
He made great achievements under Ye Ting, and later rebelled and became the old Jiang Ai general, and was posthumously awarded the title of second-rank general

author:The Big Bang of History

We often hear the conscience of the Kuomintang generals find that they finally surrendered to the Communist Party for the sake of the great national righteousness, but in the early days of the revolution, because the Communist Party was weak in strength, many people chose to defect to the Kuomintang in order to survive, and the more controversial of them was Ou Zhen.

He made great achievements under Ye Ting, and later rebelled and became the old Jiang Ai general, and was posthumously awarded the title of second-rank general

Ou Zhen was indignant at the fragmentation of China due to warlord divisions from an early age, so after graduating from high school, he joined Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary army. He became famous during the Northern Expedition, when he was a subordinate of the famous general Zhang Fakui, who followed Zhang Fakui on his eastern expedition to the west, and Ou Zhen's figure could be seen in Tingsi Bridge, Wuchang, Jiangxi, and Henan. Especially during the bloody battle in Wuchang, Ou Zhen volunteered to personally lead the death squad with a suke Shusheng, successfully climbed the city with the enemy's dense bullet frame ladder, and finally controlled the city wall after paying the tragic price of more than half of the death squad's casualties.

Because of his outstanding military achievements, he was already a regimental commander under Ye Ting at the time of the Nanchang Uprising. At first, the Nanchang Uprising was successful, but with the outbreak of the Battle of Tangkeng, the rebel army was defeated by the Heavy Encirclement and Suppression of the Kuomintang, which eventually led to the failure of the Nanchang Uprising, and it was also in this battle that Ou Zhen completely parted ways with our army.

It is worth mentioning that according to General Xiao Ke's recollection, Ou Zhen was not a member of the Communist Party at that time, so there was no such thing as a traitor to the party. Moreover, with the defection of Cai Tingkai and his troops, the leaders of the rebel army have learned their lessons and promoted unreliable elements such as Ou Zhen to deputy division commanders, which is actually to seize Ou Zhen's military power.

He made great achievements under Ye Ting, and later rebelled and became the old Jiang Ai general, and was posthumously awarded the title of second-rank general

The defeat of the rebel army in the Battle of Tangkeng was too tragic, resulting in the rebel troops in the Chaoshan area turning into scattered sand, at this time many soldiers and officers chose to find another way out, some returned to their hometowns, some started a guerrilla war, and Ou Zhen chose to defect to the Kuomintang camp.

Because he was the deputy commander of the rebel army, Ou Zhen, who had defected to the Kuomintang, enjoyed the treatment of deputy regimental commander as soon as he joined Deng Longguang's troops, and Ou Zhen, who had tasted the sweetness, was more loyal to the Kuomintang, and used practical actions to repay the Kuomintang's heavy use, successively serving as the commander of the 90th Division, the commander of the 4th Army, the deputy commander-in-chief of the 27th Group Army, the commander-in-chief of the 10th Group Army, and the deputy commander-in-chief of hainan defense.

He made great achievements under Ye Ting, and later rebelled and became the old Jiang Ai general, and was posthumously awarded the title of second-rank general

Of course, Ou Zhen could not stop the general trend of history, and with the defeat of the Kuomintang at MengLianggu, Ou Zhen basically withdrew from the kuomintang's front-line command camp, and later fled to Taiwan with Chiang Kai-shek. Because he liked to write poetry for recreation during his military career, Ou Zhen was also known as a "Confucian general" within the Kuomintang. On February 13, 1969, Ou Zhen died of illness in Taiwan, and was posthumously promoted to the rank of second-class general of the Army.

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