
The reason for the collapse of Zhengzhou Sanding home economics was exposed! It has opened more than 100 branches nationwide

author:Henan Business Daily

Chief reporter of Henan Business Daily Wu Jun Intern Fan Linlin Wen Reporter Wang Wanxian Tutu

As a populous province, Henan now has many housekeeping companies? Why did Sanding Home Economics, which has been established for 20 years and has more than 100 branches in the country, suddenly go out of business? How much does domestic service contribute to GDP?

The reason for the collapse of Zhengzhou Sanding home economics was exposed! It has opened more than 100 branches nationwide

On April 18, 2019, the "China Zhengzhou Home Economics Industry Consulting and Management High-level Forum" was held in Zhengzhou, where more than 100 presidents, industry senior experts and heads of domestic enterprises from all over the country attended the meeting, and discussed the development and problems of the home economics industry.


The reasons for the collapse of Sanding Home Economics, which opened more than 100 branches across the country, were exposed

How important is domestic service in people's lives?

Wang Su, director of the Commercial and Trade Service Division of the Provincial Department of Commerce, said that with the development and changes of society, the domestic industry has become an important channel for expanding employment, and has also become an important industry to improve people's livelihood and enhance the happiness of people's lives.

"In this year's provincial government work report, for the first time, it is clearly proposed to 'cultivate new consumption hotspots such as domestic services'." Wang Su said that the Provincial Department of Commerce, as the competent department of the domestic industry, has been cultivating brand enterprises and carrying out relevant skills training.

Li Wei, director of the Service Industry Development Bureau of the Zhengzhou Municipal Development and Reform Commission, also said that more and more families have begun to buy domestic services.

"The demand for domestic services is increasing, and it has developed into a sunrise industry, but what cannot be ignored is that many problems have also been exposed in the development." Jingwei, director of the Cleaning and Cleaning Committee of the China Association, said in his speech that in August 2018, Zhengzhou Sanding Home Economics, which has been established for 20 years and has more than 100 branches in the country, announced that it was closed because of the lack of understanding of the market and the excessive pursuit of rapid money.

"After completing the original accumulation, some enterprises need to upgrade under the guidance of professional institutions." Jingwei believes that the starting point of domestic enterprises is relatively low, and it is necessary to introduce relevant management consulting.

Point 1:

China's industrial economy is shifting to a service economy

How is the domestic industry in Zhengzhou developing?

Wang Yu, president of the Zhengzhou Family Service Association, said that the Zhengzhou Home Association was established in 2002, and in the past 17 years, in order to standardize the industry and promote the healthy development of the industry, relevant industry standards and white papers have been introduced, and more than 20,000 political service personnel have been trained in 2017 and nearly 30,000 domestic service personnel have been trained in 2018.

The reason for the collapse of Zhengzhou Sanding home economics was exposed! It has opened more than 100 branches nationwide

In the past two years, the development of the industry has also faced some difficulties, but the association has survived the difficulties by purchasing government services.

"Compared with other industries, the growth rate of the domestic service industry is relatively fast." Wu Ying, dean of the Humanities College of Jilin Agricultural University, said that the contribution of the service industry to GDP is gradually growing. After 2000, in developed countries, the contribution of the service sector to GDP reached more than 70%, while in China, the contribution rate of the service sector to GDP in that year (constant price) increased from 44.9% to 58.8% in 2012-2017. In the first half of 2018, the contribution rate of the service industry to China's GDP growth reached 60.5%, 23.8 percentage points higher than that of the secondary industry; driving China's GDP growth by 4.1 percentage points.

"China's industrial economy is transforming into a service economy." Wu Ying believes that when the service output rate of a country continues to expand, people's sense of happiness in life will continue to increase, which is an industrial change path, but also a customer change path, so if the home economics industry wants to develop to high quality, it is necessary to continuously tap the potential needs of customers, and through storytelling, create their needs, so that they are willing to pay for the happiness experience.

Point 2:

Tens of thousands of domestic enterprises in Henan need to change their thinking

As a province with a large population, how many domestic enterprises are there in Henan?

Wang Dezhong, vice president of the Zhengzhou Home Economics Association and general manager of Henan Dayu Home Economics Service Co., Ltd., said that as of now, there are more than 10,000 domestic service companies in Henan.

Unfortunately, however, the development of these housekeeping companies has been uneven.

The reason for the collapse of Zhengzhou Sanding home economics was exposed! It has opened more than 100 branches nationwide

How can it be regulated?

Wang De reiterated three suggestions: He hoped that the relevant government departments would come forward to guide, industry associations would effectively promote it, and enterprises would continue to study and strengthen their internal skills.

"It's critical for business leaders to change their thinking." Zhang Guiqin, general manager of Henan Aiziyuan Maternal and Infant Care Co., Ltd., said that she started from a month in law, and at first she worked and worked as a finance, but it was very easy, and then a nursing center was set up, and she managed a few people, but she felt powerless. Finally, under the advice of friends who do management, I learned professional management, and now the company's scale has not only expanded, but also entered a period of steady growth.

(Intern Editor Xiong Ziwen Editor Dai Chenxi)

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