Residence Map" | Chixi Village", "Weak Birds Fly First" for a long time

Former thatched huts in Lower Hill Creek Natural Village.

The former Chixi Village, which integrates "old, young, border and poor", is synonymous with poverty. More than 280 villagers live scattered in 14 remote She's natural villages with "five passes", with an annual per capita net income of only 166 yuan, living a hard life of "bamboo wooden houses at home, and it is difficult to uncover the pot".

In 1988, Xi Jinping, then secretary of the Ningde Prefectural Party Committee, had just arrived and was thinking about and running for the "three dreams" of Mindong.

"The key to what kind of development path Mindong takes is how the two wheels of agriculture and industry turn, and we are poor in 'agriculture', and we can only get rich in 'farming'."

At that time, Xi Jinping started with in-depth research, established the "four grass-roots" system, put forward the concept of "weak birds fly first", advocated the spirit of "dripping water through stones", focused on improving regional infrastructure and people's living standards, and made up his mind to lead the people of eastern Fujian out of poverty.

The modern version of the "Fuchun Mountain Residence Map" | Chixi Village", "Weak Birds Fly First" for a long time

In the spring of 1995, the entire village of Xiashanxi Natural Village was relocated to Chixi Village, taking the lead in the country to start the "benefit project" of poverty alleviation and development.

With the support of the party's poverty alleviation policy, Chixi Village has gorgeously "butterfly change". 10 years of "blood transfusion" local poverty alleviation, 10 years of "blood exchange" relocation and change, 10 years of "hematopoietic" "tourism + industry" to find wealth, more than 30 years, from getting rid of poverty to becoming well-off, from suffering loss to letting go of dreams, the change of Chixi fully confirms the development dialectic of "weak birds fly first, first to come later", and effectively witness the struggle force of "dripping water through stones and long-term achievements".

The modern version of the "Fuchun Mountain Residence Map" | Chixi Village", "Weak Birds Fly First" for a long time

Chixi Village Entrance.

Today's Chixi Village, the beautiful vision of "tourism rich village, strong agricultural village, cultural village, ecological beauty village" is unfolding in front of the eyes.

The countryside is on fire.

Glass boardwalks, grass skiing, rafting... One tourist and leisure project after another has attracted many tourists. The villagers have their own talents, white tea shops, souvenir shops, homestays, farmhouses... Commercial shops are one after another.

The tea industry is booming.

"The world's white tea is in China, and China's white tea is in Fuding." The town of Lingxi, including Chixi Village, is recognized as the highest quality growing place for Fuding white tea. In order to better promote the production and transportation of white tea, Chixi Village built a road through the village, opened up the "lifeblood" of development, more than 5,000 acres of tea gardens have tea mountain roads, and more Chixi tea leaves go to the whole country and the world.

Culture is constantly "new".

In the ancient house with a history of more than 400 years, zhong Limei, the owner of the homestay, often wears a phoenix suit, dyes fabrics and weaves buckets in the bright sunlight, and the style of the Shejia family has a unique charm. Now, she has not only become the leader of shecun tourism, led the establishment of the shege duet team, but also organized women to participate in the scarf entrepreneurship club, and her life was solid and prosperous.

The villagers served "ecological bowls".

In a bay of Nine Carp Creek, five or six bamboo rafts lined up in a row on the calm water. Bamboo poles swept away the mirror-like surface of the water, and the waves of water slowly swung around, startling a group of egrets on the shore. Today's Chixi, characteristic agriculture and ecological tourism complement each other, continue to be full of vitality, green water and green mountains and Jinshan Yinshan win-win rural revitalization pace is accelerating.


Chixi, a beautiful village where landscapes and cultures are integrated, is born of streams, happy with streams, and prosperous by streams.

The figures are the most powerful illustration, in 2020, the collective economic income of Chixi Village is 2.15 million yuan, the per capita disposable income is 30127 yuan, the income of tourism-related industries is more than 22 million yuan, and the income of characteristic agriculture is 17.2 million yuan.

Nowadays, Chixi, which is walking on the road of rural revitalization, is winning more and more attention with more and more beautiful rural pictures.


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