
Mafia Godfather: The old and new factions of the mafia are on fire, the elite kills the old predecessors, and the mob kills the elite

author:Black sentence book

The Sicily saga continues, with the eleventh episode today.

Beginning in 1943, don Vizini, the second godfather of Sicily, ruled the Italian mafia for 11 years. In these 11 years, he not only rebuilt the "Glorious Society" and restored the "our cause" of the old godfather, but more importantly, with the help of the "god-given opportunity" of the Second World War, he developed the Italian Mafia organization to a new height.

The honor he enjoyed on his deathbed proved that he was an extremely successful godfather. His son became the godson of the King of Italy, and on his chest hung the Knight of the Cross, which the world called "the benefactor of Italian society", "a majestic statue full of vitality", and "seeing him is equivalent to seeing strength and kindness, selflessness and justice." ”

But precisely because he is too strong, and the era behind him just hides the madness of fighting between the old and the new, so his death not only buries the glorious past of the mafia, but also tears apart the bloody future of the mafia.

A generation of miracles! The second generation chops thorns! Three generations of fighting!

What kind of era is born, what kind of fate will be there. One generation of godfathers rises from faith, the second generation of godfathers rises from suffering, and in three generations, future godfathers can only rise in cruelty and bloodshed.

And cruelty and bloodshed are more like a ruthless river, which will inevitably sweep away wave after wave of thugs and careerists, so the legend of the new godfather can only begin with endless crazy fighting-

Mafia Godfather: The old and new factions of the mafia are on fire, the elite kills the old predecessors, and the mob kills the elite

In the early 1950s, when the second generation of godfather Don Vizini died, with the development of modern industry, Italy had gradually come out of the abyss of World War II. Modern industry not only created the vitality of that era, but also created a large number of people who were completely different from the old era.

Falling on the mafia, there was a distinction between the new and the old. The members of the new mafia are no longer what they used to be, wearing long shirts and using the traditional Mafia Rupala submachine gun. They put on suits, tied ties and bow ties, and the guys in their hands were replaced by more lethal Soviet carbines and other advanced automated weapons.

The key is origin. The new mafia joined the mafia no longer the original peasants and their sons, most of them came from the cities, belonging to a generation that grew up in industrial civilization after World War II.

Although metabolism is a natural law, behind the law is often the price of blood condensation.

When the second generation of godfather Don Vizini was still alive, he was intimidated by the authority of the tyrants, and the new mafia did not dare to make a mistake. But with the death of Don Vizzini, everything changed.

Societies that have lost their authoritative order have always been jungles where beasts of prey and the weak prey on the strong, especially when encountering the replacement of the old and the new, the old one is big enough, the new claw is sharper, and the big fight is inevitable.

In fact, at Don Vizini's funeral, the open fight between the old and new mafia factions began. According to the Tradition of the Sicilian Mafia, at a funeral, whoever holds the rope to the left of the coffin of the deceased is considered the heir to the deceased's cause and power.

In the hearts of mafia believers, this rope is called the "coffin belt" and is a symbol of the power of the godfather.

Around the question of who is in charge of the "coffin belt", the old and new factions of the mafia have engaged in a dark war. As a result of the dark war, the traditional rules of the mafia were invisibly broken.

Inco Russo, the mafia number two who had long followed the godfather, eventually took charge of Don Vizzini's "coffin belt" because of his "bigness", but the new mafia people strongly attached a precondition, Inco Russo was not the godfather, and the mafia could not stand alone on the highest steps of the mafia, but the representatives of the new faction must stand there at the same time.

The man who stood on the highest steps of the mafia at the same time was the representative of the new mafia, the Paulo Ponta family in Palermo.

On the steps of the Godfather stood two people who wanted to be godfathers, but neither of them ended up being godfathers.

This is the reality faced by the Sicilian mafia in the 1950s, not only on the steps of the godfather, but also on the steps of the mafia at all levels, there are old tigers, there are new tigers, but in the end they are not the ultimate tyrants, the ultimate kings.

But because of this, the great battle between the old and new factions will rise and fall one after another, and the blood will be long.

Mafia Godfather: The old and new factions of the mafia are on fire, the elite kills the old predecessors, and the mob kills the elite

The town of Colleonie, 60 kilometres from Palermo, was a battleground between the old and new factions of the Sicilian mafia, and the brutal bloodshed staged here was a microcosm of Sicily in that era.

