
[Anti-black elite] Zheng Xiaodong: Shoulder the responsibility, attack the strong and dare to shine the sword

author:On-the-head inspection
[Anti-black elite] Zheng Xiaodong: Shoulder the responsibility, attack the strong and dare to shine the sword

He is the procurator of the First Procuratorial Department of the Yingshang County People's Procuratorate. Relying on the conscientious and conscientious work attitude, the work performance of overcoming difficulties and having the courage to take responsibility, he has been rated as an excellent civil servant for four consecutive years, and gradually grew from a clerk to a post procurator.

In the past seven years since the procuratorate, Comrade Zheng Xiaodong has relied on the "spirit of craftsmanship" to study diligently and diligently, immerse himself in hard work with the "spirit of taking root," examine all kinds of criminal cases according to law, promptly and accurately charge various criminal offenses, continuously strengthen supervision of investigation and criminal trial activities, and issue procuratorial suggestions to relevant departments in a timely manner according to the circumstances of the case, so as to give full play to the public prosecution duties. As of the beginning of 2020, the comrade has undertaken more than 400 criminal cases. At the same time, it sponsored and co-organized a number of cases involving criminal syndicates and evil forces with great social impact, such as the cases of 23 people including Chen X and Chen X, and the major evil cases of Ma X and 16 others, and contributed its own strength to the struggle against organized crime and evil forces.

First, obey the overall situation and obey the command

[Anti-black elite] Zheng Xiaodong: Shoulder the responsibility, attack the strong and dare to shine the sword

The case of Chen X, Chen X, and 23 others involved in organized crime is the first triad-related case heard by the Yingshang County People's Court since the launch of the special struggle against organized crime and evil forces. The case was officially filed and investigated on March 29, 2019, and transferred for review and prosecution on September 10, 2019. There are 23 criminal suspects in the case, and there are more than 50 criminal facts suspected of 12 crimes, spanning from 2005 to 2018, and the case file is 66 volumes. The time of the case was tight, the task was heavy, and the standards were high, and Comrade Zheng Xiaodong was ordered to go to the battlefield at the first time.

Focus on timely intervention. After being invited by the investigative organs to intervene in advance, Comrade Zheng Xiaodong was assigned to intervene in the case in advance. During the intervention, case coordination meetings were held with the special case team on many occasions to discuss, consult, and resolve difficult issues involving criminal syndicates and evil forces. And promptly report the case situation to the chief procurator and the deputy chief procurator in charge, assist the leader to go to the front line of the case handling to supervise and investigate many times, and ensure that the general direction and general tone of the case remain unchanged, and the investigation intensity and investigation strategy are not reduced.

Focus on quick arrests. At the beginning of the intervention case, considering the complexity of the case and the fixed time limit of evidence, Comrade Zheng Xiaodong promptly issued an outline for early intervention to guide the investigation to the 3.29 special case team, and put forward the principle of "arrest guarantee" as the principle, highlighting the key points and clarifying the context of the criminal facts that have been mastered, focusing on collecting and fixing evidence, ensuring that every criminal suspect has at least one criminal fact that meets the conditions for approval and arrest, and winning time for the later investigation. At the same time, it is recommended that all reports and accusations be fully received, registered and recorded, so as to map out all illegal and criminal acts of criminal suspects, and improve the evidence chain according to Tu Suoji.

Focus on quality prosecution. After the arrest work was successfully concluded and the Municipal Public Security Bureau filed a case for the crime of organizing, leading, and participating in a mafia-type organization, our hospital focused its case handling on the "four characteristics" of triad-related crimes, cracking down on money and blood, breaking the net and breaking umbrellas, controlling grass-roots political power, and sabotaging the election for a new term at the grass-roots level. In strict accordance with the prosecution standards stipulated in the Criminal Procedure Law, the personnel of the 3.29 special case team have met many times and put forward practical and feasible suggestions on the progress of the case, which has broadened the thinking and provided reference for the next step of investigation activities.

Second, the courage to be responsible, the courage to take responsibility

[Anti-black elite] Zheng Xiaodong: Shoulder the responsibility, attack the strong and dare to shine the sword

Due to the full use of the function of early intervention, the case took only 20 days to complete the review and prosecution, and on September 30, it filed a public prosecution with the Yingshang County People's Court, which completed the tasks assigned by the municipal court and the county party committee.

