
What happens when a million heroes meet the Roman Iron Horse?

author:Fun revealed

The army of the Qin Dynasty

What happens when a million heroes meet the Roman Iron Horse?

Qin infantry

Although the Qin Dynasty vehicle soldiers were no longer the main body of the army, they were still an indispensable and important branch of the combat group. Judging from the excavation of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin, the vehicle soldiers have both separate formations and formations combined with infantry, formations combined with cavalry, and formations combined with infantry and horses. This shows that the vehicle soldiers can be used independently and in conjunction with other branches of the army, and are an important force in the joint operation of vehicles, infantry, and horses.

Infantry was the main body in the composition of the Qin Dynasty army. Most of the samurai figurines unearthed from the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang are infantry figurines. The infantry is flexible and can adapt to various terrains, weather and combat forms, especially conducive to operating in dangerous and complex environments, so its distinction and equipment are more complex than other classes of troops, and their use is more extensive than other arms. Its main distinction is between heavy infantry and light infantry. Most of the heavily armored infantry wore metal armor and held long-handled weapons such as go, spear, cymbal, and beryllium, and were tasked with fighting with the enemy's heavy army group. Light infantry generally do not wear armor, holding long-range weapons such as bows and crossbows, and cooperate with heavy infantry to kill and injure enemy troops outside the combat range.

Cavalry was also one of the important branches of the Qin Dynasty. The unified former Qin army had 10,000 horses, and after reunification, there was a greater development, and there were more cavalry in the middle of the war against the Xiongnu in the north and the suppression of the peasant uprising. Judging from the excavation of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of the Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum, the cavalry of the Qin Dynasty was already equipped with a full saddle. The horses are rigorously trained and selected, and the highs are 1. 33 meters above. The knights were all strong and brave, wearing short armor and carrying bows and arrows. When the fashion came, stirrups appeared.

What happens when a million heroes meet the Roman Iron Horse?

Qin cavalry

The water army, also known as the Lou Chuanshi, was an integral part of the qin dynasty's armed forces, and its number was second only to that of infantry, far exceeding that of car soldiers and cavalry. The water army of the unified Former Qin was mainly built in the Bashu region, and after the unification, it was built in all parts of Jiangnan, so the scale was very large. The warships of the naval army are mainly divided into two types: large building ships and light and agile ships and fighting ships, so as to facilitate the cooperation between large and small troops and light and heavy warships in water combat. The weapons and equipment of the water army are complete, except for the special weapons such as hooks and refusals used in water warfare, all crossbows, long and short weapons, and fire attack equipment used in land warfare are all available. When fighting on the water, crossbows are exchanged at distance; near, hooks are resisted, and five soldiers are engaged in offensive and defensive combat, and fierce angle warfare and shipboard warfare are carried out; once the opportunity is available, fire attack is applied. The water army is not only responsible for the task of water combat, it is actually a comprehensive branch of the Jiangnan Mizusawa region, in addition to water combat, landing field battles, siege and defense, etc., fighting on the water is equivalent to a car, riding, fighting on land is equivalent to infantry.

Ancient Rome

What happens when a million heroes meet the Roman Iron Horse?

Roma Squad

The Roman platoon had its basic units as detachments, each of which formed a group. Conflating it with the Greek phalanx is a highly common misconception. The advent of infantry detachment tactics rationalizes combat: 1. Prevent obstacles when wielding weapons. 2. In order to be able to move quickly, leave space between the detachments to accommodate the passage of a unit. 3. You can replace the troops with heavy casualties. 4. Can cope with the movement of the enemy. Each column is 40 people, and the vertical column is 3 people. The interval between the two is 1.8-2 meters. The horizontal detachments are left with space for a force to pass through, and the detachments are staggered.

The three detachments form a brigade, and one brigade has about 450-570 people. Contains about 120-160 light infantry, 120-160 young soldiers, 120-160 prime soldiers, 60-80 adult soldiers, while containing a cavalry team of 30 men. After Malleus' reforms, each legion also had a hundredth man team, which was twice as large as the ordinary hundred man team, and its hundred man captain had a higher status.

Ten brigades formed a Roman legion, generally consisting of 4500-6000 men. At the same time, a Roman legion was accompanied by an auxiliary legion, also known as a joint legion. The structure of the two is similar, but the auxiliary legions have 600 cavalry, and the auxiliary legions vary depending on the area of conscription. Together with two vassal legions, the two Roman legions formed the army group under the command of the Consul, commanded by a Consul. The deputy consul could command a Roman legion and an auxiliary legion.

What happens when a million heroes meet the Roman Iron Horse?

Roman infantry

The prime-aged soldiers, aged about thirty, were the nucleus of the army and formed the second horizontal column of the legion. Weapons are the same as young soldiers, armor may be better due to age and property. Reserve, the oldest and most experienced. Usually constitutes the reserve of the army. The third column that makes up the legion. Battled in a traditional Greek heavy infantry posture, armed with spears and shields.

Cavalry, in an era of conscripts whose equipment was prepared on their own, only the richest could afford horses, which meant that they were scarce in number and were usually used only for reconnaissance and orders. Equip a mounted gun with a small round shield.

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