
Mango seeds are combined with humidity and heat, seasonal delicacies should drink soup, carp crucian carp bitter melon chicken 4 kinds of soup method

author:Healthy foodies

June 5 is the Mango Festival, the weather is humid and hot, people are tired and sleepy, diet as little as possible to eat greasy, here is an introduction to a few seasonal Cantonese soup.

Mango seeds are combined with humidity and heat, seasonal delicacies should drink soup, carp crucian carp bitter melon chicken 4 kinds of soup method

Mango seeds are combined with humidity and heat, seasonal delicacies should drink soup, carp crucian carp bitter melon chicken 4 kinds of soup method

Red bean pork stew carp: for 3 to 4 people

Ingredients: 90 grams of red adzuki beans, 1 carp, about 500 grams, pork front leg meat 150 grams, 1/4 tangerine peel.

Excipients: Peanut oil 10 ml, salt 3 g, ginger 1 small piece, cut into 3 slices.

Directions: 1 Wash the red beans. 2 Soak the tangerine peel in water, remove and wash. 3 Wash the front leg of the pig without cutting. 4 Wash the carp, remove the gills, remove the internal organs, do not scale, and dry the water on the fish. 5 Heat the carp in a pan and add peanut oil to a boil, fry the carp until yellowish on both sides. 6 Put the tangerine peel into a clay pot, pour 2500 ml of water and bring to a boil over high heat. 7 Add red beans, pork front leg meat, ginger, change heat and continue simmering for 1.5 hours. 8 Add carp, simmer for 30 to 45 minutes, add salt and peanut oil.

Be careful not to confuse red adzuki beans with red beans, the former is flat and round, the latter is round, the taste is different, the effect is also different.

Mango seeds are combined with humidity and heat, seasonal delicacies should drink soup, carp crucian carp bitter melon chicken 4 kinds of soup method

Black bean eyebrow bean tangerine peel stew crucian carp: for 4 to 5 people to eat.

Ingredients: 80 grams of black beans, 80 grams of eyebrow beans, 50 grams of peanuts, 1/3 orange peel, 1 crucian carp, 100 grams of lean pork.

Excipients: peanut oil 10 ml, salt 3 g, ginger 3 slices.

Directions: 1 Soak the black beans, eyebrow beans, peanuts and tangerine peel in water for 30 minutes and rinse off. 2 Wash the lean pork and cut into chunks. 3 Crucian carp is gills removed, scaled, offaled and washed. 4 Heat the crucian carp on a heat, add peanut oil and fry the crucian carp until slightly brown. 5 Put crucian carp, pork, black beans, eyebrow beans, peanuts, tangerine peel and ginger slices into a clay pot, add 2500 ml of water and bring to a boil over high heat. 6 Reduce heat to simmer for about 1 hour, add salt.

Mango seeds are combined with humidity and heat, seasonal delicacies should drink soup, carp crucian carp bitter melon chicken 4 kinds of soup method

Tieguanyin chicken soup: for 3 to 4 people to eat.

Ingredients: 20 grams of Tieguanyin tea, 1/2 fresh chicken, 100 grams of lean pork.

Excipients: 2 g of salt, 3 slices of ginger.

Directions: 1 Brew Tieguanyin with boiling water and brew about 1250 ml of tea for later use. 2 Tieguanyin tea leaves are bandaged with gauze. 3 Remove the internal organs, cut off the tail and wash the fresh chicken. 4 Wash the lean pork and cut into chunks. 5 Tea bags, fresh chicken, pork lean meat pieces into the stew cup, inject pre-brewed Tieguanyin tea, cover the water and simmer for 2.5 hours, drink the soup and then put salt to taste. With Tieguanyin and fresh chicken soup, fragrant and delicious, tonic but not dry, is a summer health product.

Mango seeds are combined with humidity and heat, seasonal delicacies should drink soup, carp crucian carp bitter melon chicken 4 kinds of soup method

Bitter melon mung bean soup: for 1 to 2 people.

Ingredients: bitter melon 500 g, mung beans 120 g.

Accessories: 2 g salt, 3 slices of ginger.

Directions: 1 Wash the bitter melon and cut into segments. 2 Add 2500 ml of water to the soup pot, add ginger and bring to a boil over high heat. 3 Put the bitter melon and mung beans and bring to a boil. 4 Turn on low heat, cook until the mung beans are flowering, add salt.

Bitter melon mung bean soup can cool off the heat and dispel poison, but those with spleen deficiency and stomach cold should not eat it.

Mango seeds are combined with humidity and heat, seasonal delicacies should drink soup, carp crucian carp bitter melon chicken 4 kinds of soup method

These 4 kinds of soup, using fresh seasonal ingredients, simple and easy to make, delicious and nutritious, but also appetizing and relieving the heat, is the seasonal cuisine during the early summer of Mango, welcome to try and taste.

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