
Interview with Zhang Yi: Architecture must have vitality, and the combination of hard infrastructure and soft infrastructure can be successful

author:The Paper

The Paper's Hong Kong reporting team Wu Yi, Han Yuting, Peng Yujie

Almost no one who has experienced the third and fourth waves of the new crown epidemic in Hong Kong is unaware of Hong Kong's temporary hospitals and community treatment facilities, which are regarded as Hong Kong's version of "Vulcan Mountain Hospital" and "Square Cabin Hospital" - the "DinghaiShen Needle" of the central government's anti-epidemic assistance to Hong Kong.

Responsible for leading the design and construction of these two major projects is Zhang Yi, general manager of China State Construction International Medical Industry Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "China State International Medical"). In front of the camera in front of the reporter of the surging news (, Zhang Yi, who is only in his forties, wears suits and shoes, talks gently and elegantly, but in fact, he has been in the construction industry for nearly two decades and has been responsible for a number of major engineering projects in Hong Kong.

Interview with Zhang Yi: Architecture must have vitality, and the combination of hard infrastructure and soft infrastructure can be successful

Zhang Yi, General Manager of China State Construction International Medical Industry Development Co., Ltd. The Paper's reporter Peng Yujie took a photo

In his words, the work of architecture is very grounded, and if you do not touch each work with your own hands, you will not be able to understand it deeply, and it will be difficult to develop further.

Immersed in Hong Kong's construction industry for more than ten or twenty years, Zhang Yi's concept of construction has integrated the characteristics of the two places. In his view, in addition to the spirit of craftsmanship, "big country construction" must also have humanistic care, only the combination of hard infrastructure and soft infrastructure, giving the building temperature, vitality and even artistic sense, in order to create a better life.

Give life to the building

The Hong Kong Children's Hospital, located at 1 ChengChang Road, Kai Tak, Kowloon, Hong Kong, is one of the mega projects under the responsibility of Zhang Yi.

When he took over the project, he saw children with serious diseases, felt heartache and heartache, and wanted to create a more comfortable environment for them, safe treatment, free from fear. When he remembered the hospital's temperatureless white and strong smell of potions, he was afraid, and Zhang Yi wanted to design it as "a hospital unlike a hospital."

A "hospital that knows how to tell stories" was born. From the moment they step through the hospital door, whether they walk into the elevator, go to a specialist clinic, or stay in a ward, along the way, they are surrounded by smiling animal families, and even the hospital notice is plastered with cute images of small animals, as if they are in a large children's playground.

And the details are polished little by little. In order to achieve the perfect effect, the team communicated with government departments, sick children's families, medical staff, scientific researchers and even child psychologists, more than 500 doctors and nurses participated in the entire project, each user meeting was almost more than 200 people, after the completion of the indoor model, the medical care provided more than 1,000 opinions, and the color system of the light ward was changed 7 times on the spot.

Some people will ask, isn't it enough to get one thing done, why think so much? Zhang Yi gave his own answer: a project, done in a down-to-earth manner, just do things right, and if it is integrated into humanistic care, it has temperature and vitality, so that it can be done better and leave valuable things for society.

"In addition to the spirit of craftsmanship, 'big country construction' must also have humanistic care, and should convey the care and love of the building for the user." Zhang Yi believes that hard infrastructure should be combined with soft infrastructure in order to meet the needs of the development of the times and the people's pursuit of a higher quality of life.

Boost Chinese architecture to the world

China State Construction International Medical, where Zhang Yi worked, was established in 2019, when the Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area was released, and it can be said that this company rose up on the east wind of the development of the Greater Bay Area.

From a set of data, we can see the status of China State International Medical in Hong Kong and Macao: in Hong Kong, it has undertaken a total of 18 hospitals, 4 quarantine centers and 1 single community treatment facility project, accumulatively participated in the construction of a quarter of Hong Kong hospitals, with a total contract amount of nearly HK$50 billion, the number of hospital beds built exceeded one-sixth of the total number of existing hospital beds in Hong Kong, and nearly half of hong Kong's new quarantine units were built.

Zhang Yi revealed that the company is also participating in some other regional hospital construction projects, including Macau Outlying Island Hospital, Shenzhen Shekou Hospital, Shenzhen Epidemic Prevention Hotel, etc., hoping to bring Hong Kong's high-standard and lean engineering construction system to the Greater Bay Area and provide a reference for the high-quality development of the construction industry in the Greater Bay Area.

China has the title of "infrastructure demon", and Hong Kong is a window for China to open up to the outside world, in terms of construction standards and systems in line with international standards, it is worth the reference and reference of the mainland construction industry that is going to the world, especially in medical construction.

"He is the stone of the mountain, and he can attack jade." Zhang Yi said that different regional cultures, rules and policies, there will be invisible ceilings and partition walls, which need to be digested first and then implemented, rather than directly used.

In order to strengthen the team, Zhang Yi is thirsty for talents. Dr Lily Chiu, currently the Director of Medical Operations at China State Construction International, was the Director of the Hong Kong Hospital Authority's West Kowloon Network during the SARS 2003 sarcasm, the President of Margaret Hospital in Hong Kong (the only infectious disease hospital in Hong Kong), and the recipient of the Hong Kong Purple Star.

During the epidemic period, a number of anti-epidemic projects in Hong Kong came from their hands, among which the Hong Kong Temporary Hospital Project aided by the central government, Zhao Lili was responsible for medical planning and epidemic prevention management, and Zhang Yi was mainly responsible for design, construction and overall planning. This super project, which should have taken 3-4 years to complete, was completed in less than four months with high quality, efficiency, compliance and legality, creating a miracle in Hong Kong's architectural history.

"We want to do more valuable things." In Zhang Yi's view, there are many excellent doctors and world-class disciplines in the mainland, and medical and health projects can allow more people with different professions to participate in them and optimize construction and services.

Under the guidance of the strategic goal of "Healthy China 2030", Zhang Yi is trying to promote the development of healthy cities with the combination of architecture and operation, create a richer product line, improve the system engineering of serving the people, and make the people live a healthier, more comfortable and more dignified life.

Editor-in-Charge: Jiang Chenrui

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