
Even Zhu Di did not dare to abolish Zhu Yuanzhang's "system of martyrdom of living people", why did Zhu Qizhen dare?

First, why drive "history back"?

Although no one can deny his exploits, even if he massacres heroes on a large scale, there are various reasons to excuse him. For example, because the crown prince Zhu Biao died, in order to have a stable inheritance under the great tomorrow, Zhu Yuanzhang must eliminate the "threat".

But when he opened the "living martyrdom system", even "fans" like the author believe that this is driving a reverse of history, and they can't wash him.

So why did Zhu Yuanzhang do this? In my opinion, there are roughly two reasons.

Even Zhu Di did not dare to abolish Zhu Yuanzhang's "system of martyrdom of living people", why did Zhu Qizhen dare?

One: instrumentalism

This is related to the ancient concept - the general preference for sons and daughters, women's social status is very low, even if they enter the palace to serve the emperor, isn't this also the case? The so-called mother is precious to the son!

The main reason why Lü Hou was able to create the "Lü Hou Rebellion" was not that she was Liu Bangzheng's wife, the empress, etc., but that her son became the emperor's eldest brother!

And Emperor Wu of Han did not kill Lady Hook Yi, but he was afraid that this phenomenon of "children and young mothers will be strong, and they will chaos the dynasty" will occur!

Therefore, the conclusion is: to Zhu Yuanzhang, what harem beauties, except for his wife Empress Ma, are all fertility tools. When my son was born, I was crowned king of the clan and guarded the side of my Daming town. Daughters are used to consolidate their rule by marriage. In other words, both the son and the daughter have uses, but unfortunately, when the mother (except the horse queen), they have become tools.

Therefore, after Zhu Yuanzhang's death, those poor concubines were all martyred, even princess Baoqing's birth mother was actually martyred. (Records of Emperor Taizongwen :( Princess Baoqing) The sixteenth daughter of Emperor Taizu was born and Taizu collapsed, and her mother Zhang Shi also died. It is not like the legend, because Zhu Yuanzhang loves his daughter young and has no wife, and he raises his noble hand!

Even Zhu Di did not dare to abolish Zhu Yuanzhang's "system of martyrdom of living people", why did Zhu Qizhen dare?

Second: the theory of variation

When we praise Zhu Yuanzhang's life as open and hanging, is it not equivalent to admitting in disguise that Zhu Yuanzhang has created a psychological "mutation" because of his experience of complexity? Of course, the vernacular is regarded as a "pervert", and the author is one of Zhu Yuanzhang's fans, so it is still a neutral word of mutation.

Acknowledging the "mutation", Zhu Yuanzhang did something beyond people's imagination, and it was logical.

When we pursue the "peak of life" and shout "infinite scenery is at the peak of danger", we must bear its corresponding cost and change accordingly, and it is not necessarily a positive change - people with stories will not object, right?

The so-called high place is not cold - cold, not only clothes are added, but also the possibility of counterattacking the ancestors to grow a long hair to withstand the cold! Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang's opening of the burial of the living and the reversal of history are the products of this "mutation".

Even Zhu Di did not dare to abolish Zhu Yuanzhang's "system of martyrdom of living people", why did Zhu Qizhen dare?

Second, why did Zhu Di, Zhu Gaozi, and Zhu Zhanji dare not abolish it?

Understanding why Zhu Yuanzhang drove history backwards, let's analyze Zhu Di, Zhu Gaozi, and Zhu Zhanji.

Zhu Di is one of the historical counter-attackers. The only one who succeeded in his rebellion as the king of the clan. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is Zhu Yuanzhang's "contrarian son." Originally, Zhu Yuanzhang gave the throne to Zhu Yunjiao, but he came to grab it, no matter what the reason, this is not a contrarian son?

It is reasonable to say that he dared to counterattack Zhu Yuanzhang, but why did he dare not abolish the "system of martyrdom of the living"? Could it be that he is also like Zhu Yuanzhang, because of those two reasons? Yes and no! Because for Zhu Di to speak, there is a more critical reason - that is, because Zhu Di is not in the right position.

That's why he worked so hard all his life, and wanted to prove with his achievements that I, Zhu Laosi, was the really qualified emperor, and seized the throne of the hairy boy Zhu Yunjiao, for the sake of "ancestral Jiangshan Sheji". So in this kind of psychology, does it mean that Zhu Di should respect Zhu Yuanzhang even more? This is a case of rebellion!

Even Zhu Di did not dare to abolish Zhu Yuanzhang's "system of martyrdom of living people", why did Zhu Qizhen dare?

Therefore, Zhu Di did not dare to overthrow Zhu Yuanzhang's system, he was born short of breath! For example, everyone knows that Zhu Di likes Zhu Gaoxu the most and has always wanted to pass the throne to him, but why did he finally pass the throne to Zhu Gaoxu?

First, this is the succession system formulated by Zhu Yuanzhang, the so-called "firstborn son system".

