
In 1938, Bethune first met Chairman Mao, and the next day he wrote in his diary: This is a giant Ah Bethune's early experience Bethune came to China Bethune First time to see Chairman Mao Bethune and Chairman Mao late at night conversation for 3 hours Bethune returned to his residence, the next day he wrote in his diary: This is a giant About Bethune's salary Bethune battlefield blood transfusion Bethune serious work Bethune serious work Bethune Doctor died in the line of duty

author:Idle to read history

Chairman Mao once published an article entitled "In Memory of Bethune", in which he solemnly stated: "This foreign friend has no selfish intentions and is concerned with the revolutionary cause of the Chinese people. What kind of spirit is this? This is the spirit of internationalism, the spirit of communism! This is the spirit that all Chinese Communists should learn from. ”

Chairman Mao gave Bethune a very high evaluation, and as to what kind of person Bethune really was, the people who came into contact with him were very clear. Nie Rongzhen once had a deep friendship with him, and General Nie and his daughter sighed: "Bethune is really a very special person, and with him, I feel that my soul will be purified." ”

Before coming to China, Bethune was one of the most famous thoracic surgeons in Europe, and he enjoyed the respect of famous doctors in Europe, living a comfortable and comfortable life. However, he resolutely quit his job, wrote a will and handed it to his relatives, and explained: "If I want to live in a society full of killing, no one will resist, I will not face it in a silent way, at this time, all communists should unite." ”

What Mr. Bethune gave up was the stable life that many people dreamed of.

In 1938, Bethune first met Chairman Mao, and the next day he wrote in his diary: This is a giant Ah Bethune's early experience Bethune came to China Bethune First time to see Chairman Mao Bethune and Chairman Mao late at night conversation for 3 hours Bethune returned to his residence, the next day he wrote in his diary: This is a giant About Bethune's salary Bethune battlefield blood transfusion Bethune serious work Bethune serious work Bethune Doctor died in the line of duty

Pictured| Bethune

Bethune's character events have been included in primary and secondary school language textbooks, and I believe that some readers understand it. If you are interested in Bethune's series of experiences in China, you can read it, and the editor has carefully selected a small story about this friend of the Comintern.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="10" > Bethune's early experience</h1>

Born on March 3, 1890 in Ontario, Canada, Bethune's maternal grandfather was a surgeon who was interested in medicine at an early age, often learning to dissect animals like his grandfather.

Bethune often worked part-time as a teenager, and after saving some money, he did not hesitate to use the money to enroll in the Thoracic Surgery Department of the University of Toronto. In 1914, World War I broke out and Bethune enlisted.

After retiring from the army, he continued to work as a doctor and achieved great achievements. At the age of 32, Bethune became a member of the Royal Society of Surgeons; at the age of 34, Bethune invented the well-known "artificial pneumothorax therapy"; by the age of 41, Bethune had invented 22 surgical machines.

Before coming to China, he was one of the top surgeons in Europe.

In 1938, a steamship sailed out of the Port of Vancouver, Canada, and a group of war doctors with a large amount of military supplies took the cruise ship called the "Empress of Asia" to China.

In 1938, Bethune first met Chairman Mao, and the next day he wrote in his diary: This is a giant Ah Bethune's early experience Bethune came to China Bethune First time to see Chairman Mao Bethune and Chairman Mao late at night conversation for 3 hours Bethune returned to his residence, the next day he wrote in his diary: This is a giant About Bethune's salary Bethune battlefield blood transfusion Bethune serious work Bethune serious work Bethune Doctor died in the line of duty

Among this group of field doctors is a 48-year-old middle-aged Canadian man with the full name henry Norman Bethune, which is the famous Canadian doctor we talked about at the beginning. He was plain-looking, with a head of tawny hair, tall, neatly dressed, and gave a very spiritual feeling.

It was this mediocre Canadian doctor who saved countless dying lives. This is not a problem that money can solve, in the heart of this kind war doctor, he just wants to save his life, and where he is most needed, he will go.

Bethune was a member of the Communist Party in Canada and fought in many struggles with capitalism, such as the National Liberation War in Spain. When the Lugou Bridge incident spread around the world, Bethune's heart suddenly sprouted a strong sense of responsibility: "There are still many people in the world who are oppressed, and Now China is in the depths of the sea, now is the critical period of the revolution, I should appear where I am most needed." ”

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="61" > Bethune came to China</h1>

Bethune and his party came to war-torn China as volunteers. Chiang Kai-shek sent people to receive them, and of course the Kuomintang would not let go of talents like them. If they grab this group of foreign doctors, it is equivalent to getting the advanced medical equipment they brought over, which will have a lot of benefits for the medical work in the rear.

