
The colonel wanted to see the founding marshal, the guards did not let in, after saying the nickname, the marshal personally went out to meet the sharpshooter who covered the seventeen warriors to cross the Dadu River with a pair of pants and sent a nickname to see the marshal by the nickname, and broke into Zhongnanhai alone

The colonel wanted to see the founding marshal, the guards did not let in, after saying the nickname, the marshal personally went out to meet the sharpshooter who covered the seventeen warriors to cross the Dadu River with a pair of pants and sent a nickname to see the marshal by the nickname, and broke into Zhongnanhai alone
The golden sands and waters beat the cloud cliffs warmly, and the Dadu Bridge crossed the iron cable cold.

This is a famous sentence in the "Seven Laws and Long March" created by the chairman, and it is also a poem that many people have memorized and remembered in their hearts when they were students. The story behind the verse is not unfamiliar to us, it is the Red Army's clever crossing of the Jinsha River and the forced crossing of the Dadu River.

Seventeen of them, the forced crossing of the Dadu River, was full of dangers and was as anxious as a spark, leaving a strong mark in the history of China's revolutionary war. On the banks of this Dadu River, behind the forced crossing of the Dadu River, there are still many unknown stories and heroes who are rarely mentioned.

The American journalist Snow described the significance of the Red Army's forced crossing of the Dadu River in his "Journey to the West": This was the most important event in the Long March, and if the crossing of the river failed, the Red Army would probably be annihilated.

It was May 1935, and the 1st Regiment of the 1st Division of the 1st Red Army, as the advance team on the long march, marched hard in the rainy night to the Dadu River, before dawn and before dawn. The soldiers of the Red Regiment nervously made preparations to cross the river and forcibly cross the Dadu River before hundreds of thousands of Nationalist government troops arrived, which was an order issued by the leadership and a confident act of confidence for the soldiers to win the Long March.

The colonel wanted to see the founding marshal, the guards did not let in, after saying the nickname, the marshal personally went out to meet the sharpshooter who covered the seventeen warriors to cross the Dadu River with a pair of pants and sent a nickname to see the marshal by the nickname, and broke into Zhongnanhai alone

Liu Bocheng, chief of the general staff of the Red Army, and Nie Rongzhen, political commissar of the Red First Army, also came to the front line of the river crossing to listen to yang Dezhi, the leader of the Red Regiment, report on the preparations for crossing the river. Is the tulk coming? Yang Dezhi replied: "Come, come, and specially equipped him with two machine guns!" "

Liu Bocheng on the side was very confused, who is the tulao? Why did you have two guns specifically for him? Nie Rongzhen smiled, "He is the reddest person in the red group, known as the Tulao, he is our best machine gunner, and he is also the machine gun platoon leader, his name is Li Decai!" "

This local guy Li Decai, who made Nie Rongzhen particularly appreciated, was not only famous, but also had unique machine gun technology. Before crossing the river, Li Decai, who was tall and dark-faced, ran flexibly by the river, carefully measured, and led the machine gun platoon to set up the machine gun with a completely different caution and care from his straight personality.

Under the command of the leader, the seventeen warriors crossed the river in a small boat, and as soon as they entered the river, the enemy on the opposite bank launched a strong fire sniper, the boat was small and the waves were large, and the warriors could not play their strengths, and could only seek opportunities to dodge. At this time, the machine gun platoon under the leadership of Li Decai "snapped" at the enemy and fired fiercely at the enemy, covering the rapid advance of the warriors in the river.

The colonel wanted to see the founding marshal, the guards did not let in, after saying the nickname, the marshal personally went out to meet the sharpshooter who covered the seventeen warriors to cross the Dadu River with a pair of pants and sent a nickname to see the marshal by the nickname, and broke into Zhongnanhai alone

Li Decai took turns using two machine guns, and the dense bullets directly hit the enemy's key points, causing the enemy soldiers to feel frightened and scattered. Finally approaching the opposite bank, the warriors jumped off the boat, entered the waist-deep water and strode forward, suddenly more than 200 enemy soldiers poured out from the hidden place on the shore, rushing towards the warriors along the riverbank ramp, and at the critical moment, the gunner Zhao Zhangcheng continuously fired shells at the opposite bank, catching the enemy by surprise.

When the enemy troops fled in all directions, Li De knew that his opportunity had come, he aimed at the other side, "snapped", the enemy fell to the ground one by one, like a stroke of God, every sound, every bullet, played a role. Liu Bocheng looked at the side and shouted, "The local guys are playing well!" Well played! In this way, the seventeen warriors successfully landed, destroyed the remnants of the enemy, and the Red Army won another strategic victory.

Whether it is the seventeen brave warriors in the front or the brave sharpshooter Li Decai in the rear, they are inseparable from a brave word. In the end, Li Decai was also named and commended by the chairman together with the Seventeen Warriors, and won the title of hero of the river crossing. At the same time, it also has strategy and superb business technology, which is the enlightenment and gift that Li Decai gave us. The workplace is like a battlefield, no matter how many routines and shortcuts, the strength of business technology is always the foundation of the workplace.

