
Emperor Xuan of Han was weak, how did he successfully break through from the Power Blockade of the Huo Family

author:Zhang Shengquan's wonderful history

Emperor Xuan of Han had been welcomed out of prison by Huo Guang as emperor. At that time, for Liu Yiji, it can be called unaccompanied and weak. However, he finally succeeded in seizing the throne, and after Huo Guang's death, he also killed the Huo Guang family, completely controlled the power into his own hands, and ushered in his own era. So, how did Emperor Xuan of Han do this?

Emperor Xuan of Han was weak, how did he successfully break through from the Power Blockade of the Huo Family

(Stills of Emperor Xuan of Han)

First, Taoguang cultivates obscurity and does not repeat Liu He's mistakes.

The reason why Huo Guang had just made Liu He emperor was only 27 days ago, and liu He was deposed again. It was because Liu He had just been declared emperor that he was eager to cultivate his own power. Not only did he bring his ministers into Beijing, but he also began to make a big reward along the way. After entering Beijing, more than a thousand people were sent to various prefectures and counties to make wishes and contact feelings (this was considered by Huo Guang to be going to various places to ask for money). How could such a big move make Huo Guang want to reject Huo Guang!

Emperor Xuan of Han was not like this, and after he entered the capital, he did not use any old ministers. Of course, he was a prisoner, and he didn't have any old courtiers, but when he was in the court, he actually mixed up a lot of people, and these people, he basically didn't use.

In addition, he also completely did not take power, and continued to let Huo Guang preside over the government, leaving all major and minor matters to Huo Guang to do. Huo Guang once tempted him, saying that he would return the government to him. But he resisted the temptation and did not agree.

The reason why Emperor Xuan of Han did this, his strategy was to survive. After all, he was much younger than Huo Guang, and Huo Guang would definitely die in front of him. As soon as Huo Guang died, his opportunity came.

Emperor Xuan of Han's Taoguang cultivation was obscure, and he reached the extreme. The Huo family killed his wife Xu Pingjun, who was "deeply in love with the sword", and forcibly gave Huo Chengjun to him and became his empress, he did not show dissatisfaction, but remained silent, waiting until the end huo Guang died.

Emperor Xuan of Han was weak, how did he successfully break through from the Power Blockade of the Huo Family

(Liu He stills)

Second, honor Emperor Wu and establish the status of the Han family.

Huo Guang had already suppressed all the auxiliary ministers that Emperor Wu of Han had chosen for Emperor Han Zhao, and at the same time he had deposed Liu He, and it could be said that his power had reached its extreme. Although it is said that Jiangshan is still in the hands of the Han family, if Huo Guang has an idea at this time, it is not impossible for him to use his influence to realize the transfer of the throne. Wang Mang at the end of the Western Han Dynasty, as well as Yang Jian of the Later Zhou Dynasty, also used their influence to achieve the transfer of the throne.

Therefore, while Emperor Xuan of Han was recuperating obscurity, he had to defend himself that if he was too non-existent, power would easily be transferred.

At this time, that is, in the second year of emperor Xuan of Han's reign, he did one thing, that is, to give Emperor Wu of Han the title of honor and temple music. It's intriguing. We know that giving Emperor Wudi of Han his honorific title and temple music is a manifestation of honoring Emperor Wudi of Han. So, why did Emperor Xuan of Han choose Emperor Wu of Han instead of someone else? Because Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty once spent a period of time in exhaustion, it caused disasters to the country. At the same time, his penchant for killing in his later years also made everyone have a very bad impression of him. On the contrary, during Huo Guang's reign, he corrected the chaos and put the country back on the right track. That is to say, in a sense, huo Guang's good impression on everyone is far greater than that of Emperor Wu of Han.

Therefore, in order to ensure that the Han family did not fall into huo Guang's hands, the only way to honor Emperor Wu of Han and eliminate the bad impression of Emperor Wu of Han in the hearts of everyone. Besides, Emperor Xuan of Han's father and grandfather's family were all treated badly by Emperor Wu of Han, and Emperor Xuan of Han did this, which also showed the unity and inheritance of Liu Han's family.

Emperor Xuan of Han was weak, how did he successfully break through from the Power Blockade of the Huo Family

(Huo Guang stills)

Third, resolutely seize power and sweep away the Huo family.

Emperor Xuan of Han ensured that Huo Guang neither feared him nor dared to usurp power by taoguang's behavior of cultivating obscurity and respecting the Han family. Finally, through boiling, he finally survived until Huo Guang died.

After Huo Guang's death, Emperor Xuan of Han began to act. The Huo family's killing of Xu Pingjun was a good breakthrough and a good excuse to divert the Huo family's attention. After all, the Huo family killed the wife of the other person, so there was also some jealousy in their hearts. Where there is jealousy, there is hesitation. Emperor Xuan of Han took advantage of this hesitation of the Huo family to very decisively arrange troops and dispatch troops. Finally, take down all the Huo family.

From here, we can see that the mind of Emperor Xuan of Han is really very mature.

(Reference: Book of Han)

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