
Oh, my God! What is a white float in the air? It wasn't that willow was actually an insect

author:Zhongwu Net

In the past two days, citizens walking on Longcheng Street will often find a white flocculent object floating in the air? Many citizens are worried that this white object may be harmful to the human body, so what is this flocculent object?

On the afternoon of the 12th, the reporter saw in the street that there were many such white flocculents floating in the air, which were very small and light, and there were more in the shade without sunlight, and it looked more obvious. Cars parked on the side of the road have a white layer on them.

Among the weeping willows in Hongmei Park, there are indeed such white flocculents flying in the sky, but the willows generally last from around the time of the Qingming Dynasty until late April.

Citizen Zhang Jie felt: "Like that kind of small mosquito, and then flying around, I feel that this is not a willow, it should be a kind of bug, it flies to that corner, it is free to fly, unlike that kind of wind that floats down, the wind blows down." ”

So what exactly is this flocculent floater? We consulted Xu Sheng, an animal expert at Hongmei Park. "The little bug floating in the air, it's not willow, it's a small insect called elm four-veined aphid. It was small, only 2.5 mm, and was wrapped in a cotton-like cotton wool on the outside. This period of time may be suitable for its reproduction, just in the stage of migration, it is from the original host elm tree, on its tree to other plants, flying in the air. ”

Xu Sheng introduced that the Elm four-veined cotton aphid is not a beneficial insect, but it is not a pest, it has "natural enemies" in nature, such as ladybirds and aphid-eating flies, etc., considering that it is harmless, generally will not use pesticides to control. Doctors also said that even if the Yusi veined aphid flies to a person, touching the skin will not cause adverse reactions in the human body, and the public does not need to worry. "Willow silk is prone to allergies to the human body, like pollen, it belongs to the plant class, but it (elm four-veined cotton aphid) the entire insect body, there is no impact on our human body, whether it falls on the body, or inhaled will not cause allergies." It doesn't matter, some of us have chronic rhinitis, or a little itchy body, and it has nothing to do with this thing. ”

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