The Kuomintang arranged the best food and accommodation for them and promised them various preferential treatment. Many doctors on the medical team were moved, including Bethune's old friend Parsons, an American doctor. Bethune was so bored with the Kuomintang's promises that he could not understand that the soldiers were fighting desperately, wounded and bleeding from the front, while their officials were doing these things here.

In 1938, Bethune first met Chairman Mao, and the next day he wrote in his diary: This is a giant Ah Bethune's early experience Bethune came to China Bethune First time to see Chairman Mao Bethune and Chairman Mao late at night conversation for 3 hours Bethune returned to his residence, the next day he wrote in his diary: This is a giant About Bethune's salary Bethune battlefield blood transfusion Bethune serious work Bethune serious work Bethune Doctor died in the line of duty

Pictured| Chiang Kai-shek

Bethune, who had first come to China, did not have a good impression of China, and Bethune joined the Communist Party of Canada in 1935, and his purpose of coming this time was to join the Communist Party. The Kuomintang would persuade Bethune every day, and Bethune was very disliked by this kind of disturbance. He found Song Qingling, and with her help, Bethune came to Wuhan and met Zhou Enlai.

Zhou Enlai popularized the concept of our Communist Party of China to Bethune in detail, and then he had a preliminary understanding of our Party. At that time, Zhou Enlai did not know what kind of fortitude and determination this doctor from abroad had in his heart. Zhou Enlai arranged Bethune in a large hospital in the Peace Zone, for this work arrangement, Bethune was obviously not satisfied, he said to Zhou Enlai: "My purpose is to rescue more wounded, as far as I know, now that the war in China is urgent, I cannot stay in the Peace Zone, I hope you can arrange me to the front line." ”

Bethune's proposal made Zhou Enlai very surprised and very moved. This remark made Zhou Enlai very admired Bethune. So many years later, Bethune died, and Premier Zhou personally arranged the aftermath for him and must give him the last journey.

Zhou Enlai immediately arranged for soldiers to escort Bethune to Yan'an, and then to the war zone. The road was very difficult, and the Japanese army received news that they wanted to destroy the medical equipment brought by Bethune and others. Our army paid a terrible price in order to let Bethune and others go smoothly to Yan'an.

Bethune saw the cruelty of the Sino-Japanese war here, writing in his diary: "The Japanese army has been following us closely behind, and it seems that it cannot be shaken off, and the situation of the war is even more chilling." "The profession of doctor has been working on the operating table for many years, and this war, even doctors feel afraid, you can imagine how tragic the scene was.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="67" > Bethune first met Chairman Mao</h1>

At the end of March 1938, Bethune and his party arrived in Yan'an smoothly under the assistance of Zhu De. Bethune pinned his fervent hopes on the red land, and he did not want to see the Chinese Communist Party and the Kuomintang do the same. On the first day of Bethune's arrival in Yan'an, he couldn't stay idle and began to walk around.

In 1938, Bethune first met Chairman Mao, and the next day he wrote in his diary: This is a giant Ah Bethune's early experience Bethune came to China Bethune First time to see Chairman Mao Bethune and Chairman Mao late at night conversation for 3 hours Bethune returned to his residence, the next day he wrote in his diary: This is a giant About Bethune's salary Bethune battlefield blood transfusion Bethune serious work Bethune serious work Bethune Doctor died in the line of duty

Pictured| Zhou Enlai

Here, he found that the scene here was completely different from the scene of the Kuomintang seat. Here, everyone is purposefully busy, people are very poor, looking around, it is impossible to see which is the chief, because everyone is dressed similarly, all wearing patched cotton clothes and cotton shoes with holes.

Yan'an's first impression of Bethune was one word: poor, but everyone was full of vitality. Suddenly, a soldier was heard saying "Report sir", and Bethune heard the reputation, and the officer's dress was no different from that of ordinary soldiers.

Bethune recorded in his diary: In China, I think the city of Yan'an is the most advanced city in China. It's a completely different picture from Wuhan, which is full of bureaucracy and disappointing. Yan'an is worthy of being the revolutionary base of the proletariat, the people here are very vigorous, the streets are full of vigorous scenes, and I suddenly saw a new China.

