
Noah's Ark, I chose to take the cockroaches

author:Half a moment to read

There is an issue of "Strange Story" titled: The art museum is on fire, famous paintings and cats, which one will you choose to save?

Huang Zhizhong rose to height and called the cries of the distance, Li Shi's performance was amazing, closer to reality, the cries around him did not save, how to save the cries of the distant places.

Cai Kangyong changed the scene, saying that the earth was destroyed, Noah's Ark left a few paintings or a few cats, and finally the power cable storm won the game.

I'd say Noah's Ark I'd prefer to bring cockroaches

Noah's Ark, I chose to take the cockroaches

If the owner of Robinson Crusoe had a choice, would he go to the isolated island with a cat or a painting? I believe that a normal person would choose to bring a cat. At least a little bit of loneliness can be alleviated.

When you go on a tour, do you bring a cat or a painting?

Teacher Cai's opening paragraph means that the cat's life is not chosen by itself. What to eat? How many meals a day? What hairstyle to keep? What to wear?

Paintings of human beings, sculptures of sculptures, are aliens willing to see them? Humanity will eventually be destroyed, except for human beings themselves who like to trace back, other species really do not necessarily miss the human past. Dinosaurs left a few very ordinary big stones and told us that it was their art, and we just nodded politely, like spider webs, beehives, and no one would really love it.

In the flora and fauna world, there are many species that do not remember the traces of walking, and the mantis will eat the past, and the dandelion will stay away from the past.

Painting, if this one burns there are a whole bunch of others. There are also replicas.

Cats can't be copied when they die, they can only be made into works of art. See no, art is the second echelon, life is the first echelon. Leonardo da Vinci could only paint when he was alive, and any work of art of a big bull was reduced to a work of art after losing his life, such as the Terracotta Warriors (at best, it was a wax museum at that time), bronze (it was only when it had life that it had a useful pot and pan)

Noah's Ark, I chose to take the cockroaches

Suppose this is the last painting on Earth, and the last cat. Who do you save? Then I also choose to save the cat, painting, if there is nothing, the next five or six billion people can immediately draw it. And the cat species disappeared, there is no way, only extinction.

If you say it's gone, there's still dogs, and chickens, ducks, and geese. Then many animals will not become protected animals. There can only be human beings in the world. At that time, people may return to slave society because they are too bored, and some people will become other people's pets.

At this time, the conservation value of endangered species on the earth is the value of saving cats.

In the face of disaster and loneliness, art counts as a fart. The movie "The Day After Tomorrow" is extremely cold, and it will only burn books for warmth. The earthquake rushed out without clothes, who would make an artistic match of clothes.

Noah's Ark, I would choose to save cockroaches, otherwise in addition to people there are only records of people passing or walking, and with cockroaches or cats, at least there are two more creatures on that planet. Suppose that the front is not an alien planet, but a founder, and you carry another kind of life. It is also a respect for the founders.

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