
Insomnia how to do TCM tricks to make you sleep until you wake up naturally

author:Bright Net

Have you ever been troubled by insomnia, can you sleep until dawn, do you wake up too early in the morning? These are all symptoms of insomnia, so what about insomnia? How does TCM treat insomnia? Let's take a look at how this article explains.

Social development is getting faster and faster, our living standards are also constantly improving, but the pressure on people is also increasing, whether it is the elderly, or children have insomnia phenomenon.

In life, many people look for prescriptions for insomnia everywhere, but there are many types of insomnia, and perhaps this type of insomnia has been alleviated, and another kind has begun. So, what is the best way to treat insomnia? Is the best way to treat insomnia completely eradicate insomnia?

Symptoms of insomnia manifest

1, wake up too early in the morning

Waking up too early in the morning is a manifestation of insomnia symptoms, patients with this symptom are not difficult to fall asleep, but they will wake up very early, it is difficult to fall asleep after waking up, tossing and turning in bed, or getting up and walking around, or waiting until dawn, this insomnia is called "early awakening insomnia" or "terminal insomnia", more common in middle-aged and elderly people.

Insomnia how to do TCM tricks to make you sleep until you wake up naturally

2. Wake up often when sleeping

Often wake up when sleeping, which is a common symptom of many insomnia patients.

Usually sleep is not real, sleep is easy to wake up, after sleep the brain still maintains a certain alertness, like sleep non-sleep, the surrounding environment sounds, activities are very clear, sleep intermittent, restless, repeated many times overnight, the actual sleep time will be very small, will cause the next day groggy, confused, feel tired, listless. Often the symptoms of this insomnia are called "shallow sleeplessness" or "intermittent insomnia".

3. Difficulty falling asleep at night

In normal times, normal people can fall asleep within half an hour after going to bed, and can last for 5-8 hours, but most insomnia patients have difficulty falling asleep, and usually this insomnia of difficulty falling asleep is called "difficult insomnia", which is one of the symptoms of insomnia.

TCM Tuina helps sleep

1. Pressing the pericardial meridian: following the medial midline of the bilateral upper arms, pressing from top to bottom, and then pressing the pain point again, 1 to 2 times a day.

2. Point kneading of the Shenmen Acupoint: The Shenmen Acupoint is located at the ulnar side of the wrist rhabdomy muscle, the radial side depression of the ulnar wrist tendon, and before going to bed every day, use the threaded surface of one thumb finger to knead the Shenmen Acupoint of the other hand, so as to feel sore and swollen, and repeat 30 times in the left and right hands.

3, before going to bed to rub the spring point: we take the supine position before going to bed every day, bend the calves slightly, the soles of the feet are close to the bed surface, do up and down rubbing, each time do thirty times.

4. Knead the earlobe: Pinch the two earlobes with the thumbs and forefingers of both hands, gently twist and knead, so that it produces a feeling of soreness and pain, and knead for about 2 minutes.

5. Combing the hair method: use the finger tapping method, bending the hands, in addition to the thumb, the remaining 4 fingers percuss the scalp vertically, the direction is the anterior hairline, the top of the head, the back of the head, the neck, the left, the right 3 lines. 3 to 5 times a day for at least 5 minutes. A comb can also be used in the same way as before.

Herbal formula for the treatment of insomnia

Nourish the heart pillow

Some people can't sleep because they are upset and depressed, chest tightness, sweating, at this time you can take 200 grams of night vine, 60 grams of acacia flowers, grind into coarse powder, put into a cloth bag, and then placed in an ordinary pillow, which has the effect of nourishing the mind and calming the mind, relieving annoyance and eliminating irritability.

Insomnia how to do TCM tricks to make you sleep until you wake up naturally

Blood pillow

Some people are insomnia because of blood deficiency, often accompanied by dizziness, palpitations and dreams and other symptoms, then you can take 100 grams of sour jujube kernels, 200 grams of salvia, 200 grams of astragalus, grind into coarse powder, put into cloth bags, placed in the pillow, beneficial to qi, blood nourishment, calming effect.

Magnet pillow

Middle-aged and elderly people often due to kidney qi loss, liver and yang hyperactivity and lead to insomnia and dreams, sleep is also easy to cramp, then you can buy 1000 grams of magnet crushed into sand, put into a cloth bag, placed in a pillow. Long-term use, has the effect of tonifying the kidneys, leveling the liver and yang, calming the mind and nootropics, especially for convulsive epilepsy has a good sedative effect.

Corn whisker pillow

People with high blood pressure and heart disease are prone to dizziness, deep sleep, spleen and stomach disharmony, and the food in the stomach is not melted, and it is often difficult to fall asleep. At this time, 2000 grams of corn can be dried and put into a pillowcase to make a medicine pillow, which has the effect of clearing heat and relieving heat, strengthening spleen and water, and reducing blood pressure and choleretic.

Lavender pillow

Insomniacs with greater pressure can take 500 grams of lavender, orange peel, put it in a cloth bag, place it in a pillow, or place it next to the bed, the two smells light and elegant, can make people feel happy, relaxed, and have the effect of calming and helping sleep.

Diet treats insomnia

Yuanzhi jujube kernel porridge

Yuanzhi 15g, sautéed sour jujube kernels 10g, japonica rice 75g, japonica rice washed clean, put into a pot of water appropriate amount, add washed Yuanzhi, sour jujube kernels, boil over high heat and cook over low heat to make porridge to eat. This porridge has the effect of calming the mind and strengthening the brain, and can prevent palpitations, insomnia, forgetfulness and other symptoms caused by blood deficiency in the elderly.

Quail goji porridge

10 quail eggs, 15g goji berries, 15g walnut kernels, steam the quail eggs and shell them, soak the goji berries for a few minutes, fry the walnuts and crush them, add the right amount of rice and cook them slowly to form a porridge. This porridge has the effect of nourishing yin and tonifying blood, nourishing the heart and calming the spirit. Suitable for heart-spleen insomnia.

Double kernel porridge

10g sour jujube kernels, 10g cypress kernels, 10 red dates, rice to taste, add water to boil into porridge, drink on an empty stomach. It has the effect of nourishing the spleen and nourishing the heart, strengthening the stomach and benefiting the qi. This porridge is suitable for heart and spleen insomnia.

Schizandra honey drink

Schizandra 30g, honey 20g, wash the schisandra and add an appropriate amount of water to boil over high heat, change to low heat and cook for 20 minutes, remove the residue to get the juice, add honey after the juice is warmed, stir well, and take it in parts. It has the effect of calming the mind and calming the mind, nourishing the yin and moisturizing the intestines. This porridge is suitable for liver and kidney yin deficiency insomnia, especially for those with palpitations.

Conclusion: If you don't want to worry about insomnia anymore, then please follow the method introduced by Xiaobian to massage and massage. In addition to tuina, you can also sleep with corn and pillows, you can also improve sleep, and finally, diet is also a good way to treat insomnia.

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