This made Bethune add a sense of admiration to the leader of the Chinese revolution and to look forward to meeting Chairman Mao, the leader of the Chinese revolution. It didn't take long for Bethune to receive a notice to meet with Chairman Mao, and he was very surprised that a big figure like Chairman Mao must have been very reasonable, and he didn't expect to see him so soon.

The next evening, the white clouds were "burned" red, illuminating the river in Yan'an, and the river flowed. Soon to meet Chairman Mao, Bethune attached great importance to the arrival of this moment, he opened the cabinet and rummaged through his clothes, thinking for a long time to decide whether to change into the uniform of the Eighth Route Army. Bethune carefully buttoned every button on his body, checking his full body.

The meeting took place near Phoenix Mountain, where Bethune was living at the foot of Phoenix Mountain.

In 1938, Bethune first met Chairman Mao, and the next day he wrote in his diary: This is a giant Ah Bethune's early experience Bethune came to China Bethune First time to see Chairman Mao Bethune and Chairman Mao late at night conversation for 3 hours Bethune returned to his residence, the next day he wrote in his diary: This is a giant About Bethune's salary Bethune battlefield blood transfusion Bethune serious work Bethune serious work Bethune Doctor died in the line of duty

Pictured| Chairman Mao

At 11 o'clock in the evening, Bethune, led by a small comrade, went to Chairman Mao's residence, which turned out to be a cave, and he saw Chairman Mao waiting at the door of the cave.

When he first met Chairman Mao, Bethune could not believe that this leader who commanded thousands of troops and horses was dressed in any way different from what the people he saw during the day, with several patches on the cuffs of the cotton coat and a pair of clean cotton shoes on his feet. In the Kuomintang army, let alone senior generals, even ordinary officers and soldiers wore only leather shoes.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="70" > Bethune and Chairman Mao talked late at night for 3 hours</h1>

When Chairman Mao saw Bethune coming, he clasped his hands tightly and greeted him sincerely. Bethune was so moved that he gave a military salute to Chairman Mao, and Chairman Mao returned a military salute. Before coming to China, Bethune went to learn Chinese for a while, but he was not yet able to communicate with the Chinese people completely freely, and in order to communicate smoothly with Chairman Mao, he also brought an interpreter. Before meeting Bethune, Chairman Mao looked through all the information about him and admired him.

At that time, our army had insufficient experience in field medical treatment. After Chairman Mao and Bethune greeted each other, Chairman Mao did not greet each other much, but directly asked Bethune, how should we take the medical road? Bethune waited for this sentence, a doctor, the most important thing is to wait for the patient to inquire about the situation and solution, not like the Kuomintang, the surface is very polite, but behind the scenes is a different set, so he told Mao Zedong his ideas.

In 1938, Bethune first met Chairman Mao, and the next day he wrote in his diary: This is a giant Ah Bethune's early experience Bethune came to China Bethune First time to see Chairman Mao Bethune and Chairman Mao late at night conversation for 3 hours Bethune returned to his residence, the next day he wrote in his diary: This is a giant About Bethune's salary Bethune battlefield blood transfusion Bethune serious work Bethune serious work Bethune Doctor died in the line of duty

Pictured | Chairman Mao (first from right) and Bethune (second from right) talking in oil painting

Bethune said: "As far as I know, in our army, medical treatment is a weakness, and I have come this time to strengthen medical treatment, we should establish a field medical team on the front line, so as to save the time for the wounded to come and go, and it is convenient to take care of the wounded soldiers on the battlefield." ”

Chairman Mao has long heard of the "field medical team," but our army's experience in this area is almost zero, and we also have doctors and nurses who will follow us to the front, but the medical machinery and personnel within our side are very scarce, and it is difficult to give full play to the role of the field medical team. Chairman Mao's brow furrowed when he heard this concept again, he had fought the Japanese countless times, how many wounded had died because they had not received timely medical treatment, and if there had been an elite field medical team at that time, it might have greatly increased the probability of survival.

Chairman Mao visited the rear hospital of our army many times to visit the wounded soldiers and found that most of their injuries were on their limbs, but their heads or important parts were rarely injured. Apparently, most of the badly wounded warriors did not survive. Speaking of this, Chairman Mao's face was more painful and helpless.

