
Fighting day and night on the front line, Zhejiang built the "Guardian Alliance"

author:Xinhuanet client

Xinhua News Agency, Hangzhou, January 25 Title: Fighting day and night on the front line, Zhejiang has built a "Guardian Alliance"

Xinhua News Agency reporter Yu Yun

"We don't have superpowers, we don't have cool armor, but we're still fighting, we're sticking. As a member of the Guardians Alliance, I would. Chinese New Year's Eve 2020, Zhejiang doctor Bai Rubing wrote this paragraph in the circle of friends.

Since the discovery of suspected cases of pneumonia infected by the new coronavirus, nearly 500,000 health system personnel in Zhejiang have been fighting on the front line of the fight against the disease day and night.

Do your duty and set out again for love

"Dear hospital leaders: The current prevention and control situation is grim, and I urgently need professional support such as breathing, as a party member 'veteran' with experience in the front-line treatment of SARS wards, I have an unshirkable responsibility! I hereby request to join wuhan or other places where it is most needed to perform the most difficult work..."

On the 23rd, Chen Shuifang, secretary of the party branch and chief physician of the Department of Respiratory Medicine of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine, sent back a "letter of request" from Qinghai, "Although I am still assisting Qingqing, the performance of duties has been properly arranged and can be taken into account." ”

Zheng Xia, deputy chief physician of the Comprehensive Care Unit of the First Hospital of Zhejiang University, received the task of supporting Wuhan and quickly packed up the change of clothes and computer materials and set off overnight. "Girl, protect yourself in Wuhan, don't worry about us, Happy New Year!" After saving the text messages sent by her family, Zheng Xia said that she was mentally prepared for a long-term "battle" in Wuhan.

"Head Nurse, I signed up for the front line." On the 21st, Kong Linhua, a nurse in charge of the pediatric department of The Nanxun District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Huzhou City, who had completed 9 consecutive days of work, just arrived home and dialed the phone of Lu Peiying, the head nurse of the pediatric department. Kong Linhua, 40, was directly involved in the fight against SARS. If 17 years ago, she was "a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers", then this time she is "starting again for love". "I have experience, have been exposed to such patients, and am familiar with the procedures and requirements related to the work of the isolation ward."

Kong Linhua said: "We each perform our duties and do what we should do. ”

Say sorry and put on a white suit

"Mom, tell you something." "Aren't you coming back?" "Always guess what people are going to say."

Mu Xinli, a young physician in the Department of Infectious Diseases at Run Run Shaw Hospital affiliated with Zhejiang University School of Medicine, said that after receiving the hospital's notice, she returned the ticket and apologized to her mother.

On January 23, the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government held an emergency meeting to launch a first-level response to a major public health emergency. Countless medical personnel put on white suits and built a safe line of defense.

"Before I flew, I returned the ticket, and I could only say sorry to my father-in-law and mother-in-law" "Since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety are difficult to complete, thank you for your family's tolerance and understanding"... The only words in the medical circle of friends are the heart of a fist and a child.

Zhan Luohui, a young nurse from the Infection Department of the First People's Hospital of Hangzhou, temporarily ran to the "quick cut" shop of the supermarket downstairs and cut her hair for 10 minutes in order to facilitate the wearing of isolation clothes. "It must be ugly, right?" she asked. "Good looking, really good looking!" Colleagues said.

The Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine (hereinafter referred to as "Zhejiang University Second Hospital") was the first batch of 200 medical backbones to support fever diagnosis and build a talent "reservoir". Most of these 200 people are post-80s and post-90s.

"The battle has begun, the post-80s and post-90s generations, this time we will guard the homeland." Under the "appeal post" of the official micro of the Second Hospital of Zhejiang University, many young doctors wrote their youth declarations.

Unity of purpose, strengthening the "Guardian Alliance"

Zhang Yanliang, deputy head of the Zhejiang Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention's pneumonia inspection and testing expert group for novel coronavirus infection, has taken less than 4 hours of rest every day for a week. For the case samples sent from all over the world, the organization team is on call for 24 hours.

"Dear residents and friends, the risk of pneumonia transmission of the new coronavirus infection has increased, and it is urgent to prevent it. If you have any questions, you can call the 24-hour hotline of the Zhejiang Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention..." On the 24th, the Zhejiang Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention wrote a letter to the residents of the province, greetings to everyone for a good New Year, and once again issued a mobilization for joint prevention and control and group prevention and group control.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Zhejiang Provincial Health Commission, since the 23rd, Zhejiang has further increased its prevention and control efforts, increased the investigation of personnel from epidemic areas in Zhejiang, and comprehensively formed a pattern of epidemic monitoring and prevention and control that integrates "city-district-town (street)-village (community)".

"In addition to sending expert teams to various prefectures, cities and townships, we will also spread prevention and control technology to the grass-roots level through Internet hospitals, remote diagnosis and treatment and other means." New antiviral drugs and diagnostic reagents are also under intensive development. Qiu Yunqing, executive vice president of the First Hospital of Zhejiang University, said.

Wuzhen Internet Hospital issued a call through the platform, and at present, more than 1,500 respiratory, infectious disease and internal medicine expert volunteers mainly in the top three hospitals have provided consultation services for users across the country online.

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