Second, Zhu Gaozi was the "Son of the King of Yan" who was personally canonized by Zhu Yuanzhang! That is to say, when Zhu Yuanzhang was alive, Zhu Gaozi's status was fixed!

Zhu Di did not dare, but what about Zhu Gaozi and Zhu Zhanji?

Zhu Gaozi died after only 11 months on the throne, so even if he wanted to abolish it, he didn't have that time! Because there are more urgent things, such as dealing with the orphans of Jingnan and cleaning up the mess for his father Zhu Di - there is always an endless war, this is burning money, economic development or not? The so-called first care for the living.

At the same time, his body was the most clear to him, and he also had to worry about how the throne would pass to Zhu Zhanji, and not be robbed by his precious brother Zhu Gaoxu, how could this be taken care of?

Even Zhu Di did not dare to abolish Zhu Yuanzhang's "system of martyrdom of living people", why did Zhu Qizhen dare?

Therefore, when Zhu Zhanji arrived, there was already an environment for abolishing the "burial of the living." So why didn't Zhu Zhanji dare?

First: Zhu Zhanji was identified by Zhu Di. A "good saint" established its status.

First, when Zhu Zhanji was 28 years old, he had his first son, Zhu Qizhen, and happily spared no effort to abolish it.

Second: Although Zhu Zhanji only lived for 36 years, he was emperor for 10 years!

Once these three pieces of information are added, the reason will come out.

Zhu Di's authority cannot be challenged, and to challenge it is tantamount to denying Zhu Zhanji. As for the burial of the living? I have Zhu Zhanji's heirs, my wife has also become an empress, she has taken insurance, and others still use it? Therefore, Grandpa Zhu Di did not abolish it, and I Zhu Zhanji did not abolish it.

Of course, if you want to say that Zhu Zhanji is busy fighting and fighting, you can only say this.

Even Zhu Di did not dare to abolish Zhu Yuanzhang's "system of martyrdom of living people", why did Zhu Qizhen dare?

Why did Zhu Qizhen dare to abolish it?

For Zhu Qizhen, the author said a lot before, so I will not elaborate on his experience, and directly enter the analysis. The author believes that there are two reasons.

First: In this life, there must always be one thing that can be done, right? Especially for people of the rank of emperors and princes. The conditions in Zhu Qi Town were far better than Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Di, and even his father, Zhu Zhanji. After the "rule of Ren Xuan", Daming has actually reached its peak!

It just so happens that Zhu Qizhen is a person with ideas, which is the original intention of his "Northern Hunting" Walla - don't care what his ability is, the idea is good! Unfortunately, the ideal is very full, but the reality is very bone-chilling, and in the end he was rubbed fiercely, and the imperial grand plan became empty.

Then nangong reinstated as emperor, but killed Yu Qian, rehabilitated Wang Zhenneng's criminals, etc., which can be described as a wave of operations as fierce as a tiger, and looking back, the score was only "250". Therefore, the abolition of the burial of the living, this relatively simple thing, became his breakthrough.

Even Zhu Di did not dare to abolish Zhu Yuanzhang's "system of martyrdom of living people", why did Zhu Qizhen dare?

Second: In this life, the Tao is ruthless but sentient. Zhu Qizhen was cold and ruthless to Zhu Qiyu and Yu Qian, but he harbored deep guilt for his wife, Empress Qian. Empress Qian cried blind for him, and you people with an iron heart will also have tenderness and guilt in the face of such a wife.

And the fatal thing is that Empress Qian did not have children, once Zhu Qizhen died, it would be repaired in minutes, and it was even very likely that she would be forced to be buried! Therefore, before Zhu Qizhen died, he first abolished the system of burial of the living (the martyrdom of the concubines of the palace), and instructed Emperor Xianzong of Ming: "The empress's name is fixed, and she should fulfill her filial piety for all her life... After Empress Qian lived for a long time, she was buried with Yuan. ”

Facts have also proved this point, even with Zhu Qizhen's pre-death instructions, Ming Xianzong's birth mother did not care about that set, had to be the empress dowager, and instructed people to propose: abolish Empress Qian! Thanks to Li Xian and other auxiliary ministers to resist, this saved Empress Qian!

Therefore, Zhu Qizhen's abolition of the burial of living people is inevitably related to the protection of Empress Qian.

Even Zhu Di did not dare to abolish Zhu Yuanzhang's "system of martyrdom of living people", why did Zhu Qizhen dare?

The last question is: The system of burial of the living has existed for so many years, why did none of the ministers of Daming, who were full of benevolence and morality, oppose it? But after the abolition of Zhuqi Town, praise Zhuqi Town in unison? What did they do earlier?

Just one answer: the empresses, concubines, etc. in the harem of the Ming Dynasty, almost did not have the daughters of the powerful people of the dynasty, which was a rule formulated by Zhu Yuanzhang to avoid foreign forces from interfering in politics! (Zhu Di's wife, Empress Xu, was an exception, and he won the throne.)

So-called, dead Daoist friends do not die poor Dao! Without their own daughters, those cattle ministers, is it still necessary to charge forward?

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