Bethune said very confidently: "With the field medical team, if this situation occurs in the future, the warriors may still be saved!" Bethune's sonorous and powerful words immediately filled Chairman Mao's heart with hope, and he asked bethune's medical rescue experience on other battlefields.

Bethune earnestly recounted his rescue experience on the battlefields of other countries, and finally summed it up: "On the battlefield, field medical teams can save more than 70% of seriously wounded soldiers." "What is the concept of more than 70%? Both men knew it very well. Chairman Mao repeated in disbelief: "More than 70 percent? ”

In 1938, Bethune first met Chairman Mao, and the next day he wrote in his diary: This is a giant Ah Bethune's early experience Bethune came to China Bethune First time to see Chairman Mao Bethune and Chairman Mao late at night conversation for 3 hours Bethune returned to his residence, the next day he wrote in his diary: This is a giant About Bethune's salary Bethune battlefield blood transfusion Bethune serious work Bethune serious work Bethune Doctor died in the line of duty

Bethune looked into Chairman Mao's disbelieving eyes, and he answered in the affirmative. Chairman Mao smiled involuntarily, then fell into contemplation, and finally he said, "Comrade Bethune, please personally organize a field medical team." This request reflects Chairman Mao's full trust in this foreign friend, who solemnly handed over the lives of our soldiers to Bethune.

Without the slightest hesitation, Bethune replied, "Okay, no problem." ”

Mao Zedong remembered the cruelty of the war and the hardships of the road, and could not help but worry and instructed Bethune: "The front line is very dangerous, no matter what, we must protect ourselves, the living conditions are very poor, you must pay attention to your health..." When Chairman Mao said these words, he already regarded Bethune as his comrade-in-arms.

Chairman Mao's conversation with Bethune passed 3 hours unconsciously. Chairman Mao did not prepare fine wine and delicacies to wash the dust for Bethune, and there were no excessively boastful words between the two of them, and they exchanged sincere feelings with each other. After the conversation, Chairman Mao sent Bethune to the door, shook his hands, and asked again: "Can we really save more than 70%?" Bethune clasped Chairman Mao's hands and replied with unequivocal determination: "This is at least." ”

After saying that, both men laughed, and Bethune was very glad that he had come to the right place, which would be his main battlefield, and the weapon was the scalpel in his hand. Chairman Mao trusted himself, and his task was to rescue more than 70 percent of the wounded soldiers on the battlefield.

In 1938, Bethune first met Chairman Mao, and the next day he wrote in his diary: This is a giant Ah Bethune's early experience Bethune came to China Bethune First time to see Chairman Mao Bethune and Chairman Mao late at night conversation for 3 hours Bethune returned to his residence, the next day he wrote in his diary: This is a giant About Bethune's salary Bethune battlefield blood transfusion Bethune serious work Bethune serious work Bethune Doctor died in the line of duty

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="74" > Bethune returned to his residence and wrote in his diary the next day: This is a giant</h1>

Bethune returned to his place of residence and could not sleep for a long time. He simply got up and did not sleep, and used the typewriter beside him to record today's conversation with Chairman Mao.

The excitement slowly subsided, and he began to write: Chairman Mao, the great leader of the Communist Party of China, his residence is not decorated at all, it is very simple, and he and I sit face to face. He did not hesitate to tell the hardships of the Chinese revolution, reminding me of the difficulties faced by Chairman Mao and Zhu De in the Long March, and it is difficult to imagine how they led the Red Army to evade the enemy's pursuit and successfully break through time and again.

They created a style of fighting that did not exist in ancient and modern China and abroad -- guerrilla warfare. They don't have good armament, but they have absolute conviction in their hearts. I finally understood why so many revolutionaries had joined the Communist Party of China, and why Mao Zedong had always been able to impress everyone who met him. Because the Chinese Communist Party has an excellent leader, this is a giant! I think he's one of the greatest people in the world.

Bethune and Chairman Mao met and talked, and in just 3 hours, Bethune gave Chairman Mao a very high evaluation, and Chairman Mao also gave Bethune a very high degree of trust in his heart. Why?

Chairman Mao's first impression of Bethune was that he was very simple, without any shelf, and Chairman Mao did not hush and ask for warmth like the Kuomintang, but went straight to the main theme. During the conversation, Bethune saw Chairman Mao's concern for the soldiers, which was a respect for life, which was what Bethune, as a doctor, wanted to see most.

