
In just two years, from the diagnosis of advanced cancer to the disappearance of the tumor, how did Kai-Fu Lee do it? First, Kai-Fu Lee's 4-point anti-cancer experience two, how to cure cancer? Third, some cancers still have a chance to be cured in the advanced stage

author:The truth and misconceptions of tumors

"After measuring the energy of the qi pulse, and then measuring the negative energy pollution, it turned out that I had a lot of toxins on my body, as well as the long-term pollution of computers, electromagnetic waves, and negative emotions, which made me ungrounded...."

One patient received a diagnosis after undergoing an "energy test". The doctor suggested that he buy a special kind of bed sheet with wires, one end connected to the sheet, the other connected to the outdoor land, so that sleeping in bed at night, more grounded, the disease can be cured.

Seeing this, everyone may think that this is a lie, but this patient believes it, and you may not believe it, this is an experience of Kai-Fu Lee.

In 2013, Li Kaifu found out lymphoma, there are multiple tumors in the abdomen, unfortunately has reached the advanced stage, many doctors are helpless in the face of such a condition, Li Kaifu in order to survive, what treatment is willing to try, what messy things dare to eat, only to see food with anti-cancer effects, he immediately bought it back as a medicine to eat, such as garlic, Ganoderma lucidum robe powder, old plum paste... There was nothing he didn't dare eat. It is really emotional that such a business celebrity whose resume is far more than that of ordinary people by thousands of times, can do such absurd things because of cancer.

In just two years, from the diagnosis of advanced cancer to the disappearance of the tumor, how did Kai-Fu Lee do it? First, Kai-Fu Lee's 4-point anti-cancer experience two, how to cure cancer? Third, some cancers still have a chance to be cured in the advanced stage

After finding out the cancer, Kai-Fu Lee gave up all the work at hand and finally chose a first-line treatment plan, perhaps out of "money ability" and positive and scientific treatment, he was recovered.

In 2015, Kai-Fu Lee announced on Weibo that his anti-cancer success "the last two times have not been examined for tumors", from the terminal stage of cancer to the disappearance of tumors, Lee Kai-fu only took two years, which is something that many people dare not imagine, why did he do it?

In order to encourage more cancer patients to recover, Kai-Fu Lee specially shared his anti-cancer experience and experience on social networks.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="9" >, Kai-Fu Lee's 4 anti-cancer experience</h1>

1, sleep in the first place

After suffering from cancer, Lee Kai-fu developed a good sleep habit, claiming to go to bed at 10 o'clock at night, sleep until he woke up naturally, and then take a nap for an hour at noon to maintain adequate sleep every day. He believes that the best time to sleep every night is 10 o'clock, and sleep time should be enough for 7 to 8 hours.

Sleep affects almost every tissue and system in the body—from the brain, heart, and lungs to metabolism, immune function, mood, and disease resistance. It is the most important period for the body's cells to repair damage, and high-quality sleep or enough sleep can help the body strengthen its resistance. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation has a large relationship with inflammation and decreased immune function, and these two play an important role in the development of cancer.

2. The diet should be comprehensive and balanced

In order to adjust the diet, Kai-Fu Lee specially consulted Chen Yueqing, chairman of the Cancer Care Foundation and health expert, to learn five kinds of energy soups that take into account nutrition and deliciousness, as well as various diet combinations.

It is recommended to eat more whole grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits, and eat less meat, fried barbecues and delicate foods. A balanced diet provides the body with the necessary vitamins, minerals and nutrients to help avoid many diseases and health complications. When the diet is balanced, the nutrients provided by food, such as vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin C, etc., can help maintain the key disease-resistant bacteria cells in the immune system and greatly improve blood vessel function.

3. Exercise can improve anti-cancer power

After the cancer was detected, Lee Kai-fu reduced his driving trips, walked as far as he could, and only took a taxi or subway to a farther place, so that his exercise volume increased greatly.

Exercise has many benefits for the body and also has a non-negligible role in the fight against cancer. For example, exercise can reduce sex hormone levels, prevent excessive insulin levels in the blood, achieve anti-inflammatory effects, improve immune system function, and help prevent obesity, all of which are closely related to the development of cancer. It is recommended to do one hour of moderate exercise or 30 minutes of strenuous exercise every day to reduce the risk of cancer.

