
Bitter melon many people do wrong, no wonder it is bitter and astringent, learn to do this, the table is more fragrant than eating meat

author:Ah San Food

Life has no rehearsal, and food has no beauty. Hello everyone, today I will share a delicious dish with bitter melon. Bitter melon can clear the heat and relieve the heat. The bitters contained in bitter melon can clear the heat and fire, strengthen the spleen and appetize. Eating bitter melon can release the heat in the heart and eliminate toxins in the body. The alkaloid substance quinine contained in bitter melon has the effect of diuretic blood invigorating, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic. Today with bitter melon to make delicious, wrapped you can't stop eating!

Bitter melon many people do wrong, no wonder it is bitter and astringent, learn to do this, the table is more fragrant than eating meat

【Cold mix bitter melon】

【Basic Ingredients】Bitter melon, onion, fungus, salt, cooking oil, minced garlic, green onion

【Basic steps】

1. Speaking of bitter melon, everyone is very familiar with it, but everyone also knows that the taste of bitter melon is relatively bitter, so this leads to many people not liking to eat. Today we will use bitter melon to share a delicious recipe of bitter melon. Take out two bitter melons that we just bought from the supermarket, cut off the head and tail parts of the bitter melon with a knife, put it on the board and cut the bitter melon from the middle.

Bitter melon many people do wrong, no wonder it is bitter and astringent, learn to do this, the table is more fragrant than eating meat

2. Use a spoon to remove the melon inside the bitter melon, the bitter melon must be removed, and then put the bitter melon on the top of the board with a knife to cut into thin and uniform bitter melon slices, cut the bitter melon into a clean dish we prepared in advance, at this time our bitter melon is ready. Continue preparing the other side dishes.

Bitter melon many people do wrong, no wonder it is bitter and astringent, learn to do this, the table is more fragrant than eating meat

3. Take out a fresh onion, cut the onion into thin and evenly sliced onion, cut it well and put the onion slices in a clean bowl we have prepared beforehand. Take out the appropriate amount of garlic, remove the skin of the garlic, and cut the peeled garlic into minced garlic. Wash the green onion to a suitable amount, cut into evenly sized green onions, cut them and put the minced garlic and green onions together in the bowl we prepared in advance.

Bitter melon many people do wrong, no wonder it is bitter and astringent, learn to do this, the table is more fragrant than eating meat

4. Add chili noodles, sesame seeds, and peppercorn powder to a bowl with minced garlic and green onions, and pour hot oil we've just cooked into it to stimulate the aroma. Stir it well with chopsticks. Add salt, sugar, soy sauce, aged vinegar and sesame oil to it, continue to stir with chopsticks, stir it well enough, and set aside.

Bitter melon many people do wrong, no wonder it is bitter and astringent, learn to do this, the table is more fragrant than eating meat

5. Boil water in the pot, add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, and bring the water in the pot to a boil. Add a spoonful of salt, an appropriate amount of cooking oil, and blanch the bitter melon slices we just cut into the pot. Blanching bitter melon can remove the bitter taste of bitter melon, during which the spoon is constantly turned to make the bitter melon evenly heated. Blanch the bitter melon until it is broken and fish it out of the cool water.

Bitter melon many people do wrong, no wonder it is bitter and astringent, learn to do this, the table is more fragrant than eating meat

6. Take out the fungus prepared in advance, put the fungus into the pot and blanch the same water again, during the boiling period with a spoon to stir continuously, so that the fungus is evenly heated. Blanch the fungus until it is broken, fish it out of control and put it together with bitter melon and go through the cold water. After cooling water, place the bitter melon, fungus and onion together in a bowl.

Bitter melon many people do wrong, no wonder it is bitter and astringent, learn to do this, the table is more fragrant than eating meat

7. Put all the side dishes into the bowl, pour all the sauce we just prepared into the bowl, add the peanuts and rice we have fried in advance, and the coriander will go in. Use chopsticks to stir constantly, mix it well, and then put it into the plate we have prepared in advance. A delicious cold mix bitter melon is ready, spicy and appetizing to eat, not bitter at all, like to eat quickly follow up, let's try it together!

Bitter melon many people do wrong, no wonder it is bitter and astringent, learn to do this, the table is more fragrant than eating meat

【Love Tips】

1. When cutting bitter melon, the melon of bitter melon must be removed, otherwise it will affect the taste when eating;

2. When the bitter melon is blanched, remember to put salt and cooking oil into it, salt can remove the bitter taste of the bitter melon, and the cooking oil can keep the color of the bitter melon bright.

Today's food is shared here, every day for everyone to share a home-cooked food, thank you for watching, like friends to help like, pay attention to Oh! See you tomorrow, thank you!