In 1938, Bethune first met Chairman Mao, and the next day he wrote in his diary: This is a giant Ah Bethune's early experience Bethune came to China Bethune First time to see Chairman Mao Bethune and Chairman Mao late at night conversation for 3 hours Bethune returned to his residence, the next day he wrote in his diary: This is a giant About Bethune's salary Bethune battlefield blood transfusion Bethune serious work Bethune serious work Bethune Doctor died in the line of duty

Picture | classic picture of Chairman Mao

Chairman Mao had long heard of Bethune's deeds, and he was a respectable man. After meeting Bethune and hearing the promise he made, Chairman Mao was very much looking forward to him saving the lives of more soldiers on the front line.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="77" > about Bethune's salary</h1>

Soon, Bethune left Yan'an for the front. Chairman Mao suddenly thought of a question, and that was the question of Bethune's salary. Chairman Mao immediately sent a telegram to Nie Rongzhen, the commander of the front line, which read: Please pay Dr. Bethune 100 yuan per month.

Now we may not understand what the concept of a monthly salary of 100 yuan is, according to the data, in 1938, an egg was 0.01 yuan, pork was 0.2 yuan a pound, and rice was 0.13 yuan a pound. In 1938, in an interview with the Soviet Union, Chairman Mao said that the monthly salary of the commander of the Eighth Route Army was 5 yuan and the company commander was 3 yuan.

It is conceivable that what our salary of giving Bethune 100 yuan means is 20 times that of our division commander. For this huge amount of money, Bethune resolutely did not want it, and despite Nie Rongzhen's repeated persuasions, he still could not screw him. He personally sent a telegram back to Chairman Mao: "It is my good fortune to be here, and I feel very honored to fight side by side with you. I won't ask for this salary, I don't have money and I don't need money. ”

Although we do not know how much money the Kuomintang gave to the doctors there, the monthly salary of the Kuomintang division commander at that time was 800 yuan, and the company commander had at least 100 yuan. As long as Bethune is willing to pass, the treatment will definitely not be low.

In 1938, Bethune first met Chairman Mao, and the next day he wrote in his diary: This is a giant Ah Bethune's early experience Bethune came to China Bethune First time to see Chairman Mao Bethune and Chairman Mao late at night conversation for 3 hours Bethune returned to his residence, the next day he wrote in his diary: This is a giant About Bethune's salary Bethune battlefield blood transfusion Bethune serious work Bethune serious work Bethune Doctor died in the line of duty

Picture | Nie Rongzhen

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="80" > Bethune field blood transfusion</h1>

In June 1938, Bethune taught blood transfusion techniques at the rear hospital of the military district. At that time, many of our hospitals did not master this technology, and blood transfusions in the battlefield were unimaginable. Bethune first made a very detailed theoretical introduction, and then pushed a patient, Minister of Health Ye Qingshan was the first to stand up and donate blood.

After the blood type test, Bethune left them lying on the hospital bed with their heads and feet opposite, and he pulled out a simple blood transfusion. Two tubes with needles pierced into their veins, with a three-way valve in the middle. Bethune opened the valve leading to Minister Ye, and his blood flowed into the syringe, and when the valve was turned again, Minister Ye's blood flowed into the patient's body. Doctors who were watching applauded him, and the Chinese army successfully transfused blood in the first battlefield. When the second patient was pushed in, Bethune took the initiative to lie down and said, "You can draw my blood, I am type O blood." ”

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="83" > Bethune worked hard</h1>

Bethune's greatest advantage is that he can work long hours and treat the wounded meticulously. He always put aside the fatigue of his body, and those who know Bethune know that he is a person who does not know how to combine work and leisure, and his heart is loaded with great careers and the duty of a doctor, but there is no private affair of his own.

Bethune's biggest shortcoming is that sometimes he is very impatient, and the wounded can do anything to him, but once there is a mistake in the work, or the goal he has set is not completed, he will jump like a thunderbolt.