In just two years, from the diagnosis of advanced cancer to the disappearance of the tumor, how did Kai-Fu Lee do it? First, Kai-Fu Lee's 4-point anti-cancer experience two, how to cure cancer? Third, some cancers still have a chance to be cured in the advanced stage

4, mentality is a good medicine for cancer treatment

Anyone familiar with Kai-Fu Lee will know that he is a naturally optimistic and humorous person, and in his hospital bed, he does not forget to joke with the people around him and find fun for himself.

Studies have shown that patients who are actively treated and have less depression recover faster and survive longer than patients with negative treatment and multiple depressions. Excluding the effect of treatment, the mentality also plays a certain role, this is because when a person is in a good mood, the body detoxifies smoothly, the cell repair is fast, and the self-healing ability is enhanced.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="9" >2. How can cancer be cured? </h1>

Cure is a medical concept, and what we generally call cure refers to clinical cure. For cancer, it is that the patient has a certain cancer, after treatment, the cancer cells cannot be detected in the body, and the cancer has not recurred, and he has not died because of this cancer

This includes two aspects:

After treatment, cancer cells cannot be detected, which is called "complete remission" in medical terms; for example, Kai-Fu Lee", "has not detected the tumor twice in a row", which belongs to this level of "cure".

There is no recurrence after complete remission. Because cancer cells are very cunning, some cancer cells may lurk in the body after treatment to evade detection and make a comeback after treatment is stopped. Therefore, "no recurrence" is the standard for defeating cancer.

For most people, the time for cancer cells to come back is within 5 years, so the clinical "5-year survival rate" is often used to measure the probability of cure of a certain cancer, in layman's terms, after 5 years of treatment, there are still many patients alive. The higher the 5-year survival rate, the greater the probability of curing this cancer. After 5 years of treatment, if there is still no recurrence, then for most patients, it can be considered to have achieved a clinical cure. Kai-Fu Lee currently has no recurrence, has been more than 5 years, and has a high probability of achieving clinical cure.

In just two years, from the diagnosis of advanced cancer to the disappearance of the tumor, how did Kai-Fu Lee do it? First, Kai-Fu Lee's 4-point anti-cancer experience two, how to cure cancer? Third, some cancers still have a chance to be cured in the advanced stage

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="9" > Third, some cancers still have a chance to be cured in advanced stages</h1>

Most people already know that early cancer can be cured, but for advanced cancer, it is generally a "certain death" attitude. In fact, some cancers still have a chance to be cured in their advanced stages.

Some systemic diseases, such as some leukemias and lymphoma suffered by Kai-Fu Lee, have a high cure rate in both early and advanced stages. This is because this type of cancer is mainly systemic treatment, not surgery, and there is a great possibility of cure through chemotherapy and other treatments.

Although some advanced cancers are indeed incurable, patients can survive for a long time. For example, in advanced breast cancer, through comprehensive treatment, it is possible to achieve long-term survival with tumors, and some can survive for seven or eight years or even longer. Even if lung cancer is advanced, it was basically difficult to exceed one year once it was advanced, but now there are many new drugs, and some lung adenocarcinomas can even survive for seven or eight years or longer.

In just two years, from the diagnosis of advanced cancer to the disappearance of the tumor, how did Kai-Fu Lee do it? First, Kai-Fu Lee's 4-point anti-cancer experience two, how to cure cancer? Third, some cancers still have a chance to be cured in the advanced stage

Kai-Fu Lee used his celebrity effect to not only bring hope to other cancer patients, but also to many healthy people. As he said, "health is priceless", so we should regard health as the greatest wealth and take care of it carefully. #Rumor Zero Plan##Breeze Plan##科学真相 #


[1] "Cancer was detected 4 years ago, and now the tumor is gone!" Kai-Fu Lee's 15 Health Advice: Don't wait until you're sick to know! 》. Health Times.2018-8-30

[2] "[Health] Advanced cancer, continue treatment or give up going home? The Doctor Told the Big Truth". People's Daily.2018-11-11

[3] "Advanced cancer, is it treatment or death?" The doctor told the big truth! 》. Sanjia Fax.2018-10-12

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