
Incredible Delox Gourmet Video Tutorial (9) – Spice Cream Chicken Stew

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Incredible Delox Gourmet Video Tutorial (9) – Spice Cream Chicken Stew

Spice cream chicken stew is a typical Western cuisine, crispy chicken is wrapped in cream, bite down all the milk aroma, meat aroma is spread in the mouth, simply can not enjoy it more ~ today Drouss Chef emily brought you this delicious recipe ~ ~

by KuNiu Lele 【Douguo Food Official Certified Master】

Deluth cream 150g

Chicken thigh meat 200g

Mushrooms 30g

Potatoes 30g

Carrots 30g

Green beans 30g

Onion 30g

Thyme 10g

White wine 10g

Salt, black pepper 10g

Incredible Delox Gourmet Video Tutorial (9) – Spice Cream Chicken Stew

1: Marinate the chicken thighs and add some salt and black pepper

Incredible Delox Gourmet Video Tutorial (9) – Spice Cream Chicken Stew

2: Pour a little white wine and marinate together

Incredible Delox Gourmet Video Tutorial (9) – Spice Cream Chicken Stew

3: Cut the vegetables into cubes

Incredible Delox Gourmet Video Tutorial (9) – Spice Cream Chicken Stew

4: Put the cut vegetables in boiling water, cook until semi-cooked, and then remove and set aside

Incredible Delox Gourmet Video Tutorial (9) – Spice Cream Chicken Stew

5: Pour oil into the pot, sauté the marinated chicken in the pot, and add some thyme, sauté it after sautéing

Incredible Delox Gourmet Video Tutorial (9) – Spice Cream Chicken Stew

6: Sauté the onion in a pan and add the delox cream

Incredible Delox Gourmet Video Tutorial (9) – Spice Cream Chicken Stew

7: Add the sautéed chicken and cooked vegetables together and cook for 20 minutes until thick

Incredible Delox Gourmet Video Tutorial (9) – Spice Cream Chicken Stew

8: Finally, add a little salt to taste

Incredible Delox Gourmet Video Tutorial (9) – Spice Cream Chicken Stew

9, delicious spice cream stew chicken is ready


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