In 1938, Bethune first met Chairman Mao, and the next day he wrote in his diary: This is a giant Ah Bethune's early experience Bethune came to China Bethune First time to see Chairman Mao Bethune and Chairman Mao late at night conversation for 3 hours Bethune returned to his residence, the next day he wrote in his diary: This is a giant About Bethune's salary Bethune battlefield blood transfusion Bethune serious work Bethune serious work Bethune Doctor died in the line of duty

Pictured| Bethune treating the wounded

At the end of 1937, Bethune was in the hospital when he accidentally saw a small nurse changing the medicine for the wounded, and the name on the medicine was inconsistent with the medicine inside. As a doctor, Bethune is very clear about the consequences of using the wrong medicine, and he criticizes the little nurse very seriously, warning her: "If you use the wrong medicine, you are not saving people, but hurting people's lives." ”

Bethune angrily scraped off the label on the medicine bottle with a knife and angrily said to the little nurse: "As doctors, we are responsible for the safety of the lives of our comrades." You can't do things like this in the future, be careful. The little nurse was frightened, her little face was red, and she was about to cry, but she kept putting up with it.

Bethune was very angry in his heart, but when he saw the little nurse who was about to be scolded and cried by himself, he couldn't bear it, lowered his voice, controlled his emotions, and said to her: "Please forgive me for the scolding I just scolded you, I admit that I have a bad temper, but I still hope that in the future work, you can be serious, after all, our work itself is very special, that is, to have a rigorous attitude." ”

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" Data-track="88" > Bethune was killed in the line of duty</h1>

On April 24, 1938, Bethune and a field medical team went to the Jin-Cha-Ji front. On June 17, Bethune arrived at his destination to meet Nie Rongzhen, commander of the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region, who subsequently established a hospital in the theater.

During the war, Bethune worked on the operating table for 69 consecutive hours without any rest, during which time a total of 115 wounded were rescued.

In 1938, Bethune first met Chairman Mao, and the next day he wrote in his diary: This is a giant Ah Bethune's early experience Bethune came to China Bethune First time to see Chairman Mao Bethune and Chairman Mao late at night conversation for 3 hours Bethune returned to his residence, the next day he wrote in his diary: This is a giant About Bethune's salary Bethune battlefield blood transfusion Bethune serious work Bethune serious work Bethune Doctor died in the line of duty

Pictured| Bethune undergoing surgery

In October 1939, the Japanese army launched a crazy offensive, and our casualties were also increasing. On October 28, Bethune accidentally cut his left hand with a scalpel while rescuing the wounded, he simply bandaged it and went into rescue work, fortunately, he was not infected.

On November 1, when Bethune was examining the wounded, he found a soldier named Wu Ming, who was infected with an infectious disease in his neck, missed the best time for diagnosis and treatment, and was preparing to move him to the quarantine area, when Bethune suddenly learned that Wu Ming was very brave in resisting Japan and had killed 8 Japanese soldiers, so he decided to personally operate on him.

When Bethune was removing shrapnel for Wu Ming, the glove was scratched, and the wound that had not yet healed was infected with the virus. After The surgery, Bethune simply treated his wounds and continued to work.

Not so lucky this time, Bethune began to have a fever. On November 5, the cannon sounded, Bethune rushed to the front line despite everyone's persuasion, and with a high fever, he watched the wounded carry from the stretcher and blamed himself: "I am late!" ”

Despite the persuasion of the crowd, Bethune insisted on operating on the wounded, when suddenly he collapsed. The medical staff went all out to rescue Bethune. Lying on the hospital bed, he looked at his busy companion and said, "No more treatment, I know my body very well." Bethune had a calm face at this moment, smiled and said to the people around him: "I am very happy to be able to fight side by side with you, and I believe that under the leadership of Chairman Mao, the Chinese revolution will surely be successful." ”

Bethune died in Hebei on November 12, 1939, at the age of 49.

In 1938, Bethune first met Chairman Mao, and the next day he wrote in his diary: This is a giant Ah Bethune's early experience Bethune came to China Bethune First time to see Chairman Mao Bethune and Chairman Mao late at night conversation for 3 hours Bethune returned to his residence, the next day he wrote in his diary: This is a giant About Bethune's salary Bethune battlefield blood transfusion Bethune serious work Bethune serious work Bethune Doctor died in the line of duty

Pictured| Bethune's body

On November 21, the news of Dr. Bethune's death reached Yan'an, and Chairman Mao was deeply saddened to learn that he had died in the line of duty. As the leader of the Communist Party of China, Chairman Mao greatly admired Bethune's noble character, and his spirit was worth learning from Communist Party members throughout the country.

Chairman Mao used five "ones" to evaluate Dr. Bethune: "A noble man, a moral man, a pure man, a man who benefits others, a man who is detached from low-level tastes." ”

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