
Russian media: Putin instructed the vigorous development of military drones

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According to the Website of the Russian "Izvestia" reported on November 2, Russian President Putin said at a regular meeting with the leaders of the Ministry of Defense and military enterprises on November 2 that Russia's drone development must introduce modern technologies such as artificial intelligence. The president said that there are currently more than 2,000 drones in service in Russia.

According to the report, improving UAVs is still one of the priority directions of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Defense Department leaders have repeatedly emphasized that the use of drones can significantly reduce personnel losses and improve operational efficiency, such as fighting terrorists.

Putin stressed: "We are very clear that it (drones) has proved itself in armed conflicts in recent years how effective and dangerous it is, and I am referring to what we have seen in Syria - terrorist attacks using drones." We learned how to fight back these attacks and did it quite effectively. ”

"There is a need to continue this work, as has recently been done, especially with the use of artificial intelligence, the most advanced scientific and technological achievements," the president said at the meeting. And, of course, the experience gained in using these aircraft, as well as the analysis of the surrounding situation. ”

Military expert Victor Mulakhovsky told Izvestia that until recently, Russia had lagged behind some countries in terms of unmanned systems.

He reminded: "In the Soviet era, our level was outstanding, we had a series of jet drones, including long-range drones. Then, there was a problem with that direction. There is no funding, and there is little research and development. We are now playing the role of catch-up in a number of areas. But in some areas, we are once again at the forefront. It must be said that in the field of control systems and artificial intelligence, we are at the forefront. ”

Source: Reference News Network

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