
The beauty of reading

author:Porridge meow

These days, he has been chasing "Flowing Golden Years" and likes Chen Daoming, who plays Ye Jinyan and wants to give up the commercial plot of land to realize his personal dream - the community library plan, because in his heart, "the library is a god-like existence." Borges also said: "I have been secretly imagining that heaven should look like a library." ”

The beauty of reading

When I think of the library, I can't help but think of the one I often visit. The small gray building is located in a corner of the city, hidden in the shade of greenery, slightly old and deserted. Every two weeks, return the books you have read and continue to borrow new ones. When choosing a book, the eyes quickly browse through the books, not sure which one to want, the fingertips touch slightly, feeling both contradictory and sweet. Feng Tang's novels have been reading recently, and I need to change my mind, and Wu Sumei and Tianyuan's travelogues have been carefully read, which is an encounter that I can't have at present. Liao Yimei's script, Chi Zijian's novel, Cao Wenxuan's literary review, Matsumoto Kiyoharu's reasoning, and many, many, unheard of book titles, unknown authors, they all stood in a row silently looking at me, waiting for me to make a decision.

The beauty of reading

Books borrowed from the library always had a special smell, spreading among the slightly yellowed, cornered and wrinkled pages. Sometimes, there are creases left by the previous borrower, and sometimes, a small bookmark is sandwiched between them. I can't help but wonder what kind of person lights up the orange light at night to accompany this book, what kind of mood, what kind of encounter, what kind of spiritual touch this book has given her (him), has she ever felt that this book has an indescribable good, or, like me, read until sleepy and thrown to sleep by the pillow?

The beauty of reading

When there were not enough books in the collection, I also went to a large library to occupy a comfortable and quiet corner where I spent a long afternoon. Under the clear glass window, the peaceful air is overflowing with sunlight, the fragrance of paper and ink, holding his beloved book, quietly reading. To this day, I still adhere to the reading habits of my girlhood, copying at any time, writing down some good sentences or my own little insights. The scholar Zhao Xinshan once compared his feeling of reading the original German book in the library of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music to the carnival of the soul, the spring in autumn, and the golden dream-like bubbles that often bubble up in the deep wells of memory. When I was in the library, I always remembered my student days, the only library in the school, and I met my friends every Friday at noon. In the reading room, two short-haired girls sat side by side. Neither of them spoke, but heard the sound of the pages turning, accompanied by the sound of cicadas in the summer or raindrops falling from the eaves. That kind of situation is very beautiful now.

The beauty of reading

Because of the intimacy with books, I learned, "Only books are colored and beautiful than Xizi; only literature is gorgeous, and it is beautiful in Baihui." "Reading makes people humble, like love, full of unexpected gains, sudden surprises, unexpected joy and understanding of the beauty of the heart. As a child, it seemed that only books were my closest friends. Compared to libraries and traditional bookstores, I am more attracted to concept bookstores such as Maokong and Eslite Bookstore. It's a bookstore, it's also a grocery store, more like a café. Don't book waist, don't over-market, don't want celebrity recommendations, just pick a seat, grab a favorite book, and enjoy an afternoon. Open in Shanghai Huangpu Riverside "Jiantou Bookstore", is also recommended by friends, there are indeed a lot of Wenqing like art, film, design books, layout display is also quite exquisite, can be in front of the small table by the window regardless of the fact that after reading a book is really a big luxury, when you go can't help but write on the message postcard in the corner of the second floor: I want to work here.

The beauty of reading
The beauty of reading

Nowadays, there are fewer and fewer traditional physical bookstores, and the reading habits of electronic networks have slowly swallowed up people's habits of reading and reading words in the past. Coupled with the impact of many online bookstores, a few years ago, Shanghai South Shaanxi Road Monsoon Book Park was overwhelmed by the soaring rent of the store, and it was necessary to sell more than 600 books a day to protect the book, almost closed, and Douban also launched a "defense monsoon" campaign. I don't know who said this sentence: "In this era, a good bookstore should survive with unprecedented geographical integrity." No matter how good the e-reader is, it can be held coldly in the hand, and it always feels that it lacks a human touch; even if the online bookstore sells books 24 hours a day, with ultra-low discounts and home delivery, it cannot replace the "study-style" experience that I want to make the mind quiet in an instant: lights, green plants, a variety of bookshelves, like-minded book lovers, the ink fragrance between the lines and the heavy texture of the books... Downing Bookstore's "Manual for The Use of the New Cultural Life Bookstore" wrote: Find a book and read it to know whether it is good or not. Find a seat and get a little more sunlight closer to the big glass window. The music is light and the text is profoundly the best. Quiet, private, engaged reading, accompanied by Italian cuisine, leisurely laze for an afternoon tea just in time. By the way, bring toys for children and fun little things for your family, and you're all right.

The beauty of reading

And the best part is to take a book on a trip. It can be a travel guide or it can be unrelated to the destination. Yataro Matsuura believes that the pleasure of travel is the "dazzling place" in the journey of knowing nothing, and those "lights" must be picked up and collected one by one. Well, the books on the trip are also one of these lights, and it fills me with all kinds of spiritual reverie about strange places, body and soul on the road at the same time.

The beauty of reading