
The 50 classic quotes of "The Old Man and the Sea" are enough for you to chew for a lifetime!

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About the Author

The 50 classic quotes of "The Old Man and the Sea" are enough for you to chew for a lifetime!

Ernest Miller Hemingway (July 21, 1899 – July 2, 1961), American writer and journalist, is considered one of the most famous novelists of the 20th century. Born in the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois, Oak Parker committed suicide in his later years at his home in Ketchum, Idaho. Hemingway's feelings in his life are complex, he has been married four times, and is a representative of the "lost generation" writers in the United States, and his works show confusion and wandering about life, the world and society.

Hemingway won many awards during his lifetime. He was awarded the Silver Medal of Bravery during World War I; In 1953, he won the Pulitzer Prize for his book The Old Man and the Sea; In 1954, The Old Man and the Sea won Hemingway the Nobel Prize in Literature. In 2001, Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises" and "Farewell, Weapons" were listed by the American Modern Library as one of the "100 Best English Novels of the Mid-20th Century."

Hemingway has always been known as a tough man in the literary world, and he is a spiritual monument of the American nation. Hemingway's works marked the formation of his unique creative style, which occupies an important position in the history of American literature and even in the history of world literature.


A man can be destroyed, but not defeated.


Now is not the time to think about what is missing, but to think about what you can do with what you have.


Despair is a sin.


Every day is a new day. Luck is certainly good, but I'd rather do it. That way, when luck comes, you're ready.


Waiting is also a kind of belief

The love of the sea is too deep, the time is too shallow

The autumn night withers in the leaves, and the yellowed world fades away with the wind little by little


But none of these scars are new. They are as old as eroded places in the desert where there are no fish to fight. Everything in his body seemed ancient, except for those eyes, which were as blue as the sea, pleasant and unwilling to admit defeat.


But then again, nothing is easy.


In a sense, everything is killing each other. Fishing is my life, but it also feeds me.


Everything kills something else, just in a different way.


He was convinced that he could defeat anyone he wanted to


You kill it for self-esteem because you're a fisherman. You love it when it's alive, and you still love it when it's dead. If you love it, it is not a sin to kill it. Maybe it's a bigger sin?


There is no defeat, only death!


One can accept the fact of destruction, but one cannot accept the fact of defeat.


Borrowing money is the beginning of begging.


"Not bad," he said, "pain is not the same thing for a man. ”


He was an old man fishing alone in a small boat in the Gulf Stream, and had been gone for eighty-four days, and not a single fish had been caught.


"You're my alarm clock," the kid said. "Age is my alarm clock," said the old man.


I know you didn't leave me out of certainty.


I don't understand, and I don't believe there's really any sin. Maybe killing fish is a sin, I think so.

Even if I kill fish to make ends meet, to feed others to taste the seafood.

Then, anything can be considered a sin.

After all, everything is killing each other in different ways.


His choice was to stay in the dark deep sea, far away from all the nets, traps and tricks.


He understood that no one at sea was completely alone.


Every day is a new day, and having good luck is better than anything else.


This fish is more unpalatable than tuna, but then again, it's not easy to do anything.


Everything in him was old, only one pair of eyes was still as blue as the sea, always so pleasant, never depressed.


How much effort a person can make and how far he can persevere.


Man is not much wiser than birds and beasts,

But I'd rather incarnate as the being hiding at the bottom of the sea.


Luck comes in many different ways when it comes up, and who can recognize it?


I am not afraid of the sun setting, and I don't feel the blackness in front of my eyes when I look straight at it.

In fact, the sunset is equally intense, but the morning light is too dazzling.


Whenever he is single, he can't help but talk to himself.


It's always particularly cold before dawn.


Every time it was a new beginning, and every time he did, he would never think about the great achievements of the past.


Things that go too well and are too good always don't last long.


You don't have to think about him for something you don't have to think about, now is not the time. Or think about what you have and how to put them to good use.


"It's not bad," he said, "pain is nothing to a man."


Be calm, be strong, old man!


"I don't know why, but the elderly people wake up very early, probably because they want to have a little more time."


He thought. I never knew it was so comfortable. But what beat you? He thought again.

"Nothing," he said, raising his voice, "I've gone too far." ”


The iceberg movement is majestic because he is only one-eighth above the water.


Most people are very cold to turtles, and after a turtle is dissected, its heart beats for several hours, but people don't think so.


He thought, but I must think. Because all I have left is to think about it.


He felt that he might be dead. He put his hands together and touched the palms of his hands. They are not dead, and as long as he opens and closes his hands, he can feel the pain of life. He rested his back against the stern, and he knew he wasn't dead. His shoulder told him.


Now is not the time to think about what you didn't bring. Think about what you can do with what you already have.


Elderly people are especially afraid of loneliness, he thought, but there is always a time when the fishing person is alone.


"Thank you," said the old man. He was simple in heart, not trying to figure out when he had reached such a humble point. But he knew that he had reached this point at this point, and he knew that it was not humiliating, so it did not affect his true self-esteem.


If you truly love it and respect it, then it is not a sin to kill it. Or is it a greater sin?


But, just because I'm not crazy, I don't care. Rich people have radios on the boat to talk to them and report on baseball games


The wind is always our friend, he thought. Then he added: But only sometimes. And the sea, where there are our friends and our enemies. The bed, he thought again. The bed was my friend. It was the bed, he thought. The bed would be nothing nothing out of the ordinary. After eating a defeat, it is very comfortable to go to bed.


If a typhoon is coming, if you're at sea, you could see the signs a few days ago. People on the shore can't see because they don't know how to observe.


He couldn't remember when he started talking to himself alone


"I was a sailor at your age, and I followed a sailing ship to Africa. At that time, you can often see lions resting on the beach in the evening. ”

The 50 classic quotes of "The Old Man and the Sea" are enough for you to chew for a lifetime!

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