
Animal Adventures: An inventory of hypnotic parasites around the world

author:China Famous Enterprise Network
Animal Adventures: An inventory of hypnotic parasites around the world

1. Caterpillar parasitic wasp (Glyptapantele)

From the digital simulation above, they lie peacefully on tulle, but don't be deceived by appearances, and its infamous birth method gave direct inspiration to 1979 Alien. Similar to the film, the mother of the parasitic wasp injects parasitic embryos into the caterpillar, and after 2 weeks of development, the disgusting growth of these bugs begins.

Biologists have found that these low-key parasites use a virus in their DNA to anesthetize the host (usually a caterpillar) to act recklessly, and when they are almost grown, they bite the caterpillar and go out to weave cocoons and autistic. To the best of their ability, the caterpillars after being anesthetized on the brain will wrap their cocoons in a blanket of silk before dying to prevent other carnivores until they break the cocoon and become bees.

Animal Adventures: An inventory of hypnotic parasites around the world

2. Cockroach parasitic wasp (Jewel wasp)

If you've never had a crush on cockroaches, you'll feel pity for them when you see the following example: a green-clad golden wasp can perform brain surgery on cockroaches and turn them into a living zombie. This tropical wasp sprays a venom into cockroaches that blocks octopamine activity, a neurotransmitter associated with activity and vigilance. Once the cockroach becomes its slave, the golden wasp implants the larvae into the cockroach, and the larvae begin to gnaw on the cockroach's internal organs from the inside. Could it be so easy to control the brain? This involves a matter of timing: the golden wasp larvae take a week to mature, and the venom of the adult wasp will allow the cockroach to survive helplessly as a puppet during this time, just for the growth of the larvae.

Animal Adventures: An inventory of hypnotic parasites around the world

3. Spider parasitic wasps (Hymenoepimecis sp. wasp)

The spider in the photo is called Plesiometa argyra, a master of web weaving, and can weave perfect round spider webs. However, a parasitic wasp can immediately control the brain of the Plesiometa spider by simply stinging it. Wasps take advantage of a sting to leave the larvae in the spider along with the "new blueprint", and as a result, the Plesiometa spider is no longer a normal spider web, but an "egg sack" that can support the pupae, and eventually becomes a "killer" comfort nest. When the egg sack is complete, the pupated wasp will remove the Plesiometa spider, which is useless at this time. Then, they occupy the magpie's nest, hanging high above the predators on the ground, and live carefree.

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Animal Adventures: An inventory of hypnotic parasites around the world

4. Gordian worm

Adult Goldius nematodes inhabit rivers, ponds and ditches, and the eggs laid by the females hatch in the water to hatch larvae, which are eaten by insects and parasitic. When this insect is swallowed by large arthropods such as mantises, locusts, etc., the larvae continue to develop in these arthropods until they mature and leave the host and live freely in the water camp, mating and laying eggs.

Goldius nematode parasitizes in crickets, and when it becomes an insect, it will burrow into the cricket's brain and invade its nervous system, driving the cricket to find a water source and jump into the water to drown, so that it has the opportunity to enter the water to complete the task of spawning. After the success of the nematode, the cricket dies miserably, but there are exceptions, if the host fails to find the pool or pond in time, it will still drill out, but the end is to die on land,

The host also died of abdominal injuries. A normal Goldius nematode is 300mm to 1000mm long and 3mm in diameter, so it is conceivable how large such a guy is in a cricket with a body length of about 200mm. Goldius nematode usually likes to parasitize crickets and mantises, but occasionally parasitizes in humans or livestock, then the nematodes will make people want to drink water, the whole body burning feeling, to the water's edge from the skin drilled out, the main parasitic organs below the waist, which is also the reason why natural water in the wild can not be drunk.

Anecdotes! The most interesting thing in the animal kingdom. It's happening! Welcome to reprint, please indicate the URL. Some content is uploaded by netizens and does not guarantee authenticity and copyright attribution.

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