Compress the time limit for handling cases. In the course of handling the case, the arrest and prosecution work was completed in advance in accordance with the requirements of the county anti-gang crime office. Arrest cases are approved for up to five days, and sometimes according to the needs of the case, arrest is reported on the same day and arrest is approved the next day. The prosecution process is completed in advance and with high quality. At the time of prosecution of this case, there were 23 criminal suspects, 66 files, tight time, heavy tasks, and high requirements. The case-handling team worked overtime, and it took only 20 days to file a public prosecution with the court, and successfully completed the tasks assigned by the municipal court and the county party committee.

Focus on two aspects of supervision. In the course of handling cases, four cases were supervised, five people were pursued, and one case was counter-prosecuted in accordance with trial supervision procedures. At the same time, in light of the case-handling issues involved in the case, two copies of the clues were transferred to the Yingshang County Public Security Bureau and the Yingshang County Discipline Inspection Commission Supervision Commission, and the relevant case-handling personnel have been dealt with by their units.

Strict standards for prosecution. In the process of reviewing and prosecuting, the evidence of the case is verified according to the criteria of clear facts of the crime, credible evidence, and sufficient evidence, to ensure that each fact alleged in the indictment is corroborated by two or more types of evidence, so as not to be indulged. The prosecution of this case has been recognized and affirmed by the higher-level procuratorial organs. In strict accordance with Procurator General Zhang Jun's requirement that "not one criminal syndicate or evil crime should be spared, and not one criminal syndicate or evil crime should be counted," the case-handling team did not elevate or demote the cases involved in the case, and resolutely swept away all such rural criminal and evil forces that had long controlled grass-roots political power, manipulated and sabotaged grass-roots elections, monopolized rural resources, embezzled collective assets, used family and clan forces to run rampant in the townships, dominated one side, and oppressed and maimed the masses.

THIRD, admit guilt and accept punishment, and the quality and effectiveness are both high

[Anti-black elite] Zheng Xiaodong: Shoulder the responsibility, attack the strong and dare to shine the sword

Do the foot interpretation of the law to reason. In the process of advancing the work of admitting guilt and accepting punishment, Comrade Zheng Xiaodong consulted with the defendant and his defender more than 60 times, and rushed to the Taihe, Jieshou, Fuyang, and Yingshang Detention Centers to inform the defendants of their rights and popularize the law, ensuring that the defendants in this case knew and approved the facts of the alleged crime, the sentencing recommendation, and the applicable procedures for trial, and that they were aware of the legal consequences that may result from admitting guilt and accepting punishment.

Differentiate identity processing. In the presence of the defender, in addition to the two organizational leaders, Chen X and Chen X, 21 defendants signed a plea affidavits. The Yingshang County People's Procuratorate submitted a reasonable sentencing recommendation based on the nature and circumstances of each defendant's crime. During the trial on the first day, defendants Chen xxx and Chen xx, under the inspiration and pressure of all other defendants who admitted guilt and accepted punishment, took the initiative to admit guilt and accept punishment, and signed a plea affidavit on the spot. So far, all the defendants in this case have pleaded guilty and accepted punishment.

Ensure high quality and efficiency. In their final statements, the 23 defendants clearly admitted guilt and accepted punishment, weeping bitterly and confessing guilt and repentance, so that the trial that was originally expected to last for five days ended prematurely in only 16 hours, and successfully completed the trial of the first case involving organized crime in the county. This case is the first case in Anhui Province in which all defendants in triad-related crimes have admitted guilt and accepted punishment. The application of the plea system has greatly accelerated the pace of trials, improved the efficiency of litigation, educated the masses on the sidelines, and achieved the unity of political, legal, and social effects.

Fourth, pay attention to supervision and comprehensive management

[Anti-black elite] Zheng Xiaodong: Shoulder the responsibility, attack the strong and dare to shine the sword

In view of the problems found in the process of handling the case, this court performed its legal supervision function in accordance with the law, and successively sent three copies of procuratorial suggestions to the three departments of Yingshang County, all of which have received replies, and the three organs have screened and rectified the problems in their respective fields, and established rules and regulations for long-term and permanent governance. Through the collective wisdom and efforts of all units, we will perform the duties of comprehensive management, and strive to further enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness and security, so as to further consolidate the party's ruling foundation and ensure that the people live and work in peace and contentment, social stability and order, and the country's long-term peace and stability.

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