The town of Colleoone is a large natural pasture with the Belice River, lush meadows and, of course, herds of livestock. In the days of the old godfathers, stealing, trafficking and slaughtering livestock was a traditional cause of the mafia. Every day, they transport looted or stolen livestock into dense forests, slaughter them in batches, and then transport them to Palermo, just around the corner, to sell their booty. Later, the mafia in the town of Colleoone not only controlled the pastures here, but also firmly controlled the official livestock bureau, slaughterhouses, veterinary stations at all levels, and the meat bureau in Palermo through black money bribes.

Because of this unique gift, the town of Colleoine has always been the most important source of black gold for the Sicilian mafia.

After World War II, the godfather Don Vizzini gave the position of mayor of the town of Colleoni to his followers, an old-school mafia man, Vitaloro.

But with the gradual rise of the new mafia, they can no longer tolerate the old mafia to swallow this piece of fat, so the fire and incident in the town of Colleone are increasing. According to incomplete statistics, in the twilight years of the old godfather, the old and new mafia factions have created 153 fires and homicides in the town of Colleo, with an average of one fire every 12 days.

After the death of the old godfather, the power of the old-school mafia waned, and the mayor of the town, Vitalolo, gradually lost his former prestige. Just as the new figures have stood on the steps of the Godfather, on the highest steps of the town of Colleoone also stands a rising star of the new school.

The man's name was Michele Navarre, and he was known as "Dr. Navarre".

Listening to this name, you can clearly feel that he is different from the old-school mafia, which is mostly illiterate Sicilian peasants or city thugs, and rarely really decent people. But Dr. Navarre is a standard urban elite, he received a good education, and he won the favor of the world by opening a clinic from the beginning of his debut.

He understands cities and the mysteries of how they work better than the old-school mafia.

The most obvious point is that his deep understanding of money is far higher than that of the first two generations of godfathers, the first generation of godfathers valued utopian honor, the second generation of godfathers valued worldly power, and to Dr. Navarre, he condensed everything into one point, money is supreme.

In addition to making good use of money, Dr. Navarre is also very different from the old-school mafia, and he is very good at disguise. The first two generations of godfathers understood disguise to hide themselves as far as possible behind the scenes, but Dr. Navarre pushed himself as glamorously as possible.

To this end, when developing his power, he included almost all the titles that could be held in the town of Colleoone - "Chairman of the Farmers' Association", "Inspector General of the Party Department of the Three Towns", "Director of the Committee of the Party members of the People's Party", "Inspector of the Mutual Medical Foundation of the Three Towns", "Member of the Italian Society of Disease Insurance", and so on.

After laying a solid foundation in the local area, Dr. Navarre did not stop, and later his power further penetrated into Roman politics, and many of the powerful people in Roman politics were close friends, but they could still sit on the table together.

This is something that the first two generations of godfathers could not do and were unwilling to do.

If the old godfather Don Viccini had seen what had happened, he would have regretted not handing over the town of Colleoni to the rising star, but to Dr. Navarre, it didn't seem to matter, because the old-school mafia mayor, Vitalolo, was long outdated and not his opponent at all.

The reason why Dr. Navarre is so confident is not only that he has the means to keep up with the times, but also that he secretly controls violence.

Under the glamorous appearance, Dr. Navarre used money to domesticate a group of outlaws, led by Luciano Ligio, who was almost a murderous madman, known as the "devil of hell".

One hand is more advanced, the other hand is more ferocious! In Dr. Navarre's view, with these two hands, the Navarra family will surely develop into the leading gang force in Sicily, and he will eventually ascend to the throne of the Godfather.

Mafia Godfather: The old and new factions of the mafia are on fire, the elite kills the old predecessors, and the mob kills the elite

However, in the short aftermath of the eradication of dissidents, the kidnapping and murder of Lizzoto, a Socialist, secretary general of the Peasants' Union in the town of Colleoni, Dr. Navarre encountered considerable trouble.

The Navarra family kills people, and there is a custom that the people who are killed must eventually be pushed into the Rocapusangla Canyon, a deep valley that the world rarely notices, is bottomless, and almost no one has ever set foot. Dr. Navarre said there was no more worry-free way to send the enemy to hell.

