
Save the green onion can not be placed on the ground, teach you 3 soil methods, not hollow, not dry, not bad for a long time

author:Curly hair for gourmet food

Hey everyone, I'm curly hair. Green onions are one of our most common green foods, with a unique flavor, crisp taste, and a hint of sweetness. Whether it is used directly as a vegetable or as an ingredient, it is loved by everyone. Especially our friends in the north, like to eat directly dipped in sauce.

Save the green onion can not be placed on the ground, teach you 3 soil methods, not hollow, not dry, not bad for a long time

Now is the season of the spring onion harvest, you can take advantage of the fact that the green onions are cheaper and more tuned. I have heard that the price of green onions will rise during a period of time, and I don't know if I will repeat the "garlic you fierce" of the year. Curly hair has been sold for 4 yuan a pound, where are you? I don't know how the green onions you bought back are preserved? If you put it directly on the ground, you would be very wrong. Today's curly hair will teach you 3 good ways to save green onions, to ensure that your green onions are not dry and hollow, and they are fresh for a year and a half.

Save the green onion can not be placed on the ground, teach you 3 soil methods, not hollow, not dry, not bad for a long time

"If you want to keep the green onion well, the preliminary work is indispensable", we buy back the fresh green onion to dry at home for two or three days, and dry the surface moisture for it. Because the surface of the green onion is full of moisture, it will accelerate the deterioration and decay of the green onion. Only the surface moisture is first dried to ensure a certain degree of dryness to extend the "shelf life" of the green onion. If we have dried leaves, we must not pick them, because if we do not dry the "wound" in time, the moisture will accelerate the decay of our green onions.

Save the green onion can not be placed on the ground, teach you 3 soil methods, not hollow, not dry, not bad for a long time

Method 1: Bundle the green onion method

Find a rope and let's tie the green onions. Be careful not to tie our rope too tightly, too tight will make the epidermis of the green onion wound, the water flow out to accelerate the decay, and at the speed of "one pass ten, ten pass a hundred" "scourge" to other green onions, so that other green onions can not be preserved for a day! When bundling, it is recommended to bundle a small amount, 2-3 sticks in a group. According to the amount of each meal, one is to avoid the holding of large bundles of straps unchanged; the other is to avoid repeated bundling of green onions, resulting in wear and tear on the skin of the green onions.

Save the green onion can not be placed on the ground, teach you 3 soil methods, not hollow, not dry, not bad for a long time

Method 2: Wrap the scallion method

Find a newspaper or leaflet and roll up the roots and white parts of the green onion. Never put it on the ground, because the moisture on the floor will expose the roots of our green onions to moisture. Then prepare another cardboard box at home, and place the green onions in turn inside the cardboard box. The carton has a very good moisture-proof effect, plus the wrapping of the newspaper, under the dual protection of the two, can make our green onions in a completely dry environment to preserve, greatly improving its preservation time.

Save the green onion can not be placed on the ground, teach you 3 soil methods, not hollow, not dry, not bad for a long time

Method 3: Grow green onion method

Find a foam box or pot to plant our shallots into the box. Take out a little sister-in-law's succulent soil, pour it into our foam box, add green onions and cover the soil with the roots. The principle of this method is very simple, that is, to plant green onions alive and provide nutrients to it. Finally pour into the source of life can be, with this method you plant until next year's spring warm flowers are still fresh Oh! Finally, put it in a ventilated and cool place at home, avoid exposure to the sun, and water it daily.

Save the green onion can not be placed on the ground, teach you 3 soil methods, not hollow, not dry, not bad for a long time

Method 4: Frozen green onion method

Finally, I would like to share with you the quickest and most convenient method, which is only suitable for a small amount of green onions! Divide our green onions into 2-3 pieces, find another sheet of plastic wrap, and roll up our green onions. Remember to expel the air vigorously when wrapping, so that the green onion is completely isolated from the air. Finally put it in the refrigerator in the refrigerator, eat as you like, it is recommended to eat it within a week!

Save the green onion can not be placed on the ground, teach you 3 soil methods, not hollow, not dry, not bad for a long time

Well, that's all for "Onion Save", I hope that helps you. It's not easy to write an article, you may wish to give a thumbs up to curly hair! Your encouragement is my biggest motivation to move forward. Follow me, the next issue is more exciting.