
Nanjing Moling City Management: Multiple measures to carry out urban appearance and environmental improvement work

author:Purple Cow News

In order to effectively create a clean, tidy, peaceful, and orderly urban environment, on the occasion of the National Day, the comprehensive administrative inspection and law enforcement brigade of Moling Street in Jiangning District, Nanjing City, took active action, made arrangements and plans in advance, and did a solid job in the pre-holiday urban appearance and environmental improvement work.

Nanjing Moling City Management: Multiple measures to carry out urban appearance and environmental improvement work

Law enforcement personnel go deep into the streets and alleys, strengthen the visit and publicity of shops along the streets in the jurisdiction, standardize and persuade illegal advertising facilities, occupied road operations, random stacking and other behaviors that affect the urban appearance environment, supervise and urge merchants to implement the "three guarantees in front of the door" responsibility system, take the initiative to do a good job in surrounding environmental sanitation work, and ensure that the operation order is clean and beautiful during the double festival.

Implement the grid inspection mechanism, make a good personnel deployment plan in advance, adopt the working method of "fixing personnel, fixing posts, and determining responsibilities", highlight key areas and key periods, clarify responsibilities, adopt flexible and pragmatic measures, and strengthen management of commercial squares, farmers' markets, stations and other areas.

Nanjing Moling City Management: Multiple measures to carry out urban appearance and environmental improvement work

Carry out special rectification of violations such as occupying lanes in the jurisdiction, posting small advertisements indiscriminately, and parking non-motorized vehicles by mobile vendors, increase the intensity of dynamic inspections, and adopt staggered and delayed inspection management for key areas, especially areas with dense crowds, to discover problems, correct them in a timely manner, stop them, and guide them, so as to ensure that the urban environment during the double festival period is orderly. A total of 1,020 people were dispatched, more than 360 households in front of the three packs of shops were regulated, more than 90 mobile vendors were banned, more than 60 window posts were cleaned up, more than 310 non-motorized vehicles were sorted out, 42 clutters were cleaned up and placed randomly, 15 illegal advertising light boxes were removed, more than 860 small advertisements were cleaned up, more than 140 shared bicycles were cleared, and about 6 tons of debris were cleared.

Proofread by Faye Wong

Source: Purple Cow News

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