But this time, the outlaw Li Jiao and others let an 11-year-old shepherd boy who was passing through the area find out when they committed the crime. After witnessing the horrific killing, the shepherd boy ran home to meet someone and said that he had seen someone kill someone.

After that, he had a high fever and repeated the phrase "I saw the killing" in his mouth.

Seeing the child like this, the family had to take the shepherd boy to the doctor.

Unfortunately, it was Dr. Navarre, who had always been a "life-saver" who treated the shepherd boy. Dr. Navarre was cruel to the 11-year-old shepherd boy who had leaked his secrets out of panic, and he used a syringe to inject a full tube of boiling water into the shepherd boy's body.

After the 11-year-old shepherd boy completely shut up, Dr. Navarre's troubles did not end. One of the outlaws involved in Lizzoto's murder was caught by the police for another murder, and to make matters worse, the outlaw broke the Mafia's gag order to save his life, and he spat out all the inside story of Lizzoto's murder.

According to the man's confession, the police soon found Lizzoto's bones in the RocaBusanla Gorge, where human and physical evidence was present, and the old-school mafia mayor, Vitalolo, saw this as the perfect opportunity to eliminate Dr. Navarre. But what the old mafia did not expect was that before he could act, Dr. Navarre did three things in a row at a very fast speed and ended everything.

The first one, the lost pawn to protect the car. Dr. Navarre's first killer, Riggio, insisted that Lizzoto was killed by him, and there was no other mastermind behind it.

In the second case, the traitor who violated the law of silence died mysteriously in a heavily guarded prison.

In the third case, the mayor of the town, Vita Loro, was blown into a pile of corpses by a powerful bomb in his villa.

Beheading and tailing, paying the necessary price in the middle, a crisis was thus resolved by Dr. Navarre.

Not only was it resolved, but Dr. Navarre used this to eliminate the old rivals in the town, and completely included the town of Colleonet in one fell swoop.

According to this kind of performance and development trend, Dr. Navarre may actually be crowned the godfather throne, but in hindsight, it turns out that he is just another mob and ambitionist swept away by the ruthless river.

Three generations away from the godfather, he is actually far away.

Or rather, the vital things that three generations of godfathers must have on the altar, Dr. Navarre did not have.

It was no one else who put an end to the myth of Dr. Navarre, but Lygio, an outlaw who came out of prison a few years later.

After sitting down in prison for a few years, the outlaw Liggio realized the truth that in Dr. Navarre, he was nothing more than a murderous tool, and Dr. Navarre never gave him what he deserved, including respect.

Because of this, after his release from prison, Liggio assumed a posture of competing with Dr. Navarre, and eventually, the elite careerists were killed by the outlaws.

Mafia Godfather: The old and new factions of the mafia are on fire, the elite kills the old predecessors, and the mob kills the elite

It was a night in October 1960 when Dr. Navarre and his five bodyguards, in two Rolls-Royce sedans, emerged from an office of the Rural Mutual Medical Foundation, and at a sharp bend 13 kilometers from the town of Colleoni, a large truck suddenly appeared and blocked their way.

Before they could understand it, the truck exploded, and the Rolls-Royce that was walking in front of them was instantly taken to the sky by a company of people, and Dr. Navarra, who was sitting in the Rolls-Royce in the back, did not die on the spot, but just as he was struggling to get out of the car, two motorcycle gunmen were already in front of him.

Two submachine guns fired at the same time, and Dr. Navarre was eventually beaten into a honeycomb.

It is reasonable to say that after destroying such a big figure as the new mafia, Lijo should have a lot of future in the mafia, but the result was not so, and until his death he did not even receive the honorary title of "Tang" of the Sicilian mafia -

All this can only show that in the era of bloody fire, shrewdness is not enough to make a person a tyrant, and brutality is also not enough. The order is gone, and the careerists are concerned with how to encroach on others and how to expand their own territory; but the true tyrants are concerned with where the commanding heights of the times are. Where is the hope of the world in the darkness?

Only in this way can the various beasts of prey in the jungle become the same believers under the order.

Therefore, the third generation of godfathers who are about to appear are the ones who really have the wisdom of fighting, and the word "godfather" is bound to be interpreted by him more vividly.

This man was Rafaele Kutolo.


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