In today's impetuous and nihilistic world, more people believe in fancy routines, and less of the refinement and improvement of their own skills, how to be as down-to-earth as a Red Army soldier, like Li Decai, brave and strategic, is what we need to think about.

The colonel wanted to see the founding marshal, the guards did not let in, after saying the nickname, the marshal personally went out to meet the sharpshooter who covered the seventeen warriors to cross the Dadu River with a pair of pants and sent a nickname to see the marshal by the nickname, and broke into Zhongnanhai alone

Speaking of Li Decai's nickname of "Tulao", it was still the chairman's name! This is a mark in Li Decai's life, a milestone. Li Decai is straightforward by nature and loves to make friends. Because he joined the Red Army late, he was older than other soldiers, and therefore, everyone called him Lao Li, one was to respect him as the eldest brother, and the other was that he had a good personality and was treated by many people.

Once, when the Red Army captured a batch of clothing and materials, Li De was given a pair of trousers, a pair of military pants cut in imitation of The German style, with an opening similar to trousers in front. Li Decai had never seen pants cut like this, going back and forth to study which side was front and which side was back.

In the end, he decided to wear the side with the opening in the back, and said that it was convenient to. The soldiers laughed when they heard it, and after ten or ten passes, the news of Li Decai wearing pants reached the chairman, who laughed and said, "This tulk! In this way, Li Decai's nickname of "Tulao" spread, and Li Decai himself was willing to let everyone call him like this, which seemed kind at the same time, and could also bring everyone a little joy in difficult times.

This is another kind of wisdom of Li Decai, just like the comedians on the stage, sacrificing their own external image, good at making fun of themselves, to win the laughter and happiness of the audience. Good at self-deprecation, can joke, naturally more and more friends, the road will be wider and wider. This is not to say that people should be cheerful and extroverted, but introverts can also have an open mind, a self-deprecating mentality, and a willingness to sacrifice their own spirit.

The colonel wanted to see the founding marshal, the guards did not let in, after saying the nickname, the marshal personally went out to meet the sharpshooter who covered the seventeen warriors to cross the Dadu River with a pair of pants and sent a nickname to see the marshal by the nickname, and broke into Zhongnanhai alone
"Whatever is great must be simple." Leo Tolstoy said.

The heroic and good warrior Li Decai later participated in the PingshiGuan Victory and other battles during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and made many military achievements. After liberation, Li Decai gave up the opportunity to be a manager in Beijing and voluntarily returned to the Baoding Military Sub-district, where he had witnessed his growth, as a commander, which was also the highest position in his life, and in 1955, he was awarded the rank of colonel. Li Decai relied on a simple and uncomplicated mentality to move forward all the way, and in his heart, being an official is not a great thing, and living happily is great.

Li Decai, who was the commander of the Baoding Military Subdistrict, always felt that the equipment of the military region was too rudimentary, but he could never find a solution. Until one day, when he heard that the old chief had come to Baoding, he thought about seeing the chief no matter what. Who knew that at the door, the young guards did not know him and would not let him in.

As soon as Li Decai's temper came up, he said directly: "You go to report to the chief, saying that the local guy is coming, and see if he can see it!" The guards saw that he dared to have such an attitude, thinking that the big leader was coming, and hurried in to report. Chief Lin, who wanted to smile without smiling, listened to the guard's report and even had a smile on his face: "This tulk, I will go to see him!" After saying the nickname like this, the marshal personally went out to greet the only one, I am afraid that Li De was the only one.

The colonel wanted to see the founding marshal, the guards did not let in, after saying the nickname, the marshal personally went out to meet the sharpshooter who covered the seventeen warriors to cross the Dadu River with a pair of pants and sent a nickname to see the marshal by the nickname, and broke into Zhongnanhai alone

Lin Zong, who learned of Li Decai's intentions, also made a difficulty: "I am not the logistics minister, where can I find equipment for you?" At this time, Deng Hua and Li Tianyou ran over and pulled Li Decai away. It turned out that these two people had heard that Li Decai, the straight son, had come to the chief to "find something" and hurried over to break the siege. "Your native is also too bold, dare to take the oil of the chief, you are the first, and I guess you are the last." The two laughed and teased Li Decai. Later, Li Decai got the equipment as he wished, which greatly improved the level of weapons and equipment of the Baoding Military Region.

Li Decai has always maintained his own frankness and sincerity, and even two years before his death, in order to build a basketball court for the soldiers, he broke through the gate of Zhongnanhai alone, directly asked the chairman to build the cement of the basketball court, and did not forget to ask the chairman for a pen and a belt as a memorial before leaving.

Up to now, Li Decai seems to be too un "rules", but aren't the rules exactly for the people who set the rules? Unruly people naturally don't follow the rules. There will always be people in the world who are willing to break the rules and follow the heart forward. The people who dare to break the rules and create success are not only those who have achieved fame, but also you and me.

Text/Yu Xin