
Heartbeat, essay

author:Versatile kitty JY

Beijing, November 6

At 10 a.m., I rode a two-wheeled electric car with my wife to the morning market to buy vegetables. The door of the morning market has been equipped with a thermometer, and scan the health code to enter, a security brother repeats like a repeating machine: scan the code to measure temperature. Today, the fog is still cloudy, although the week is not yet, but the flow of people in the market is 10% less than usual. Everyone chooses their own fruits and vegetables and a variety of goods, and this shopping feeling is more grounded than in the supermarket. We both bought two pounds of beef, because there are too many people who buy meat, the hostess smiled and said that she would not change the knife for you, too busy to come, understand, change it yourself, and make barbecue for her son. Passing by the grain and oil stall and asking the owner of the grain and oil stall, the kind of rice I wanted at 6.5 yuan / kg was still out of stock, and it arrived three days later. His family's 6.5 yuan / kg of northeast rice quality is very good, I gave the evaluation, my family has opened a grain store before, whether the rice is good or not I have a say. To be honest, the family only bought 5 kinds of rice, the price is 10 yuan / kg, there are more expensive, but not as good as this rice, as for the good where? More professional two or three sentences can not finish, why buy a variety of it? In 1994, the family opened a grain store, selling rice, including local, Tangshan, and northeast rice. At that time came a batch of northeast rice 180 pounds a bag, standard bag. Open the bag rope, the rice into a green, steamed with a pressure cooker, deflated when the 40 square meters of grain store full of fragrance, everyone has a feeling, filled with a bowl of rice to eat a piece of suddenly full of punching sweet, meat head, oily, and then a big round, sweet and soft sticky, swallowed down the belly of the rice fragrance lingering, poured between a large bowl of rice was tasted by a mouthful of taste, even did not eat a dish is still unconscious. Years have passed, the grain store is no longer open, but the taste that was once there has never been forgotten with the loss of time, but has become more and more profound. So I must have bought good rice when I saw it, but I haven't found it now. I bought two more pounds of fennel, it was so fresh, there was no yellow leaf, and it was watery. Prepare to eat fennel egg stuffed dumplings. The morning market came back to make dumplings, fennel eggs and row forks, feeling the vegetarian stuffing more fragrant. The wife gave her son roast beef again. At 6 p.m., I wanted to take a shower, but out of the building door 4, 5 level wind plus moderate rain hit my face so cold. Changing the plan, I went back to the house and pulled out two pairs of thin quilts in the standing cabinet, and I did not heat up with an extra layer of quilts to warm up.

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